
He travels as the guide pleases, and sets right,

يجور كما شاء الدلال ويعدل

1. He travels as the guide pleases, and sets right,
And toils in it, he who blames and makes excuses,

١. يجور كما شاءَ الدلال ويعدل
ويتعب فيه من يلوم ويعذل

2. It is the sun rising, but I see
That I do not change from the sanctuary,

٢. هو الشمس إشراقاً ولكنني أرى
من الحرمِ إني عنهُ لا أتحوَّل

3. With my soul a spring from his virgins another
Spring raised from his pouring first,

٣. بروحِي ربيع من عذاريه آخر
نماه ربيعٌ من أسيليه أوَّل

4. And a mouth that mocks the lexicographer his correctness
And a face that has from the saliva of beauty a wrap,

٤. وثغر يعير الجوهريّ صحاحه
ووجه له من رائق الحسن مجمل

5. For its charmer viewer an evidence of magic,
At the like of it my tear from the eye is sent,

٥. لناظره الفتَّان بالسحرِ آيةٌ
على مثلها دمعي من العينِ مرسل

6. And from wonder that I equal his stature
I moan and the tear of the eye continues below me,

٦. ومن عجب إني بعادل قدّه
أجنّ ودمع العين دوني المسلسل

7. If I brought my passion the laziness of his eyelids
To your like, O my heart, of patience I am most lazy,

٧. لئن جلبت شجوي كسالى جفونه
لمثلك يا قلبي عن الصبرِ أكسل

8. And if the thinness of body knitted a garment for me
When I took it off, that I be adorned with it,

٨. وإن غزلت لي من ضنا الجسم حلةً
لما حلتُ عن أني بها أتغزَّل

9. Yes, in the eyelids of the Turks for the soul alertness
And for the heart in those straits an entrance,

٩. نعم في جفونِ التركِ للنفسِ صبوةٌ
وللقلب في تلك المضائق مدخل

10. My heart gets wounded sometimes after sometimes
And testifies that I am a lover, so it makes excuses,

١٠. تجرَّح قلبي تارةً بعد تارة
وتشهد أني عاشق فتعدَّل

11. And how much a blamer blamed me, so I left him
To say and my heart in youth gets its fill,

١١. وربَّ عذولٍ لامني فتركته
يقول وقلبي في الصبابة ينهل

12. And if my blamers on beauty were my brethren
I would say to them, my obedience to beauty is more beautiful,

١٢. ولو أن عذَّالي على الحسنِ أخوتي
لقلت لهم طوعِي لدى الحسن أجمل

13. Stand, O sons of my mother, your riding animals
For I incline to a people other than you,

١٣. أقيموا بنو أمي صدور مطيّكم
فإني إلى قومٍ سواكم لأمْيَل

14. To every branch it bent wandering on soft sand
Its hips almost twist,

١٤. إلى كلِّ غصنٍ مال تيهاً على نقا
تكاد به أردافه تتهيَّل

15. And the full moon passed my time shining with its conjunction
So no wonder that after my full moon I am lost,

١٥. وبدر مضى وقتِي مضيئاً بوصله
فلا غَرْوَ أني بعد بدرِي مضلَّل

16. The dust of earth drinks the water of my tears
And between my ribs a burning ember eats away,

١٦. تشرب تربُ الأرض ماءَ مدامعي
وبين ضلوعي جمرة تتأكَّل

17. And I tremble with remembrance until as if
What I ate yesterday of the mention repeats itself to me,

١٧. وأهتزُّ للتذكار حتَّى كأنما
يعاودني من بارحِ الذكرِ أفكل

18. The rain watered my times when living was possible
And servants of my matter with bliss hurry,

١٨. سقى الغيثُ أوقاتي إذا العيش ممكنٌ
وخدَّام أمري بالهنا تتعجَّل

19. My time is well-chosen and my aim successful
And my comfort is aromatic and my full moon rising,

١٩. زمانيَ مختارٌ وقصدِي منجحٌ
وراحيَ ريحانٌ وبدريَ مقبل

20. The night stretched my seeing eye, complaining,
To its kiss from its embrace I move about,

٢٠. مدا الليل فيه ناظري متعلّلٌ
إلى لثمِه من ضمِّه أتنقَّل

21. So I fell in love with that beauty, and it is the night that stretched
With my kiss sealed and my embrace locked,

٢١. فأحبب بذاك الحسن وهو مدا الدجى
بلثميَ مختومٌ وضمِّيَ مقفل

22. To its like the love poem of a composer is gifted
And for the fellow son of a fellow the praise carries,

٢٢. إلى مثله يهدى تغزُّل ناظمٍ
وللصاحب ابن الصاحب المدح يحمل

23. If a composer says a meaning in the son of Ya'qub
Then the meanings with his name are perfected,

٢٣. إذا قالَ معنى في ابن يعقوب ناظمٌ
فإن المعاني باسمه تتكمَّل

24. If he counts the people of knowledge, forbearance and piety
And the works of hands, the son of Ya'qub is first,

