1. I swear you are not harmed by what saddens you,
O you who is drowning, even in the tears of eyes.
١. أقسمت ما رزءك مما يهون
يا غارقاً حتى بدمعِ العيون
2. O branch of Noah's ark, it is your duty
Upon you, before the doves of eternity.
٢. وواجب يا فرع نوح الورى
عليك من قبل حمام الوكون
3. Your people are comets of guidance,
Seeking reward for their patience.
٣. وإنما قومك شهب الهدى
في الأجرِ من صبرهم يرغبون
4. Patience, O Ansar's sons, from a planet
That eyelids have stayed up nightlong yearning for it.
٤. صبراً بني الأنصار عن كوكبٍ
قد سهرتْ شوقاً إليه الجفون
5. A branch of knowledge in growing up wellbred
That died of thirst unlike other branches.
٥. وغصن علمٍ في رُبى سؤدد
قد مات بالماءِ خلاف الغصون
6. Yearning for that crescent to which
The clouds split their clothes of darkness.
٦. لهفي على ذاك الهلال الذي
شقت له السحب ثياب الدّجون
7. Yearning for a cheek's golden dinar
Whose youth was cut short by passing away.
٧. لهفي على دينارِ خدٍ له
عاجله الدهر بصرفِ المنون
8. I was angry at the noble ones in my state
Of anger, wrath, and I ranted from passions.
٨. وغيضت على العلياء في حالتي
غيظٍ وغيضٍ وطمت من شجون
9. We belong to Allah - it had to be what
Abu Tammam feared would happen.
٩. إنا إلى الله فقد كانَ ما
خاف أبو تمامها أن يكون
10. That being so, the meeting between us
Is soon to come, so the matter is imminent.
١٠. هذا على أن اللقا بيننا
مقترب الآماد فالأمر دون
11. If absence kept them from coming to us
We'll go to them, being the firstcomers.
١١. إن منع الغياب أن يقدموا
لنا فأنا لهم مقدمون
12. Condolences to our Master and his greetings -
All sorrows, next to it, are slight.
١٢. عزاء مولانا وتسليمه
فكل خطب قد عداه يهون
13. No eyes in the world have been heated
Until they shone and dimmed eyes.
١٣. ما سخنت فيها عيون الورى
حتى تجليت فقرت عيون
14. Your person is not absent from a folk
To the Most High, by the stars they find guidance.
١٤. فلا خبا شخصك عن معشرٍ
إلى العلى بالنجمِ هم يهتدون