
My beloved, and yearnings relate their tale,

خليلي والأشواق تروي حديثها

1. My beloved, and yearnings relate their tale,
Tears of sorrow from a messenger and a series,

١. خليليّ والأشواق تروي حديثها
دموع الأسى من مرسلٍ ومسلسل

2. About one who settled in the heart and moved on,
Stand and cry from the memory of a beloved and home.

٢. على نازلٍ بالقلب مرتحلٍ به
قفا نبك من ذكرى حبيبٍ ومنزل

3. Or look from his cheek above his mole,
To the best fire near it is the best resort,

٣. وإلا انظرا من خاله فوق خده
إلى خير نارٍ عندها خير مصطل

4. I was devoted to it so my love spoke eloquently, as if
It were the fine traits of the people of Sabka to the observer.

٤. سبكت بها ودّي فصحّ كأنه
سجايا بني السبكيّ للمتأمّل

5. Those are my masters, who they are,
The relief of hope, protection of the supplicant,

٥. أولئك ساداتي الذين همُ همُ
غياث المرجّى عصمة المتوسل

6. For the judge of the judges of the Muslims,
Freshness and a hand like the sparkling lightning.

٦. لقاضي قضاة المسلمين عليّها
ندًى ويدٍ كالبارق المتهلّل

7. A leader for us, from his name and features,
Torrents of sustenance pouring down from above.

٧. إمام لنا من اسمه وسماته
سيول من الأرزاق تنحطّ من عل