
He sipped the exhilarating wine and said "Woe to him who obeys and says it!"

أهوى بمرشفه الشهي وقال ها

1. He sipped the exhilarating wine and said "Woe to him who obeys and says it!"
And the cups tilted the lapels of his robe

١. أهوى بمرشفه الشهيّ وقال ها
ويلاه من رشاءٍ أطاع وقالها

2. With what had happened before tilting them
So I sipped its intoxication from his sips

٢. وأمالت الكاسات معطف قدّه
بقصاص ما قد كانَ قبل أمالها

3. And gathered its accessories from his lapels
And I managed in vigils with him privately

٣. فمصصت من رشفاته معسولها
وضممت من أعطافه عسّالها

4. What I had hoped for in a dream, its imagination
And sometimes I love to sip a cup of wine

٤. وظرفت في اليقظات منه بخلوة
ما كنت آمل في المنام خيالها

5. If it weren't for him, my hand wouldn't have carried it quickly to it
I cooked in the fire of his cheeks in his palm

٥. ولرُبما أهوى بكأس مدامة
لولاه ما حملت يدي جرياً لها

6. So I kissed it and drank its lawful sips
Until when the stars fell and

٦. طبخت بنار خدوده في كفِّه
فقبلتها وشربت منه حلالها

7. The morning breeze extinguished their lamps in the dawn
He turned away, and sorrow crept into my heart

٧. حتَّى إذا هوت النجوم وأطفأت
في الصبح أنفاس النسيم ذبالها

8. If he had willed to return his connection, he would have removed it
And he left with the sun of beauty, if not for guidance

