1. I love the charmer with the flirtatious glances,
The gazelle left out of shyness, wandering,
١. أهواه فتان اللواحظ أغيدا
ترك الغزال من الحياءِ مشردا
2. And for his sake the branches bent with the morning breeze,
And the full moon lay awake all night long.
٢. ولأجله الأغصان مالت من صباً
والبدر طول الليل بات مسهدا
3. I swear I did not disobey a band
That calls me to him, nor did I obey a deterrent.
٣. وأغنّ أقسم لا عصيت عصابةً
تدعو إليه ولا أطعت مفندا
4. I am elated with the wine of the youth and his coquetry,
So if he bends or turns away, I become delirious.
٤. نشوان من خمر الصبى ودلالهِ
فإذا تثنى أو تجنى عرْبدا
5. I am one who saw fire on his cheeks
Kindling, so I felt assured of guidance from its sides.
٥. أنا من رأى ناراً على وجناته
تذكو فآنس من جوانبها هدى
6. I am forever inclined to meet him though he is aloof,
And my innermost being yearns for him though he transgresses.
٦. أبداً أميلُ إلى لقاه وإن جفا
وتحنّ أحشائي له وإن اعتدى
7. With a listless glance, he prolonged my branches of love,
Leaving my heart aflame with its fire kindled.
٧. وأطولَ أشجاني بطرفٍ فاترٍ
ترك الفؤادَ بناره متوقّدا
8. The rosy-cheeked one, were it not for his beauty,
Would not have let my tears flow freely in love for him.
٨. ومورّد الوجناتِ لولا حسنه
لم يجرِ دمعي في هواه موَرَّدا
9. His firm waistbands tightened his robes,
So I drew near the letter of softness in him, doubled.
٩. شدَّت مناطقه معاطفَ قدّه
فضممت حرفَ اللين منه مشدَّدا
10. And I have endured from him constant rounds of love
Like the crescent when it begins to wax anew.
١٠. وبليت منه بدور عشقٍ دائمٍ
مثل الهلالِ إذا استسرَّ تجدَّدا
11. My innermost being has sworn it will not abandon sorrow,
As if the fingers of al-Mansur will not abandon dew.
١١. قد أقسمت أحشاي لا تدع الأسى
كأناملِ المنصور لا تدع الندى
12. The most magnificent of creation and most dazzling in appearance,
The most sublime in lineage and most generous in birth.
١٢. أبهى الورى خلقاً وأبهر منظراً
وأجل آلاءً وأكرم موْلدا
13. A king whom the full moon envies when he appears
And melts the heart of rain when he is sought.
١٣. ملك يغار البدر لمّا يجتلى
ويذيب قلب الغيث لما يجتدى
14. In his face there is for the king an auspicious light
By which hopes thrive and find guidance.
١٤. في وجهه للملكِ نورُ سعادةٍ
تعشو له الآمالُ واجدةً هدى
15. A branch that tells of the origins of its root—
How excellent a report with both precedent and beginning!
١٥. فرعٌ يخبر عن مبادي أصله
يا حبَّذا خبرٌ لديه ومبتدا
16. His hands reached out to the glories of his house
So his virtues were grasped by every hand and arm.
١٦. طالت يداه إلى مآثر بيته
فحبت مكارمه بكلّ يدٍ يدا
17. With an ambition in virtue he rules his day,
And you see his judgments more decisive than their morrows.
١٧. ذو همةٍ في الفضل يحكم يومها
ويريك أحكم من فواصلها غدا
18. And a courage that unsheathes polished swords
And complains of the flashing blades to the echo.
١٨. وشجاعةٍ تنضي السيوف صقيلةً
وإلى المعامع ربها يشكو الصدى
19. Meaning gains in his house through him,
As if it were the natal home of poetry.
١٩. يزدادُ معنًى بيته حسناً به
فكأنه بيتُ القريضِ مولدا
20. And he upholds what his father established of sublimity,
Neither falling short of it nor indifferent to it.
٢٠. ويشيم ما سنى أبوه من العلا
لا قاصراً عنه ولا متبلدا
21. Ishmael only erected his house of pride
To summon Muhammad to it.
٢١. ما شادَ إسماعيلُ بيتَ فخاره
إلا ليستدعي إليه محمدا
22. Proceeding upon his path, so when
You see Mansur, you see one given victory.
٢٢. سارٍ على منهاجه فإذا رأت
عيناكَ منصوراً رأيتَ مؤيدا
23. O son of the one who filled existence with gifts,
The horizon with fame, and pages with purpose.
٢٣. يا ابن الذي ملأ الوجود مواهباً
والأفق ذكراً والصحائف سؤددا
24. You have ennobled my poetry by mentioning it
As if each letter were illuminated by a lamp.
٢٤. شرَّفت شعري ذاكراً وأنرته
حتى كأنَّ بكلِّ حرفٍ فرْقدا
25. So I will dedicate a unique gem to the praised one
Whose attainment of his support made my poetry singular.
٢٥. فلأهدينَّ فريدةً لممدّح
أضحى بنيل نداه شعري مفردا
26. It is enough for Ibn Shaddad to be seen by praise
As a servant, and enough for me to see him as a master.
٢٦. حسب ابن شادٍ أن يراني للثنا
عبداً وحسبي أن أراهُ سيدا