٢٤. إذا عدَّ أهل العلم والحلم والتقى
وصنع الأيادِي فابن يعقوب أوَّل

25. If hopes held on to a supporter from him
Then glad tidings, the hopes will not be disappointed,

٢٥. إذا اسْتمسكت منه الأماني بناصرٍ
فبشرى الأماني إنها ليسَ تخذل

26. If he counts the positions of his glory twice over
A position over distinction that does not change,

٢٦. إذا عدَّد المثني مناصب مجده
منصباً على التمييز لا يتبدَّل

27. A confidential confidant before youth is completed
And a sheikh of sheikhs before he is aged,

٢٧. سريّ سراةٍ قبل ما اكْتمل الصبا
وشيخ شيوخ قبل ما يتكهَّل

28. And a judge of judges correct in his perfection
Pious, nothing of him is hidden or distracted in error,

٢٨. وقاضي قضاةٍ معرب بكمالِه
تقىً ليسَ يخفى أو لهىً ليسَ يجهل

29. And sufficient for the sufficient what Ibn Abbad hunts
For him nor the titled judge is superior,

٢٩. وكافي كفاة ما ابن عبَّاد صائد
لديه ولا القاضي الملقَّب أفضل

30. He established in the haven of Damascus a breast for his confidential talk
And his praises in west and east travel,

٣٠. أقامَ بمغنى الشام صدراً لسرِّهِ
وأمداحه في الغرب والشرق ترحل

31. The people call his favors and diction and brilliance,
Yes, so be creative, then choose, then excel,

٣١. تنادِي الورَى نعماه واللفظ والسنا
ألا فاجْتدوا ثمَّ اجْتنوا ثمَّ فاجْتلوا

32. And no shortcoming in him but that he has a companion
Who answers the call of the healthy before he asks,

٣٢. ولا عيبَ فيه غير أنَّ له ندىً
يجيب ندا العافين من قبل يسأل

33. Gifts of his palms and wordings of his books
Upon Yemen what between peoples are sent,

٣٣. مواهب كفَّيه وألفاظ كتبه
على اليمن ما بين الورَى تترسَّل

34. And for steps after study from him benefits
That prefer in their channels and detail,

٣٤. وللدرج بعد الدرس منهُ فوائد
تفضل في أسلاكها وتفصَّل

35. Sciences from the horizons of schools are picked out
And rhymed prose from the collections of notebooks is transmitted,

٣٥. علوم بآفاق المدارس تنتقى
وسجع بأفنان الدواوين تنقل

36. And diction with which to the logician manners,
And grammar with which to the Persian firmness,

٣٦. ونطق به للمنطقيّ تأدبٌ
ونحوٌ به للفارسيّ ترجّل

37. And calligraphy as chained bracelets pleased
And poetry as poured nectar chained,

٣٧. وخط كما راقت سلاسل عسجدٍ
ونظم كما راق الرحيق المسلسل

38. And an opinion on the path of glory and resolve
That hovers over the flower of stars sweetened by bees,

٣٨. ورأي على سمت السعود وهمَّة
تظل على زهر الكواكب عسَّل

39. For the fine young man in religion and life together we gathered
And in the sermon of the two houses aptly prepared,

٣٩. لنعم الفتى ديناً ودنيا بجمعنا
وفي خطبة الدارين نعم المؤهَّل

40. For him God whatever most is true and noble resolve
And successful whatever he does and contemplates,

٤٠. له الله ما أزكى وأشرف همَّة
وأنجح ما يأتي وما يتأمَّل

41. It saw with my time how my humility was
So it faced it until it almost and it humbled collapsed,

٤١. دَرَى مع دهري كيفَ حال تذلّلي
فلاقاه حتَّى كادَ وهو مذلَّل

42. And it relieved my concerns the complete in righteousness and piety
With favors from the door of increase enter,

٤٢. وجلى همومي جامع البرّ والتقا
بنعماء من بابِ الزيادة تدخل

43. And it is only when its army took the initiative
So they stood ranks for supplication and devoted themselves,

٤٣. وما هو إلاَّ حينَ بادر جيشهم
فقاموا صفوفاً للدعا وتبتَّلوا

44. So I strung them pearls and the meteors a meadow
On the horizon it appeared and the galaxy a stream,

٤٤. فنظمتها زهراء والشهب روضة
على الأفق تجلى والمجرَّة جدول

45. And the darkness of night whose crescent has a covering
Until it appeared at dawn and it is wrapped,

٤٥. وطرق الدجى ذو غرّةٍ من هلاله
إلى أن بدَا بالفجرِ وهو محجَّل

46. So for you two the effort of the loving and live as
You love for a people like it models itself,

٤٦. فدونكما جهد المحبّ وعشْ كما
تحب لإلفٍ مثلها تتمثَّل

47. With my love if only all the limbs
For your praise hearing among people and speaking,

٤٧. بوديَ لو أنَّ الجوارح كلها
لمدحك سمعٌ في الأنام ومِقْوَل