
Judge of the judges of religion, a tear on a cheek

قاضي قضاة الدين دم في على

1. Judge of the judges of religion, a tear on a cheek
The days do not make mistakes in raising it

١. قاضي قضاة الدين دمْ في علىً
لا تلحن الأيام في رفعها

2. And look with your blessings at the state of one
With necessity that cannot be warded off

٢. وانظرْ بنعماك إلى حالِ ذي
ضرورة يعجز عن دفعها

3. The fast has departed, and I have little
That I have never seen except its tears

٣. قد أدبرَ الصوم ولي مقلة
ما نظرت قط سوى دمعها