
The one who shares sorrows and whose cares are evident,

مقسم الخاطر ولهانه

1. The one who shares sorrows and whose cares are evident,
Whose soul speaks of grief, and whose eyelids express his state,

١. مقسّم الخاطر ولهانه
مخبرٌ عن شانهِ شانه

2. With my spirit I would ransom the loved one who began
To draw upon my cheek the line of his countenance.

٢. تكلمت مهجته بالأسى
وعبرت بالحال أجفانه

3. Returning against the sleep of creation, plundering,
Heavy of eyelid and tooth.

٣. بالروحِ أفدِي أغيداً قد بدا
يخطُّ فوق الخدِّ ريحانه

4. He protects the garden of the meadow in his cheek
And veils its pools with his chin hair.

٤. عادٍ على نوم الورى ناهبٌ
وهو ثقيل الجفن وسنانه

5. Alas for the cheek that told of a paradise
While its stubble betrayed hell in its blackness!

٥. يحمي شقيق الروض في خدِّه
وبالقنا يحجب نعمانه

6. He has become a refuge from my playfulness, and still
His allurements wound my enamored heart.

٦. واهاً له خدًّا حكى جنةً
وخاله الأسود جنَّانه

7. O you who promised from afar to return,
Your separation is enough of promises!

٧. أضحى معاذاً من سلوّي فما
يزال يضني القلبَ فتَّانه

8. My inner gardens bear fruit while he
Has plucked the fruit of seeing you.

٨. يا واعداً من بُعدِه بالردى
يكفي من الواعد هجرانه

9. Do not blame your eye that does not see him,
Nor your ear that does not hear his moan.

٩. تجني بساتين البرايا وقد
جنى على رآئيك بستانه

10. He is ignorant in his blame, so leave him
To freely loose his rebuke.

١٠. وعاذل مقلته لا ترى
والصبّ لا تسمع آذانه

Why conceal from the heart its clarity?

