1. Your reverberations, O limpid water, neither my eye nor distance
If there was no escape from either one
١. صدودُكِ يا لمياء عني ولا البعدُ
إذا لم يكنْ من واحدٍ منهما بدّ
2. My spirit has a kindness to the limpid water when it flows
On the branch, so the branch says, "I am not it and the full moon."
٢. بروحيَ من لمياءَ عطفٌ إذا زها
على الغصن قال الغصن ما أنا والقدّ
3. And a neck I found my tear beautiful for its sake
And in the beautiful neck the necklace is found beautiful
٣. وعنقٌ قد استحسنتُ دمعي لأجلها
وفي العُنقِ الحسناء يستحسن العقد
4. No Arab woman except that between her eyelids
Is one who strips away the kohl like India
٤. من العُرب إلا أنَّ بين جفونها
أحدّ شبا مما يجرّده الهند
5. The celibate is disobeyed for her like
Ardor and rapture are obeyed for her like
٥. على مثلها يعصى العذولُ وإنما
يطاعُ على أمثالها الشوق والوجد
6. Dear to the celibate is diverting my eye from her
And for the heart in her dinar and cheek is minted money
٦. عزيزٌ على العذال عني صرفها
وللقلب في دينارِ وجنتها نقد
7. O you celibates, wait, for your foolishness has become clear
And it has increased such that your foolishness has no limit
٧. أعذَّالنا مهلاً فقد بان حمقكم
وقد زاد حتى ما لحمقكُم حد
8. And you said, "Love is ugly to us in a young man"
And who are you that you would have an opinion?
٨. وقلتم قبيحٌ عندنا العشق بالفتى
ومن أنتُم حتى يكون لكم عندُ
9. I yielded my soul to the beauties, so what is it to you?
What is it to me? What is this imposition and effort?
٩. سمحتُ بروحي للحسان فما لكم
وما لي وما هذا التعسف والجهد
10. And a mouth orphaned of pearls surrendered my innermost being
So it destroyed it before steadfastness was affirmed
١٠. وثغرٌ يتيم الدّرّ سلّمَ مهجتي
فأتلفها من قبل ما ثبت الرّشد
11. It is the dearest chill to the fervor of an enamored one
Or the first light or the light of threshing floors or honey
١١. هو البرَد الأشهى لغلة هائمٍ
أو الطلعُ أو نورُ الأقاحي أو الشهد
12. And its draft is the bounty which does not become commonplace
By my solace or the winds or swaying or the breast
١٢. ومرشفه المنّ الذي لا يشو به
سلوّي أو الرَّاحُ الشمولُ أو النهد
13. I entrusted the nights sweetly with its draft
And look, the nights, their promise does not last
١٣. عهدت الليالي حلوةً بارتشافهِ
وهنَّ الليالي لا يدوم لها عهد
14. So neither did the lightning that was in the fever smile
The morning after we parted, nor did the thunder chuckle
١٤. فلا ابتسم البرق الذي كان بالحمى
غداةَ تفرّقنا ولا قهقهه الرَّعد
15. The suns of life turned away from it, so in the heights
Its years wasted away, and in the livers of its lovers was burning
١٥. تولت شموس الحيّ عنه ففي العلى
سناها وفي أكباد عشاقها الوقد
16. And how many slaughterers of resolve on the day they carried
Wells brimming for the noble, Sa'd was fortunate through them
١٦. وكم ذابحٍ للصبِّ يومَ تحملوا
بأخبيةٍ غنى بها للسرى سعد
17. So O heart, make an effort in burning after them
And by my life, this is the effort of one who has no effort
١٧. فيا قلبُ جهداً في التحرق بعدهم
وهذا لعمري جهدُ منْ لا له جهدُ
18. And O tears, burst into copious tears remembering their cheeks
For you are the water of roses, if the roses are gone
١٨. ويا دمعُ فضْ وجداً بذكر خدودهم
فإنكَ ماءُ الوردِ إن ذهب الوَرْد
19. May God protect for an age! I was the knight of his passion
I would go to join the beloved or spend the night
١٩. رعى الله دهراً كنت فارسَ لهوه
أروح إلى وصلِ الأحبةِ أو أغدو
