
I swore to her by the routed adversaries, my tears,

حلفت لها بالعاديات دموعي

1. I swore to her by the routed adversaries, my tears,
And by the conquering fire, that is my ribs,

١. حلفت لها بالعادِيات دموعي
وبالمورِيات النار وهي ضلوعي

2. That if one who blames me is not discerning,
The beauty of her - I am, in truth, not hearing,

٢. لئن كان من قد لامني غير مبصر
محاسنها إني لغيرُ سميع

3. Veiled, giggling through a smile, as though it were
The most sublime of men excelling in rhyme

٣. محجّبةٌ تفترّ عن مبسمٍ كما
ينظّم في أزكى الأنام بديعي

4. Unique is he in highness, knowledge, dreams and piety
So unique is he who has gathered all qualities

٤. فريد العلى والعلم والحلم والتّقى
فيا لفريدٍ حائزٍ لجميع

5. My poetry languishes in the world by praising him
And his generosity to me in the world is no squandering

٥. يضوع قريضي في الورى بامْتداحه
وما جوده لي في الورى بمضيع

6. I compose a simple panegyric, and a perfect one,
On the abundant generosity and alacrity of him

٦. أصوغ بسيطاً في الثناءِ وكاملاً
على وافرٍ من جوده وسريع

7. And there is no fault in his benevolence, except that I
Grew greedy, so today I have no describing contentment

٧. ولا عيب في إحسانه غير أنني
شرهت فما لي اليوم وصف قنوع

8. With a month of springtime I came congratulating
And my every era through him is the month of spring

٨. بشهر ربيعٍ قد أتيتُ مهنئاً
وكلّ زماني منه شهر ربيع

9. So may the devoted eulogizers of his kindness, by his merit,
Remain my rectitude, success, inclining and interceding

٩. فلا زالَ من خدَّام مدحي لفضله
صوابي ونجحي مقبلاً وشفيعي