
His poetry flows smoothly like a generous steed

ونظم يجاري الناظمين جواده

1. His poetry flows smoothly like a generous steed
When he wishes to toy with the beard of a fool

١. ونظمٌ يجاري الناظمين جوادُه
إذا شاءَ أن يلهو بلحيةِ أحمق

2. He comes from an eloquent Imam, praising him
And for love what remains of me and what's left

٢. أتى من إمام منطقي فيه للثنا
وللحبِّ ما لم يبقَ منِّي وما بقي

3. O Abu Al Fath, had you conquered a sea or its son
You would have taken the place of the flattering sycophant

٣. أبا الفتح لو فاتحت بحراً أو ابنه
لقامَ مقام المجتدِي المتملّق

4. And O you who has intellect and tradition in your mind
To whom the celestial sphere gently yielded

٤. ويا من له في العقلِ والنقلِ خاطر
لعاد له من قال للفلك ارفق

5. Indeed I have strived, striving with every transmitter
Until praise reached you from every logic

٥. لقد جدت حتى جدت في كلّ ناقلٍ
وحتى أتاكَ الحمد من كلّ منطق

6. And you granted me the honor of poetry as a blessing
With which I illuminated between West and East

٦. وقلَّدتني شرفٌ من النظمِ نعمةً
أنرت بها ما بين غرب ومشرق

7. I say to it, when the eyes of an envier distorted
The attributes of the envied, what the envious face and faced

٧. أقول لها إذ صحفت نعت حاسد
بعينيك ما يلقى الحسود وما لقي