1. My passions for him exceeded all bounds,
And my tears flowed until they stopped.
١. زادت شجوني فيه عن حدِّ السرف
وجرى عليه مدمعي حتى وقف
2. He was aloof, though compliant,
As if vexed by excessive composure.
٢. متمنّع تلقاه في حال الرِّضا
وكأنه غضبان من فرطِ الصلف
3. He grew accustomed to avoidance and shyness,
Else he'd have sought accord, which he never knew.
٣. ألف الصدود تجنُّباً وتحجُّباً
فلو أنه رام التواصل ما عرف
4. My misery is that his disdain and my yearning
Will end neither this nor that way.
٤. ومن الشقا أنَّ الجفا وتشوُّقي
لا ينتهي هذا وذاك إلى طرف
5. The branch of his figure never strayed
From my thoughts, not for a day. Nor did his dinar or paradise depart.
٥. ما مال غصن قوامهِ عن فكرتي
يوماً ولا دينار وجنتهِ انْصرف