20. My steed the goblets in the arena of revelry
Are a storehouse, unless it is breasts of the bent-over idols
٢٠. جوادي من الكاسات في حلبة الهنا
كميتٌ وإلاّ من صدور المها نهد
21. And on my arm the full moon of beauty is pillowed
And for the wind in his cheek a firebrand was ignited
٢١. وفي عضدي بدر الجمال موسدٌ
وقد قدِحت للرَّاح في خدهِ زندُ
22. And my life secure in the mixed wine which I see
So neither is the wine clear nor is the state clouded
٢٢. وعيشي مأمون الطباق الذي أرى
فلا الشعرُ مبيضٌّ ولا الحال مسودُّ
23. An era has passed with my youth and ended
And in me is a flavor of its turmoil still
٢٣. زمان تولى بالشبيبةِ وانقضى
وفي فيَّ طعمٌ من مجاجته بعدُ
24. It passes away but the taste of youth does not leave me
It wears out but the scent of its coolness does not fade
٢٤. يزولُ وما زالتْ مذاقته الصبى
ويبلى وما تبلى روائحه البُردُ
25. For it forever from me is remembrance and sorrow
And for the best King, poems and a goal
٢٥. له أبداً مني التذكر والأسى
وللأفضل الملكِ القصائدُ والقصدُ
26. With how many of the House of Ayyub we dispensed with mankind
For we did not find praises in them, nor did they find
٢٦. بكم آلَ أيوبٍ غنينا عن الورى
فلم نجدِ الأمداحَ فيهم ولم يجدوا
27. We came to your panegyrics as merchants, but
Our wares were hopes displayed, and praise
٢٧. أتينا لمغناكم تجاراً وإنما
بضائعنا الآمالُ تعرضُ والحمدُ
28. So you invested the market of praise with wares
Hastened for the delegation from those preceded by a delegation
٢٨. فنفَّقتمُ سوق الثنا بضنائع
معجّلة للوفد من سبقها وفدُ
29. And you feathered the wing of the hopeful and graced
Necks with your bounties, so no wonder they sing
٢٩. ورِشتمْ جناح الآملين وطوّقت
رقابٌ بنعماكم فلا غرْوَ أن تشدو
30. The ground of the kingdom of al-Mu'azzam was watered by clouds
Copious during the days of the Sublime One, for him is a time
٣٠. سقى تربةَ الملك المؤيد وابلٌ
وفيٌّ على عهد المعالي له عهد
31. Indeed he was true to us in time with his promise
And the trait of Isma'il is to fulfill a promise
٣١. لقد صدقتنا في الزمانِ وعودُهُ
وشيمةُ إسماعيل أن يصدق الوعد
32. And he succeeded when the King who
Was most righteous in gathering the elevated, his unique person, entrusted us to him
٣٢. وولى وقد أوصى بنا الملك الذي
أبرّ على جمع العلى شخصه الفرد
33. So the House of Ayyub has no equal in mankind to me
And in the House of Ayyub, no one equals him to me
٣٣. فما لبني أيُّوبَ ندٌّ من الورى
وما في بني أيوبَ عندي له ندّ
34. A King whose origin and livelihood are in kingship
And fortune, so excellent is his grandfather, and father, and grandfather
٣٤. مليكٌ له في الملك أصلٌ ومكسبٌ
وحظّ فنعم الجدّ والجدُّ والجدّ
35. Kingship contained him before enclosures and rocked him
Reports of praise before the cradle rocked him
٣٥. حوته العلى قبل الحجورِ وهزَّهُ
حديث الثنا من قبل ما هزَّه المهد
36. And it nurtured him for supremacy before his milk
Milk for it the likes of him curdled cream
٣٦. وغذَّته للعلياء قبلَ لبانهِ
لباناً لها من مثله مخضَ الزُّبدُ
37. So he came just as sovereignty and highness desire
Alone at its doors for mankind gathered
٣٧. فجاءَ كما ترضى السيادةُ والعلى
وحيداً على أبوابه للورى حشدُ
38. May the Lord of servants and his manners guard him
So He made beautiful what is hidden from Him and what appears
٣٨. رعى خلقه ربُّ العبادِ وخُلقه
فحسَّنَ ما يخفى لديه وما يبدو
39. Have you not seen me head towards the Kaaba of his house
For the Hajj of my loyalty, neither distraction nor love?
