1. I do not abandon love and reproaches of censurers
As long as protecting people is in its preservation
١. لا أترك الحبّ والعذَّال وعَّاظ
ما دام في حفظه للقوم إحفاظ
2. My heart flutters when love stirs it
So leave the one blaming me for being angry about love
٢. يرتاض قلبي إذا ما الحبّ خامرَه
فخلّ عاذله في الحبِّ يغتاظ
3. They told sad poems to my hearing, for I am from
A people who treasure hearing sad poems
٣. رووا الشجون على سمعي فإني من
قوم لحديث الشجو حفَّاظ
4. And look at the glances of whom I love and tell me about
The science of that gazelle or the glances of that one
٤. وانْظر لألحاظ من أهوى وقل لي عن
علم تلك ظباً أم تلك ألحاظ
5. I seek refuge in the cave from contradictory glances
Which I imagine are asleep while they are wakeful
٥. أعيذ بالكهف ألحاظاً مناقضةً
تخالهنَّ رقوداً وهي إيقاظ
6. With a smile smoothly flowing
As if it is the elocution of the shining religion
٦. ومبسماً لبهيِّ الدّرّ متَّسقاً
كأنه لبهاء الدِّين ألفاظ
7. The owner of the house has given generously and proven himself
Until students have crowded around him or are awake
٧. ذو البيت نظماً ومجداً قد سخا وذكا
حتَّى شتا حوله الطلاب أو قاظوا
8. By God what a sublime eulogy you have attributed
It is the essence while the people's poems are worthless
٨. لله ما مدحة علياء قد نسبت
فهي الصَّميم ونظم القوم أوشاظ
9. Keep enemies away whose abundance overflows with them
As if they were enraged in their souls
٩. ودّ العدا منه ما فاض العروض بها
لو أنهم بنفوسِ الغيظ قد فاظوا
10. You have mixed, O sea, your two seas, so that is
Freshwater while it is the elocution of jewels
١٠. مزجت يا بحرُ بحرَيها فذاك وذا
عذب على أنه للدّرّ ألفاظ
11. His house is sanctified, for even Khalil is in it
Fascinated, and the researching prosodist angry
١١. مقدس بيتها حتى الخليل به
جذلان والباحث الوزَّان مغتاظ
12. It said to the course of its poems and it did not wrong
Since you are not a burden, and burdens are vile
١٢. قالت لنظم مجاريها وما ظلمت
ما أنت حمل فإن الحمل نهاظ
13. And mention of Ali increased its glory, so for it
Is firmness along with gentle speech for peers
١٣. وزاد ذكر عليّ مجدها فلها
مع رقَّة القول بالأنداد إغلاظ
14. And it spoke to me with an earnestness that made its hearer
Feel as if the erecting of hearing were inclining
١٤. ونطَّقتني ببكرٍ هامَ سامعها
حتَّى كأنَّ انتصاب السمع إنعاظ
15. I avoided for you the arduous words, so there is not in it
Anything arduous, neither snarling nor scowling
١٥. تجنبت لك حوشيّ الكلام فما
فيها وحوشيت حنياظٌ ولغماظ
16. You continue dictating to me and filling sweetness of every word
With mentioning them, so the tongue of taste is smooth
١٦. لا زلتَ تملي وتملأ الحلو من كلمٍ
بذكرهنَّ لسان الذوق لمَّاظ