
The breaths of the fever of Aleppo have greeted

حيت حمى حلب أنفاس غادية

1. The breaths of the fever of Aleppo have greeted
Mingling with the perfume of the meadows a coquette

١. حيّت حمى حلب أنفاس غادية
مشّاءةٍ بنميم الروض غماز

2. How many nights, O my nights, have you been satisfied
With the hasty steps of the specter as a procrastinator

٢. كم ليلةٍ تم يا ليلاي قد قنعت
عني بمسرع خطو الطيف هماز

3. As if your union were wealth in the hand of a young man
Who has nothing in his hands but unripe fruit

٣. كأنّ وصلكِ مالٌ في يمين فتًى
ما ماله في يديه غير مجتاز

4. To the naked I would give charity before being asked
Far be it from a generous steed to be called undutiful

٤. إلى العفاة سبوق قبل مسئلة
حاشا جواد عطاه ذكر مهماز

5. As for the grace of Ibn Yahya it is his making
Secretly and openly as has been said, a confectioner

٥. أما نوال ابن يحيى فهو صنعته
سرًّا وجهرًا كما قد قيل خرازي

6. Welcome to him whose high procession has appeared
For then hands stretched out from him giving overflowing loyalty

٦. أهلاً بمقدمه العالي فحيث بدا
فأضبعٌ منه من نيل الوفا هازي

7. I yearn for my family and children to delight them
With the rhythm of my poetry, a butcher and a baker

٧. أشتاق أهلي وأولادي ليطربهم
من رؤيتي نظم جزار وخباز