
O benefactor, though time has done wrong

يا محسنا إن أساء الزمان وإن

1. O benefactor, though time has done wrong
And though it has torn the youth's state asunder

١. يا محسناً إن أساءَ الزمانُ وإن
مزّق حال الفتى فمر فيه

2. He seeks from your good affection
And praise of you in his heart and mouth

٢. ينشد من ودِّك الجميل ومن
مدحكَ في صدرِهِ وفي فيه

3. Be satisfied with him whose absence from you
Was a sin whose punishment was in it

٣. أرضى لمن غابَ عنكَ غيبتهُ
فذاكَ ذنبٌ عقابه فيه