
O people of Allah's grace, your house

يا أهل فضل الله إن لبيتكم

1. O people of Allah's grace, your house
Certainly has virtues that praise extols and lauds

١. يا أهلَ فضلِ اللهِ إنَّ لبيتكم
فضلاً يروح له الثناء ويغتدِي

2. This is a shining star in your skies
With intellect flaming above the flaming planet

٢. هذا شهابُ سمائكم متوقِّدٌ
بالذّهنِ فوقَ الكوكبِ المتوقّد

3. His actions, words, and gifts
Are for the excellent, the pure, and the striving

٣. أفعاله ومقاله ونواله
للمجتلي والمجتني والمجتدي

4. O Lord, how many hands has he offered
That praise cannot match in loyalty

٤. للهِ كم لكَ من يدٍ أسديتها
ما للمدائحِ في وفاها من يد

5. He made me speak and lifted me with virtues
Lowered himself before me and silenced the envious

٥. نطقتني ورفعتني بمكارمٍ
خفضت لديَّ وأخرست من حسّد

6. And established me as an eloquent orator in praise
And graced me even with the black attire

٦. وأقمتني فيها خطيباً بالثنا
ومننت حتَّى باللباسِ الأسودِ

7. Tell the family for me that I
Have returned to Damascus for a life of comfort and ease

٧. من مبلغ الأهلينَ عنِّي أنَّني
بدمشقَ عدت لطيبِ عيشي الأرغد

8. And I am safe from the flames of turmoil
Since I took refuge in the most lauded sanctuary

٨. وأمنتُ من نارِ الخطوبِ ولفحهَا
لما لجأتُ إلى الجنابِ الأحمدي