
When my journey took me far from your outstretched hand

حيت سفرتي من نداك المديد

1. When my journey took me far from your outstretched hand
And the post horses carried me further away

١. حيت سفرتي من نداك المديد
وخيل البريد منى المستزيد

2. Oh house of the courier, whose door
Opens onto Damascus, the door of the post

٢. فيا لك خانية بابها
إلى الشامِ يفضي لباب البريد

3. My sons say, if our master would grant
Blood to these slaves

٣. يقول بنيّ إذا ما منحت
أسيدَنا دُمْ لهذي العبيد

4. In the absence of our father, oh if only
He had a loving one absent from his child

٤. بوالدِنا غيبة يا له
حبيباً لهم غائباً عن وليد

5. His children and daughters long for him
As does the lady of the house, home of poetry

٥. ويشتاقُ أبناؤه والبنات
وصاحبة البيت بيت القصيد

6. Her home is far, and his mind is far
As the home of verse has gone far from him

٦. نأى بيتها ونأى ذهنه
كما قد نأى عنهُ بيت النشيد

7. Come to the aid of a passionate lover, and come to the aid
Of one accustomed to simple plenty and abundant merit

٧. فغِث وأغث مغرماً وابْقَ ذا
نوالٍ بسيطٍ وفضلٍ مديد