
O poet whose verse cannot be matched

يا أديبا في نظمه لا يجارى

1. O poet whose verse cannot be matched
And whose riddles' paths cannot be tread

١. يا أديباً في نظمِه لا يُجارى
وعلى طرقِ لغزه لا يُماشى

2. Walk wherever you wish on diverse paths
Of knowledge, for it will fade away

٢. ماش من شئت في طرائق شتَّى
من علومٍ فإنه يتلاشى

3. Offer me whichever plant and riddle you wish
For it has guided my mind, even if called random

٣. واهْد ما شئت لي نباتاً ولغزا
قد هدَى خاطِري وإن قيلَ طاشا

4. In a plant we said inanimate, but when
They swapped the 'm' it sprang back to life

٤. في نباتٍ قلنا جماداً فلما
صحفوا ماسَ كالقضيب انْتعاشا

5. It was a taste, so they did well when they added
The 'h' and it became that food, cotton

٥. كانَ طعما فأحسنوا حين زادو
ه فأضحى ذاك الطعام قماشا

6. Then I substituted when I omitted a letter
And found the cotton had become fleece

٦. ثمَّ أبدلت حين نقصت حرفاً
فوجدت القماش أصبحَ شاشا

7. By my father you have delighted me with meaning
As he said your concise verse walked straight

٧. بأبي أنتَ أطربتك معاني
كَ فقالَ اقْتضاب نظمك ماشا