1. The rain of good fortune watered the abode of my poetry,
How good is the living when intimacy returns as a visitor!
١. ديارَ شعري سقاكِ السعد ماطرَه
ما أحسن الحيّ عادَ الأنس زائره
2. O you who return with their songs to the horizon,
The stars shone brightly when you returned to its chambers.
٢. يا عائدين بمغناهم إلى أفقٍ
عوْدَ النجوم جلت عن دياجرَه
3. Your lover gathered longings overflowing
His longings in the heart’s core that created them.
٣. محبّكم جامع الأشواق مالئةً
أشواقه في صميم القلب فاطرَه
4. O lord of a slow night after you
In it, the eyelid’s captive remained awake.
٤. يا رُبَّ ليلٍ بطيءِ الصبح بعدكم
قد باتَ فيه صريع الجفن ساهره
5. Sickness weakened him when you were long absent,
A body that refused to age its secrets.
٥. أبلى له السقمُ لمَّا طالَ بعدكم
جسماً أبى العهدُ أن يبلي سرائره
6. Until he returned in joy with the wine of nearness
After the separation that had worried him.
٦. حتَّى غدا بخمارِ القربِ في طربٍ
بعد البعاد الذي قد كان خامره
7. How wonderful a heart fluttering with love for you!
No bird was luckier among lovers in flight.
٧. يا حبَّذا القلب خفَّاقاً بعشقتكم
ما كانَ أيمنَ في العشَّاق طائره
8. No tears were more deserving to flow in remembrance if
Flashes of lightning stirred his thoughts.
٨. ما كان أولى بسبقِ الدَّمع يذكر لو
قد أخطرت لمعاتُ البرق خاطره
9. Live long, minister of piety and righteousness, fulfilled
In reward and remembrance, he began and ended it.
٩. عشْ يا وزير التقى والبرّ محتوياً
في الأجرِ والدكر أولاهُ وآخره
10. And O Solomon, sovereign in his rule
To whom no secret dares to profess equality.
١٠. ويا سليمانَ ملكٍ في سيادته
لا ينبغي لسريٍّ أن يسايره
11. If Damascus were imagined as a person, you would be its companion,
And the collector of Damascus, its overseer.
١١. لو صوَّر الشام شخصاً كنت صاحبه
وجامع الشام وجهاً كنت ناظره
12. You built two palaces, which offered thanks,
Awake, who is this sleeper that no grateful one touched?
١٢. عمرت من ذا وذا صرحين قد شكرا
يقظان من ذا الذي لم يمس شاكره
13. Whoever sees you and the monuments made clear through you
Sees Solomon and beholds his buildings.
١٣. فمن رآكَ وآثاراً ظهرت بها
رأى سليمانَ واسْتجلى عمائره
14. In the Damascus Mosque are glistening pillars
That inspire poetry and initiate its meanings.
١٤. في جامع الشام أركانٌ مصدرةٌ
تملي الثنا واردَ المعنى وصادِرِه
15. Good fortune beheld the pillars of an establisher
Who almost made its stones weep after you.
١٥. سعادة لحظت أركان مستلمٍ
قد كادَ بعدك أن تدمي محاجره
16. In the niches, the practice of piety has a tradition
Its platforms almost swayed in awe.
١٦. وفي المحاريب من نص التقى سيرٌ
كادت ترنح من عجب منابره
17. In its heights, praise of you is a lamp
That ascends above the oil lamps.
١٧. وفي أعاليه سرجٌ من محامدكم
قبل القناديل تستعلي منائره
18. In protecting Damascus and the land, they are one,
A remembrance that reveals the scent of musk in its protector.
١٨. وفي حمى الشام والدُّنيا لواحدها
ذكرٌ يعرّف عرف المسك ذاكره
19. May God and the Sultan, whose pen
Brought goodness, be pleased with it. Ibn Sahl cannot compete with it
١٩. أرضى بها الله والسلطان ذو قلم
بالخير أعيى ابن سهل أن يحابره
20. Where people and government praised
The one praised, his supreme qualities singled him out.