١١. يجهل جهل الثور في عذله
فخلّه يطلقُ فدَّانه

12. For its fires have been extinguished.
My heart, you have turned away, but hiding

١٢. ما أكتم القلب لتبريحه
وقد توارت منه نيرانه

13. Will not protect you from the fire.
If my sorrow flows from her pleasure,

١٣. قلبت يا قلبي زنداً فما
يضره للنارِ كتمانه

14. Then so too do my heart′s joys flow from my sorrow.
And I have settled neighbors in my heart,

١٤. إن كان حزني من رضاها جرى
فمن سرور القلب أحزانه

15. So it left and took its dwellers away.
The enamored one has lost his place among them

١٥. وجيرة في القلب أسكنتهم
فارتحل البيت وسكانه

16. And his means of attaining it.
If the servant of passion calls for tears,

١٦. وأصبح المغرم قد فاته
مكانه منهم وإمكانه

17. At once his tears flow as pearls.
So his heart lodges in Egypt,

١٧. إذا دعَا خادم شجوٍ إلى
دمعٍ جرَى في الحالِ مرجانه

18. While his body rests in the farthest parts of Syria.
The Nile chokes him with tears of grief,

١٨. فقلبه في مصر مستودعٌ
وفي أقاصي الشام جثمانه

19. And memories of him sweeten Aleppo.
Age has whitened the hair of his devotion,

١٩. أغصّه النيل بدمعِ الأسى
ومرَّرتْ ذكراه حلوانه

20. As monastery and devotional practices made him old.
Where the Zephyr gallops its steeds,

٢٠. وشيبت أيدي النوى شعره
وشاقه الدير وشعرانه

21. And its horsemen hunt the Arabs.
From every dewy meadow I have longed for him

٢١. حيث الصّبا تركض أفراسه
وتقنص الآرام فرسانه

22. Before his homelands longed for him.
I have initiated his mention, so strange for one

٢٢. من كلِّ ريمٍ قد تشوّقته
من قبلِ أن تشتاق أوطانه

23. Who begins his building with what comes last!
For the eloquence of one whose mention is beauty,

٢٣. أبداه بالذكرِ فأعجب لمن
يبدأ بالساكنِ بنيانه

24. And whose favor is the loftiness of faith.
I am the prince of poetry in describing him

٢٤. لمنطق من ذكره حسنه
ومن علاء الدِّين إحسانه

25. And praising him―his collected works are proof.
My hands have gained the dew of Beneficence

٢٥. أنا أميرُ الشعر في وصف ذا
ومدح ذا رُتّب ديوانه

26. Grasping his oath and covenant.
Possessor of mystery and righteousness―excellent indeed

٢٦. فازت يدا من بعلي الندى
تعلق يمناه وأيمانه

27. Are his secrets and his proclamations.
The most high climbs to the pinnacle, living by

٢٧. ذو السر والبر فيا حبَّذا
أسراره الطهر وإعلانه

28. His book at the summit like Mount Qaf.
His rank in the horizon outweighs others

٢٨. والمرتقي علياء يعشو إلى
كتابه في الأوج كيوانه

29. Before the scales have even been set.
Glory for religion and worldly life―years

٢٩. ورتبة في الأفقِ قد رجَحت
من قبل أن يرصد ميزانه

30. Whose titles express their contents.
Blessed are those singing his praises with dew,

٣٠. للدين والدنيا عليهِ سناً
يعرب عن فحواه عنوانه

31. And God′s favors and good pleasure are upon them.
Poetry for you is a kingdom you conquer,

٣١. فحبَّذا لمادحيه الندى
وأنعمُ الله ورضوانه

32. While for others it remains their demon.
By his promise of generous mention,

٣٢. الشعر فيك ملك قابل
وقابل في الغير شيطانه

33. Even if, when fulfilled, it is forgotten.
As if the sea is tranquil for him

٣٣. لوعدِه من كرمِ ذكرِه
حتى إذا وفى فنسيانه

34. While these rivers are its tumultuous waves.
As if his words are a garden,

٣٤. كأنَّما البحر له راحة
وهذه الأنهر خلجانه

35. And these collections are its singing birds.
The meadows of dominion have thrived since

٣٥. كأنَّما ألفاظه روضةٌ
وهذه الأطراس غدرانه

36. The branches were shaken by his pens.
People were adorned by his favors,

٣٦. زهت رياض الملك من حين ما
هزَّت من الأقلامِ أغصانه

37. And so their songs returned in praise.
Subtleties of the perfectly proportioned house

٣٧. وطوَّق الخلق بإنعامه
فرجَّعت بالحمدِ ألحانه

38. Whose pillars are the subtleties of hopes.
All who submitted to his patronage,

٣٨. لطائفِ البيت الذي لم يزل
لطائف الآمال أركانه

39. And all who are gifted panegyrists in his praise.