٣٩. ألم ترني يمَّمتُ كعبة بيتهِ
لحجِّ ولائي لا سُواعٌ ولا ودُّ
40. I clung to a rope from the ropes of Muhammed
I felt safe through it from the assailant of fate that he may transgress
٤٠. علقتُ بحبلٍ من حبالِ محمدٍ
أمنتُ به من طارقِ الدهر أنْ يعدو
41. And I set out as a caravan with praises
Through which gushing springs flow and through which Najd floats
٤١. ويممت مغناه بركب مدائح
يسيل بها غوْرٌ ويطفو بها نجد
42. From the refrain I gained through its plentitude so they proliferated for me
Through it the followers, and origin, and children
٤٢. من اللاءِ أجدى كُثرُها فتكاثرت
لديّ بها الأتباعُ والأصلُ والولدُ
43. And I loved the fertile pasture at his door
So through it my state was comfortable and my life luxurious
٤٣. وأعجبني المرعى الخصيب ببابه
فحالي به الأهنى وعيشي به الرَّغدُ
44. O King, were it not for his existence protecting him
The pasture would not have been salted, nor would the roses have been fresh
٤٤. أيا ملكاً لولا حماهُ وجودُهُ
لما ملح المرعى ولا عذُبَ الوِرْدُ
45. Collected in your heights is every dispersed thing
In description until the opposite reveals its opposite
٤٥. تجمّع في علياك كلّ مفرَّق
من الوصف حتى الضدّ يظهره الضدُّ
46. So your nobility and the Highest, your clemency and just rule
Your decisiveness and benefit, your kingdom and asceticism
٤٦. فقربك والعليا وحلمك والسطا
وحزمك والجدوى وملكك والزهد
47. And from you people gained praise the like of which
The youth sing of, or travelers when pace quickens
٤٧. وعنك استفاد الناسُ مدحاً بمثله
على الشب يشدو أو على الركب إذ يحدو
48. So from me, far away, compose it as an ode
That will remain your servant though behind it a servant
٤٨. فدونكها مني على البعد غادةً
يظل عبيداً وهو من خلفها عبدُ
49. Even if with a critic from you of minted coins
Expected for it cash and dreaded for it cash
٤٩. على أنها تحتك منك بناقدٍ
يرجى له نقدٌ ويخشى له نقد
50. Lofty is its wording like his coats of mail
Tomorrow and fray and peace it commands arranged
٥٠. عريق العلى ألفاظهُ كدُروعهِ
غدا والوغى والسلم يحكمه سرْد
51. May God protect his kingdom from the doubt of events
And may defenders remain around it forever
٥١. حمى الله من ريبِ الحوادثِ ملكهُ
ولا زال للأقدارِ من حوله جند
52. He who provides for the world with his bounty so one does not
Feel anything lost in his days has passed
٥٢. هو الكافل الدنيا بأنعمهِ فما
يحسّ لمفقودٍ بأيامه فقد
53. And if I am late in striving in hopes
Of gifts from his bounty that the cold seeks
٥٣. وإني وإنْ أخرتُ سعياً لأرتجي
عوائد من نعماه تسعى بها البرد
54. When a man does not take his mount to the rain clouds
The rain cloud comes passionately raining heavily
٥٤. إذا المرء لم يشدد إلى الغيث رحله
أتى نحو مغناه حيا الغيث يشتدُّ
55. And I am but a servant, there is no fault in his hopes
Or speculations, nor can it be rejected
٥٥. وما أنا إلا العبدُ ما في رجائه
ولا ظنّهِ عيبٌ ولا يمكنُ الردُّ