
Her cheek’s flush enhanced her beauty’s sheen,

عذار خديه راق مراها

1. Her cheek’s flush enhanced her beauty’s sheen,
So excellent her water and her pasture green.

١. عذار خدّيه راقَ مرآها
فحبَّذا ماؤها ومرْعاها

2. The youth found pleasure in its verdant hue,
For green’s the colour that delights us, as we’ve seen.

٢. أخضر نفس الفتى به ألفتْ
والنفس خضراء قد عرفناها

3. My praise brought forth in her a wealth of grace,
As Massih breathed life into clay, making it keen.

٣. أجني بها الحسن من تفضُّل محي الد
ين أنشى العلا وأحياها

4. This house’s lord is witness without peer
To blessings showered on those who him esteem.

٤. ذو البيت علياه خير شاهدةٍ
أفلح من بالمديحِ زكَّاها

5. His glory’s end resembled its beginning,
A bracelet clasped, resembling its end ring.

٥. آخر أمجاده كأوَّلهم
كحلقةٍ بدؤها كعقباها

6. Thanks be for his endeavor! It revived
The plants of hope, watered from its stream.

٦. شكراً لجدواه إنها سحبٌ
أحيت نبات الرجا بسقياها

7. If we describe the savor of his gifts,
Our praises are the sweetmeats, it’s the cream.

٧. إذا وصفنا مذاق أنعمه
حلّته أمداحنا وحلاَّها