
The redness of his cheek augmented my passion

أحمر الخد زاد منه لهيبي

1. The redness of his cheek augmented my passion
If only the roses of his cheeks were my fortune

١. أحمر الخد زاد منه لهيبي
ليت ورد الخدود كان نصيبي

2. O blood of the two cheeks! There is no other like you
For the blood of the cheek is made of the blood of hearts

٢. يا دمَ الوجنتينِ لا حالك ال
له دم الخد من دماء القلوب

3. My tears made every living thing fertile just as generosity
Pours forth from the minister onto every barren place

٣. أخصب الدمع كل حي كما أخ
صب جود الوزير كل جديب

4. The minister who truly deserves pride
Whether far from or near to mankind

٤. الوزير الذي له الفخر حقاً
في بعيدٍ من الورى وقريب

5. Lavish in generosity and praise, the bounties
Of his hands were distributed in every strange land

٥. سابغ الجودِ والثنا قسّمت نع
مى يديه في كل عان غريب

6. It was said no city with widespread fame and virtues
Had the attributes of excellent arrangement

٦. قيل ما بلدة لها في الثنا الشا
ئع وصف محاسن الترتيب

7. With beautiful mention and reward it was said
"This is the city of Ibn Khasib"

٧. فمناها ذكرٌ جميلٌ وأجرٌ
قلت هاتيك منية ابن خصيب