٢٠. حيث الرَّعية والديوان قد مدحا
ممدَّحاً خصَّت العليا مآثره
21. Inhale in the Highest his excellence and generosity Jafar,
And the devotion of his reconstruction and determination its restoration.
٢١. شمْ في العلى فضله والجود جعفره
والنسك عمَّاره والعزم عامره
22. How many doors of victory and doors to relief
You opened, O winner of the race and the one who attained it.
٢٢. كم باب نصرٍ وكم باباً إلى فرجٍ
فتحت يا فائزَ المسعى وظافرَه
23. The elements of our Master were purified
And a favor followed them, so the first thing it purified was his elements.
٢٣. زكت عناصر مولانا وأردفها
فضلٌ فأول ما زكى عناصره
24. Fear of God frightened it, frightening
The lions of wastelands from settling near it.
٢٤. تقوى مخافتها لله خوَّف من
ذكراه أسدَ الفيافي أن تجاوره
25. And an aspiration rode the meteors of stars, so
The horizons cannot equal it.
٢٥. وهمَّة ركبت شهب النجوم فما
يسطاع بهرام أفق أن يسايره
26. Generosity from two concealed and revealed hands
Daring cannot compete with it.
٢٦. وجود كفَّين في سرٍّ وفي علنٍ
لا تجسر المزنُ أيضاً أن تكاثره
27. He averted his gaze from the lowest temptation
And turned his insights to the highest essence.
٢٧. ثنى عن العرضِ الأدنى به بصراً
ثنى إلى الجوهرِ الأعلى بصائره
28. So let praise, the traveler of eulogy for him
Delight him. If asked what I chose from it, I say all of it.
٢٨. فليهنه الذكر سيار المديح له
إن قيلَ ما اخْترتَ منه قلتُ سائره
29. And how much hungry honor says you mended
The inside and outside of an anxious one.
٢٩. والأجر كم جائع عار يقولُ لقد
أصلحتَ باطنَ ملهوفٍ وظاهره
30. And how much good crafts say, is there not
More profitable merchandise among the two types than its merchant?
٣٠. وكم صنائع معروفٍ تقول ألا
ما كانَ أربحَ في الصنفين تاجره
31. So let him be delighted by robes that remain
Good omened through appointment which actualized it.
٣١. فلتهنه خلعٌ دامت مبشرة
بيمنه منصباً أضحى مباشره
32. White and green, as if the brocade by them
Were clouds that watered the garden and made its flowers shine.
٣٢. بيضاً وخضراً كأنَّ الطيلسان بها
غيمٌ سقى الرَّوضَ فاسْتجلى أزاهره
33. The slogan of the minister’s blessings called him
To the blessed homes, so he completed its rituals.
٣٣. شعار نعم وزير قد دعوه إلى
نعم البيوت فوفَّاه شعائره
34. He extended his fingertips, which had blessings,
To which the doubled join their wrists.
٣٤. مدَّ البنان بأقلامٍ لها نعمٌ
لمثلها يعقد المثني خناصره
35. Branches of sustenance with him, or stars of guidance,
So say its flowers, or say its shining stars.
٣٥. أغصان رزق لديه أو نجوم هدًى
فقل أزاهره أو قل زواهره
36. O overflowing sea of generosity and nobility,
If you will, perfect it, or if you will, make it abundant.
٣٦. يا فائض البحر من جودٍ ومن كرمٍ
أن شئت كامله أو شئت وافره
37. O you of skill, when I praised him in eulogy
I prepared for a sea its pearls.
٣٧. يا ذا البراعة من أسعفت مدحته
لقد أعدْت إلى بحرٍ جواهره
38. O you who say to the open country when I praise him
God singled out the praised and the poet.
٣٨. يا من تقول البرايا حين أمدحهُ
قد أفردَ الله ممدوحاً وشاعره
39. Take it quickly from one who illuminated
Its lines with light, and light his thoughts.
٣٩. خذها عجالة منْ نوَّرت في مدحٍ
بالنورِ أسطرَه والنوْر خاطره
40. If I publish his eulogies over my lifetime
I have folded love for him in my conscience.
٤٠. لئن نشرت على دهرِي قصائده
لقد طويت على حبٍّ ضمائره