A group who in generosity are its clouds,

٣٩. كلّ امرئٍ سلمانه بالوَلا
وكلّ مهدِي المدح حسَّانه

40. And in the darkness of crisis its meteors.
To the eloquent youth their superiority comes back,

٤٠. من معشرٍ هم في الندى سحبه
وفي ظلام الخطب شهبانه

41. The variety of excellence and its arts.

٤١. إلى فتى الخطَّاب ساميّهم
تفننُ الفضل وأفنانه

42. From a life of spiritual light and sublimity
To the family of demonstrative proof.

٤٢. من عمر نور التقى والعلى
إلى عليّ آل برهانه

43. You who have the two lights―who is the former, and latter:
Are you Ali, or are you Uthman?

٤٣. فأنتَ ذو النورين من ذا وذا
عليّه أم أنتَ عثمانه

44. O you who laid the foundations of the beautiful, well-proportioned House
Upon piety!

٤٤. يا شائد البيت النظيم الذي
على التقى أسَّس بنيانه

45. O you alone in your eloquence, transcendent in it,
Aloft in either state, gliding.

٤٥. يا صاحبَ اللفظ فريداً بهِ
فهو على الحالين سحبانه

46. O you whose sound opinion is piercing,
Made effective by auspicious authority!

٤٦. يا راشق الرأي السديد الذي
أنفذه بالسعدِ سلطانه

47. O you with glorious mirage, flashing brightly,
While the depths of earth sink down!

٤٧. يا ذا اليراع المجتلي بارقاً
وفي فجاج الأرض هتانه

48. The sweet, eloquent gatherings of Revival and Guidance―
His delightful sermon and exhortations.

٤٨. مجانس يحيى العلى والردى
خطابهُ الحلو وخطبانه

49. In your white hand on the day of turmoil
The serpents of terrors coil themselves up.

٤٩. في يدك البيضاء يوم الوغى
يلتقم الأهوال ثعبانه

And in generosity, O Noah of the life of sublimity,

٥٠. وفي الندى يا نوح عمر العلى
يلتهم الأموال طوفانه

51. Its flood destroys all property.
Withered in body yet verdant in righteousness or prosperity―

٥١. كالذَّابل الخطيّ لكنَّه
في البرّ أو في الخصب ريَّانه

52. Wherever he turns, flourishing.
When faced with him on the day of crisis, none

٥٢. ما لبس من لاقاه يوم الوغى
دروعه بل هي أكفانه

53. Donned his coat of mail―only their shrouds!
Had he not opened his eyes disdainfully,

٥٣. لو لم ينبه جفنه كالئاً
ما غمضت للسيفِ أجفانه

54. They would not have closed before the sword.
Had he not freely spoken his eloquence,

٥٤. لو لم يحرر قوله مفصحاً
ما صممت في الروع خرسانه

55. The deaf would not have turned resolutely aside.
Had he not lent his essence to its transcription,

٥٥. لو لم يصغ جوهر إدراجه
ما أزهرت بالمدحِ تيجانه

56. His diadems would not have bloomed with praise.
O you with awesome, boundless majesty,

٥٦. يا صاحب الهيبة أليَّة
حيث الرجا تفهق غدرانه

57. Where hopes wander searching for you!
O you of kindness and gentleness―no

٥٧. يا صاحب الرأفة والعطف لا
نسيم نعمانٍ ولا بانه

58. Breeze of bliss, no open space!
My master, the plea of one brought low

٥٨. يا سيِّدي دعوة ذي حالةٍ
أحالها الدهر وعدوانه

59. Whom time and enmity have seduced:
Loss in Damascus left him penniless after wealth,

٥٩. تفليسه في الشام بعد الغنى
يقضي بأن القلب حرَّانه

60. And bore the wretchedness of separation.
He parted from children, family―but did not

٦٠. فارقَ أولاداً وأهلاً وما
تحمَّلت للبين أظعانه

61. Endure the lamentations of estrangement.
The poor man is far from his homelands,

٦١. ذو الفقر في أوطانه نأيه
وذو الغنى في النأي أوطانه

62. While the rich man′s homelands are far from him.
None but you relieved his destitution,

٦٢. ضاقَ به إلاَّ إليك الفضا
وحثَّه حاشاكَ حرمانه

63. And, God forbid, deprivation hurried him on.
For time has but one color to it,

٦٣. فالدهر لونٌ واحدٌ عنده
طرًّا وعند الناس ألوانه

64. Now ease, now the people′s pains.
May your cup overflow, O most generous one,

٦٤. سقياكَ يا من في يدِي فضلهِ
سيحان داعيه وجيحانه

65. Hastening to answer the caller abased!
Before you lies the recompense you take

٦٥. ودونك الأجر الذي قبله
سريع هذا الفضل عجلانه

66. Quickly―your openhandedness rushes ahead.
This and the sea came with its pearls,

٦٦. هذا وذا البحر أتى درَّه
وجاء للمعدنِ عقيانه