
My Master, no weary pilgrim who treks upon the plain

مولاي ما متعب يلوح على الس

1. My Master, no weary pilgrim who treks upon the plain
He died, and the One Who is living crafted the Supreme.

١. مولاي ما متعب يلوح على الس
مت والحيّ صنعة الفائق

2. As if he were a lover stirred by passions for him the lutes
Complained longingly, yet he is no lover.

٢. كأنه عاشق تهيج له الأوت
ار شجواً وليس بالعاشق

3. His tongue is silent much of the time but his heart speaks out.

٣. لسانه صامت على أكثر الأوق
ات لكن قلبه ناطق