
O Lord of the north wind and the morning breeze

يا ربنا رب الشمال والصبا

1. O Lord of the north wind and the morning breeze
And he who sought the house or took shelter

١. يا رَبَّنا رَبَّ الشَمالِ وَالصَبا
وَمَن سَعى بِالبَيتِ أَو تَحَصَّبا

2. Send him under the darkness a yellow scorpion
That grows toward him with pregnancy

٢. اِبعَث لَهُ تَحتَ الظَلامِ عَقرَبا
مُصفَرَّةً تَنمي إِلَيهِ خَبَبا

3. Creeping, slender, soft
Very painful if it touches him

٣. تَسُلُّ مَحجوباً نَحيفاً نَيرَباً
أَكلَفَ لَو مَسَستَهُ لِأَندَبا

4. As if you are touching it with war
Until when it mixes with him and strikes

٤. كَأَنَّما تَمَسُّ مِنهُ حَرِبا
حَتّى إِذا خالَطتَهُ فَضَرَبا

5. It comes to you from him a loved asker
So if he survives, send him the oleander

٥. أَتاكَ مِنهُ سائِلاً مُحَبَّباً
فَإِن نَجا فَاِبعَث إِلَيهِ القُرطُبا

6. Passing, dancing lightly then heavily
Raising his brain aimed

٦. يَمُرُّ يَفري سَبسَباً فَسَبسَبا
مُصَعِّداً دِماغَهُ مَصَوَّبا

7. Eating from his flesh and drinking
The reward of the writer for his imagination

٧. وَآكِلاً مِن لَحمِهِ وَشارِبا
جَزاءَ خَطّابٍ بِما تَحَوَّبا