
O you who left tears for the lover

يا تاركين للمحب أدمعا

1. O you who left tears for the lover
Sorrow has been unleashed upon him

١. يا تاركين للمحب أدمعاً
قد وقع الحزن له إطلاقها

2. The tears that flow from my eyes in succession
Have not violated the pact made by the hands of resolve

٢. والذاريات من دموعي خلفةً
ما نقضت أيدي النوى ميثاقها

3. If leaves were to yearn for you like I do
They would tear themselves apart in sorrow

٣. لو حنّت الورق حنيني نحوكم
لمزقت من أسفٍ أطواقها

4. If I were to convey to the branches
What's in my heart, it would burn their leaves

٤. ولو غدت تملي على الأغصان ما
في كبدي لأحرقت أوراقها