
The most radiant of virtues shine upon him,

وأزهر وضاح الصفات عليها

1. The most radiant of virtues shine upon him,
I praise him with praise of which I am the speaker,

١. وأزهر وضَّاح الصفات عليّها
مدحت به المدح الذي أنا قائله

2. They say, from his hands what do you desire?
I have locked away that which pleases one such as me.

٢. يقولون ماذا من أياديه ترتضي
قفلتُ التي ترضى لمثلي نوافله

3. I present my name as a source in his praise,
And he does for the rain what it does for him,

٣. أقدم اسمي مصدراً في مديحه
ويفعل صوب الغيث ما هو فاعله

4. Virtue is only what his gifts intend,
For wellbeing, but the gift of virtue is swifter.

٤. وما البرُّ إلا ما نوته هباته
لعافٍ ولكن أهنأ البرّ عاجله