٨. ولى وأسأر في الجوانح حسرة
لو شاء عائد وصله لأزالها

9. I wouldn't have held on to its loyalty, its ropes
And from affliction comes blame, I have secured

٩. ومضى بشمس محاسنٍ لولا الهدى
ما كنت أمسك في الوفاء حبالها

10. The weight of reproach, its words and deeds
Oh if only the land of reproachers would shake

١٠. ومن البليّة عذّلٌ قد ضمنت
ثقل الملام مقالها وفعالها

11. Or if only it hadn't brought out its weights
And the star from the beloved's cup and cheek

١١. يا ليت أرض العاذلين تزلزلت
أو ليتها لا أخرجت أثقالها

12. My mind didn't stray from his love or to it
By my father's shining beauty a star its character

١٢. والنجم من كأس الحبيب وخدِّه
لا زاغ فكري عن هواه ولا لها

13. I asked the stars for its beauty and allure
Of diverse natures except that

١٣. بأبي مضيء الحسن ناءٍ شخصه
سلت الكواكب حسنها وجمالها

14. To my misery, it does not tire of fatigue
If he tasted the state of my passion he wouldn't alarm me

١٤. متلوّن الأخلاق إلا أنها
لشقاوتي ليست تملّ ملالها

15. Leave him be, neither alarming nor suffering its state
It is a passion that does not neighbor patience

١٥. لو ذاق حالة مهجتي ما راعني
دعه يروع ولا يقاسي حالها

16. The scheming enemy does not neighbor his wealth
The King al-Mu'ayyad's hand flowed generosity from one

١٦. هي مهجة ليست يجاور صبرها
كيد المؤيد لا يجاور مالها

17. Whose open palm did not fear diminishing it
Oh reproacher of al-Mu'ayyad the King, graciously

١٧. جادت يدُ الملك المؤيد جودَ من
لم تخشَ بسطة كفّه إقلالها

18. It is a youth that has wearied its reproachers
And traits that extended the right hand of favors

١٨. يا عاذل الملك المؤيد في الندى
هيَ صبوةٌ قد أتعبت عذَّالها

19. That did not accept the clouds to be called its left
Its purity surpassed questioning, and it deepened

١٩. وشمائل مدّت يمين مكارمٍ
لم ترض أن يدعى الغمام شمالها

20. In generosity until preceding hopes
No one among the lofty is like the son of Shad, so leave

٢٠. سبقت سؤال عفاتها وتعمقت
في الجود حتَّى سابقت آمالها

21. Him to strike examples among people
The Ayyubids copied its original manuscript

٢١. ما لابن شادٍ في العلى مثلٌ فدَع
علياه تضرب في الورى أمثالها

22. And he came so it was completed and perfected
A King whom requests stretched up toward

٢٢. رقمت بنو أيوب نسخة أصلها
وأتى فكان تمامها وكمالها

23. Yet with the slightest elongation he attained them
The boons protected his palm

٢٣. ملكٌ تطاولت المطالب نحوه
لكنه بأقلِّ طولٍ طالها

24. Freed verse and scattered its wealth
His innocence took chastity in his time

٢٤. متطابق النعماء صانت كفّه
سرح القريض وشرَّدت أموالها

25. From what it fears and divided its spoils
His boons are in a necklace of its jewelry strands

٢٥. أخذت براءته العفاة بدهره
ممَّا تخاف وقسَّمت أنفالها

26. So if a strand was missing, they became shackles
Oh Lord of bounty and Lord of disdain

٢٦. نعماه في عصب قلائد حليها
فإذا بغت عصبٌ غدت أغلالها

27. Who made its life and killing revival
And issues in knowledge whose matter was ambiguous

٢٧. يا ربَّ مكرمةٍ وربَّ كريهةٍ
أضحى معيد حياتها قتَّالها

28. He solved and solved for the seeker its problems
Whether with the awe of a sword or the sword of awe

٢٨. ومسائلٌ في العلم أشكل أمرها
حلاًّ وحلَّ لطالبٍ أشكالها

29. He decided its matters, its executioner and its contender
Say to the example in poetry describing him

٢٩. بيراع سيفٍ أو بسيف يراعة
فصل الأمور جلادها وجدالها

30. Leave its clouds, its seas, and its mountains
These are examples that fell short of his merit

٣٠. قل للمثل في البسيطة وصفه
دَع سحبها وبحارها وجبالها

31. So seek for those traits their likeness
I awaited your protection, so the gaze of eyes

٣١. هاتيك أمثلة دنت عن قدره
فاطْلب لهاتيك الصفات مثالها

32. Watched the new crescent's nape like a crescent
As for your protection, excellent land of rule

٣٢. لحماك يا ابن المالكين ترقبت
فكَر الرَّجا رقبى العيون هلالها

33. You erected your majesty on the path's staircase
A visitor travels to Mecca and its land

٣٣. أما حماه فنعم دار سيادة
نصبت بمدرجة الطريق جلالها

34. And what an excellent land a visitor travels to
That is the direction for one who seeks its guidance

٣٤. يسعى لمكة وافدٌ ولأرضها
ولنعم أرضاً وافدٌ يسعى لها

35. And your protection the direction for one who seeks its attainment
In every case, around it I am amazed

٣٥. هاتيك قبلة من يروم رشادها
وحماه قبلة من يروم نوالها

36. By God, how delicious then are its states!
I thanked it but do not doubt that I

٣٦. في كلِّ حالٍ حولها ليَ معجبٌ
لله ما أشهى إذاً أحوالها

37. Burdened while it bears burdens
You enriched me beyond any with a pen, so I did not

٣٧. شكرت لهاك فما أشكُّ بأنني
ثقَّلت وهي مطيقة أثقالها

38. Extend a hand except to you, your help, or it
And you sufficed me until I caught up with a tribe

٣٨. أغنيتني عن كلِّ ذي قلمٍ فلم
أفتح يداً لسواك نداك ولا لها

39. Whose young multiplied, so I multiplied its children
I have no means but your purpose, a strategy

٣٩. وكفيتني حتَّى قفوت معاشراً
كثر الندَى فاسْتكثرت أطفالها

40. To deliver and succeed in the world, its weapons
I still seek the warmth of odes

٤٠. أيام مالي غير قصدكَ حيلة
تنجي وتنجح في الورى نصالها

41. That have become protection, its command and its completeness

٤١. لا زلت مقصود الحمى بقصائدٍ
أصبحت عصمة أمرها وثمالها

42. If it weren't for you, composing them wouldn't have crossed my mind
No - by Him who makes you enjoy its most pleasant scents

٤٢. لولاك لم يخطر ببالِي نظمها
لا والذي يلقاك أنعم بالها

43. I asked the dew's narrations, so the world
Fell short of them while you fulfilled its request

٤٣. سألت روايات الندى فتأخرت
عنها الورَى وأجزت أنت سؤالها