1. What care has the thirsty gazelle for his life
After gray hair has marred his youth
١. ما لظبي الحمى إليه التفاته
بعد ما كدَّر المشيبُ حياته
2. Passionate with love, though any doe may shy away
The dark nights weaned his fawn and dam
٢. لهِجٌ بالهوى وإن نفرت أي
دِي الليالي غزالَهُ ومهاته
3. Whenever it was said he forgot about a girl
Love returned so he sought out a new darling
٣. كلَّما قيل قد سلا عن فتاةٍ
عادَهُ الحبّ فاسْتجدّ فتاته
4. No blame to one who disobeyed advice in love
Had he disobeyed anyone else’s prohibitions against me
٤. ما على من عصى النهى فيه رأيٌ
لو عصى في الهوى عليَّ نهاته
5. By my father whose glances have faded
The gazelle tried to compare himself but failed
٥. بأبي فاتر اللحاظِ غرير
رامَ تشبيهه الغزالُ ففاته
6. The swordsman of beauty, if he sings and sways
Unsheathes his sword and shakes his spear
٦. صائل الحسن إنْ رنا وتثنى
سلَّ أسيافه وهزَّ قناته
7. For the eyes of maidens, his cheeks are roses
Long has the night watchman punished their gardens
٧. لعيون الورى بخدَّيه وردٌ
طالما عاقبَ السهادُ جناته
8. Cupbearer of respite, when he met him
We did not lack that meeting and his pouring
٨. ساقيَ الرَّاح بادِّكار لقاه
لا عدِمنا ذاكَ اللقا وسقاته
9. Give me my cup, though I may falter drunk
Do not blame me if I say “give it here”
٩. هاتِ كأسِي وإن لحنت من ال
سكرِ فلا تلحني إذا قلتُ هاته
10. I am a branch, if abandoned by irrigators
I fear my death will come
١٠. أنا فرعٌ من النباتِ إذا ما
هجرَتهُ السقاةُ خافَ مماته
11. The loyalty of the sincere raised me up
And revived the memory of my ancestors, spreading my growth
١١. أنبتته نعمى الصفيّ وأحيت
ذكرَ أسلافه فسرت نباته
12. Blessed is the imam of eloquence and merit
Who propagated remembrance through the land, his callers
١٢. حبَّذا من إمام لفظٍ وفضلٍ
نشرَ الذكر في البلادِ دُعاته
13. A composer complains of al-Walid’s palaces
Where his transmitters recite his verses
١٣. ناظمٌ يشتكي الوليد قصوراً
حيت تتلو رُواته أبياته
14. Of people who, when valor was determined and passionate
Were its pillars and defenders
١٤. من أناسٍ كانُوا إذا عزمَ الده
ر وحامى كفاته وحماته
15. If praise was proclaimed they were its sons
If pride was proclaimed they were its daughters
١٥. إن تعالى الثناءُ كانوا بنيه
أو تعالى الفخار كانوا بناته
16. They demolished and the unique, virtuous one perished
Whether fate extends or misfortunes repeat
١٦. قوَّضوا وابْتدى فريد صفات
طال أو تقرع الخطوبُ صفاته
17. We do not praise time except for its rotation
Or the heavenly spheres except for their circuit
١٧. ما حمدنا للدهرِ إلاَّ دواهُ
ولرقم الطروس إلاَّ دَوَاته
18. The science of poetry traveled seeking a pilgrimage
So the door of its merit became its destination
١٨. سار علم القريض يطلبُ حجًّا
فغدى بابُ فضلهِ ميقاته
19. Sometimes called from Hama, sometimes
He hastens praise to himself, his neighbors
١٩. تارةً من حماة يدعى وطوراً
يستحثُّ الثنا إليه حُداته
20. O benefit of existence, pearls of a sea
Whose sweetness and freshness the taste discerns
٢٠. يا مفيدَ الورى لآلئَ بحرٍ
يعرِفُ الذوقُ عذبه وفراته
21. May the servant reach through your poetry, secret
Of his loved ones, and avoid their harm
٢١. وصل العبد من قريضك برّ
سرّ أحبابه وساءَ عِداته
22. The wine is pure, though for the lover
Its bitterness has often been his spite
٢٢. رائق الكأس غير أن عتاباً
طالما للمحبِّ كان قذاته
23. What fault in the concealer of his prosody
From you, and who can guide rocks to its summit?
٢٣. أيُّ ذنبٍ لساتر نظمه عن
كَ ومن ذا يهدِي لطود حصاته
24. Leave this and enjoy the gate of a just king
Whose fairness and gifts are widespread
٢٤. خلّ هذا وانعَمْ بباب مليك
عمّ بالعدل والنوال عُفاته
25. If we sought his equal from time
We would be like the seeker of gifts
٢٥. لو طلبنا له شبيهاً من الده
ر لكنا كطالبٍ إعنَاته
26. We married Hama, bounty of his hands
So we all came to love our mother-in-law
٢٦. زوجتنا حماة نعمى يديه
فغدى كلنا يحبّ حماته