
The chieftain set up a cup of wine

رب عيش نصبت كأس مدامه

1. The chieftain set up a cup of wine
And adorned a slender branch as its stand

١. ربّ عيشٍ نصبت كأس مدامِهْ
ومليحٍ ضممت غصن قوامِهْ

2. The crescent moon pretends arrogantly
That it has become like the veil on his cheek

٢. تائه أقنع الهلال افتخاراً
أنه قد غدى مثال لثامه

3. An Arab going to the beloved Kannana
His glances are like arrows from his bow

٣. عربيّ إلى كنانة معزا
هُ ولكن لحاظه من سهامه

4. With eyes lost, every insomniac in it
The loss of reason in the letters of his speech

٤. ضائع العين كلّ سهران فيه
ضيعة القاف في حروف كلامه

5. It bubbles in his cup like a flask in it
Serve me so its mouth is like the lip of his cup

٥. هبّ في جامه كخمرةِ فيهِ
وسقاني فوهُ كخمرة جامِه

6. And he left me after the meeting, so O the one who lit
The heart of the lover after his peace

٦. وجفاني بعد اللقاء فيا نا
ر فؤاد المحب بعد سلامه

7. Alas he pours, hiding with his sleeves a tear
While it shone like a flower in his sleeves

٧. ويح صبّ يخفي بكمّيه دمعاً
وهو كالزهر لاح في أكمامه

8. Eyes enchanted him, the enchantment of the son of Muhammed
With the eloquence flowing from his pen

٨. سحرته العيون سحر ابن محمو
د بنفث البيان من أقلامه

9. The president with whom people became needless
Of rain and the rising of clouds

٩. الرئيس الذي به غنيَ النا
س عن الغيث وارتقاء غمامه

10. Be certain that tomorrow they will be guests of Ibrahim
Success is around his abode

١٠. وثقوا أن غدوا ضيوفاً لإبرا
هيمَ أن النجاح حول مقامهْ

11. They did not measure life by its essence but
Gave him good tidings of life with a boy

١١. لم يقيسوا الحيا بجدواه لكن
بشروه من الحيا بغلامهْ

12. The most perfect of both worlds in virtue, so he did not forget
The Lord of creation other than His permanence

١٢. أكمل العالمين فضلاً فما نس
أل ربَّ العباد غير دوامه

13. What free man, had He not granted precedence to his partisans
His own self would have sufficed him in virtue

١٣. أيّ حرّ لو لم تفضّل ذووه
لكفتْه في الفضل نفس عصامهْ

14. And a generous one, had he not made his generosity universal
For the love of his prayers and fasting

١٤. وجوادٍ لو لم يعمّ سخاه
لحبا من صلاته وصيامه

15. And an eloquent one, had the people of meanings stood up
Would have said better than their words even in sleep

١٥. وبليغ لو قام أهل المعاني
قال أسنى من قولهم في منامهْ

16. The outpouring of the clouds in generosity without intending
Praise of wealth nor fear of blame

١٦. فاض فيض الغمام في الجود لا قص
د مديح الغنى ولا خوف ذامّهْ

17. And He protected religion when it was sublime so for Him is virtue
Over every pillar of time and its protector

١٧. وحمى الدين إذ سما فله الفض
ل على كلّ سامِ دهرِ وحامه

18. What people related in history of old
They related to benevolence in his days

١٨. ما روى الناس في التواريخ قدماً
ما روَوْا للسّماح في أيامهْ

19. Consider him the first pick when eloquence
Clarified the face of rhetoric from its ambiguity

١٩. عدّ بالخنصر المقدم إذ أو
ضح وجه البيان من إبهامه

20. And praise saw its incapacity from it but
Feared silence from its sins

٢٠. ودَرى المدح عجزه عنه لكن
خاف عنه الكتمان من آثامه

21. O president we hope through him the morals of time
For we see him from its servants

٢١. يا رئيساً نرجو به أدب الدّه
ر لأنَّا نراه من خُدَّامهْ

22. Congratulations in thousands of fasting and feasts
Felicitous in its approach and departure

٢٢. دم هنيئاً بألف صومٍ وفطرٍ
مسعد في اقتباله وانصرامهْ

23. Whoever becomes pure like your purity in us
Every month will be like his month of fasting

٢٣. من غدا طاهراً كطهرك فينا
كانَ كلّ الشهور شهر صيامهْ

24. Or becomes generous like your generosity in us
Every time will be like the holidays of his year

٢٤. أو غدا جائداً كجودك فينا
كانَ كل الأوقات أعياد عامهْ

25. A free man has won whom you were the goal of his hopes
And a time that became the chest of his sleep

٢٥. فاز حرٌّ أمسيت مغزَى رجاه
وزمان أصبحت صدر منامهْ