1. The crescent moon adorns the king's horizon with its beauty
And the lion cub is raised in the thickets of Semmar
١. هلالٌ بأفقِالملك تزهى سعودُه
وشبلٌ بغابِ السمر تربى أسودُه
2. The lofty branch sways with the glory of its yield
And its fresh, fragrant bloom exhales perfume
٢. وفرعُ علًى تهتزّ أعطافُ مجده
وينفحُ أبناءَ المحامد عودُه
3. The world competed over him and vied
For his ranks, in his person and his cradle
٣. تباشرتِ الدنيا به وتنافست
مراتبُه في شخصه ومهودُه
4. The secret of the Ayyubid dynasty is that their reign
Preserves its customs and covenants
٤. وسرّ بني أيوبَ أنَّ مقامهم
محافظة عاداته وعهودُه
5. When a king departs, only his person leaves
His son stands in his place afterward, and his grandson
٥. إذا غاب ملكٌ لم يغب غيرُ شخصه
وقامَ ابنهُ من بعده وحفيدُه
6. What a blessed house is yours among houses
Your children follow your ways and those of their ancestors
٦. فيا لك بيتاً في الفخار سعيده
بنوه على حالاته وجدودُه
7. Congratulations to the house of nobility whose pillar
Stands firm, and whose king remains steadfast
٧. هنيئاً لبيت الفضلِ أنَّ عمادَهُ
مقيمٌ وأنَّ الملكَ باقٍ عميدُه
8. When the best successor, King Waleed, erased
People's sorrows - though none now mourn Waleed
٨. وأن وليد الأفضل الملك قد محا
عن الناس حزناً لا ينادى وليدُه
9. In Sha'ban we heard of him, and so ended
For us and foes the sweetness and fuel of his life
٩. سمعنا به في شهر شعبان فانتهت
لنا والعدى حلواؤه ووقودُه
10. Before his cradle, his lamp had nearly risen high
And his banners spread before his swaddling clothes
١٠. يكادُ قبيلَ المهدِ تعلو سروجُه
وتنشرُ من قبلِ القماط بنوده
11. He shook with vigor though his cradle never shook him
As deputations and gifts flocked to him
١١. ويهتزّ للجدوى وما هزّ مهده
به وتناغى بالهبات وفوده
12. The image of his father and ancestor
What a marvelous ancient succeeded by one novel!
١٢. شبيه أبيه في الفخار وجده
فيا لقديمٍ قد تلاه جديدُه
13. May Allah water the dwelling of his ancestor with every downpour
That makes the garden bowers teem and overflow
١٣. سقى الله مثوى جدّه كلَّ مزنةٍ
تضوعُ بها ضوعَ الرياض لحوده
14. And maintain his father as sovereign and supreme
So none can attain his gifts or breach his armies
١٤. وأبقى أباهُ للسيادةَ والعلى
تُنالُ عطاياهُ وتُحمى جنودُه
15. And raise him in munificence and valor to such heights
That he annihilates all rebellion and steel
١٥. وأنشأه في الجود والبأس نشأةً
يبيد بها تبرُ الثرى وحديده
16. For the finest hands, they surely can withstand
The effort of praise however arduous the load
١٦. أما والأيادي الأفضلية إنها
تحمّل جهدَ الحمدِ حتى تؤوده
17. His ascendance ascended like some victorious predecessor
Whose far-reaching excess knows no limit or end
١٧. لقد نهضت علياهُ نهضة ماجدٍ
قصيّ مداهُ فائضات مدُودُه
18. Resplendent, though no flash lights the horizon
Sheltering, though no fertile rain drenches the land
١٨. مضيءٌ وما في الأفق برقٌ نشيمه
مفيءٌ وما في الأرض خصبٌ نرودُه
19. His resolves in supremacy are most valiant
Withstood forever by any resolute foe
١٩. له عزمات في العلى شادَوِّيةٌ
لها أبداً من كلِّ عزمٍ سديدُه
20. No weaker soul can corrode them
Or stronger control them, thanks to his bounty
٢٠. فما همّها إلا ضعيفٌ تسوسه
بفضل نداها أو قويٌّ تسوده
21. His swords and pens apportion
Blessings he grants, and tyrants he destroys
٢١. مقسمةٌ أقلامهُ وسيوفهُ
لنعماءَ يبديها وطاغٍ يبيده
22. Dear to those who seek him, his aura in the prime of youth
This, his formidable manner, his essence, his being
٢٢. عزيزٌ على الساعي مداه وهذه
مهابته عصر الشباب وجوده
23. If it is war, he is slaughterer of the day
If it is counsel, profound is his wisdom
٢٣. إذا كان حربٌ فهو سفَّاحُ يومه
وإن كانَ رأيٌ غامضٌ فرَشيدُه
24. Those who seek swift, flowing verse from him
Are met with ample, bountiful seas from him
٢٤. يرَجّيه من بحر القريض سريعه
فيلقاه من بحرِ النوالِ مدِيدُه
25. Were his fortune equaled by one who resembled him
Then his Companion's and Zayd's stations would equal his own
٢٥. يساويه في حق العلى متشبهٌ
إذا ما تساوى سبطُه ويزيدُه
26. His age is called happy and blessed
For it is clear to us that eras are his servants
٢٦. ويسمى سعيداً دهرُه ومباركاً
فصحَّ لنا أنَّ الدُّهورَ عبيده
27. Drawing to him each joy he desires
Serving him in everything he wants
٢٧. تسوق إليه كلّ سعدٍ يشاؤه
وتخدمه في كلِّ أمرٍ يريده
28. If we approached his threshold one day
Seeking the youth of life, he could restore it
٢٨. فلو أننا في يوم قصد جنابه
سألنا شباب العمر كادَ يعيده
29. If the stars of heaven hid themselves
His being's radiance would suffice for the travelers of night
٢٩. فلو أنَّ أقمارَ السماء تحجبت
لأغنى سراةَ الليل عنها وُجودُه
30. If he did not marshal armies for the fray
His dominion would suffice to drag foes
٣٠. ولو أنه لم يحشدِ الجيشَ للوغى
كفتهُ سطاهُ أن يجرَّ حسودُه
31. Behold! The sultan of glory, Muhammad
Is thanked for his blessed, praised efforts
٣١. ألا إنَّ سلطانَ المعالي محمداً
لمشكورُ سعي المكرماتِ حميدُه
32. Would that the Pillar of Faith could see his progeny
With his great work increased and his numbers multiplied
٣٢. فليتَ عمادَ الدّين يبصرُ نسله
وقد جلّ مسعاهُ وزادَ عديدُه
33. Yet it is but the house of an orderly kingdom
For which its days will be relived because of it
٣٣. وما هو إلاَّ بيتُ ملكٍ منظمٍ
فمن أجلِ ذا أيامه تستعيدُه
34. Is there any soul more pure, people more noble
Empowered against calamities as you are empowered?
٣٤. أأزكى الورَى نفساً وأكرم معشراً
وأمكنهم من سؤدَدٍ تستجيدُه
35. How you have enriched my state beyond all people, and enhanced
The propriety of my words for your uniqueness
٣٥. بكم غنيتْ حالي عن الناس وازدهى
نظامُ كلامي فيكمو وفريده
36. For what are prose but crude pearls
And what is a palace but a finely built home?
٣٦. فما الدّرّ إلاَّ دونَ نظمٍ أنصه
وما القصر إلاَّ دونَ بيتٍ أشيده