
My resolve towards you is firm, it does not waver,

قدك مني صارم ما يفل

1. My resolve towards you is firm, it does not waver,
And Ibn Hazm, your bond cannot be undone,

١. قَدكَ مِنّي صارِمٌ ما يُفَلُّ
وَاِبنُ حَزمٍ عَقدُكَ لا يُحَلُّ

2. He chides me for blaming you,
No matter how much they increase or decrease.

٢. يَنثَني بِاللَومِ مِن عاذِليهِ
ما يُبالي أَكثَروا أَم أَقَلّوا

3. For Allah's Messenger and his kin,
Wherever they went and settled,

٣. لِرَسولِ اللَهِ في أَقرَبيهِ
وَبَنيهِ حَيثُ ساروا وَحَلّوا

4. He harbors sincere counsel and love for them,
Pure, in which no flaw appears.

٤. عِندَهُ مَكنونُ نُصحٍ وَوَدَّ
خالِصٍ لَم يَقتَدِح فيهِ غِلُّ

5. The people of a house, upon their deniers
Is their right to guidance, that they not go astray,

٥. أَهلُ بَيتٍ ما عَلى جاحِديهِم
حَقَّهُم في الزُرِ أَلّا يُضِلّوا

6. The elect of Allah, the most high from His essence,
For them is the greatest, most honorable position.

٦. صَفوَةُ اللَهِ الأُلى مِن لَدُنهُ
لَهُمُ القَدرُ الأَعَزُّ الأَجَلُّ

7. No people obeyed Allah but turned away
From them, nay, they disobeyed Him and went astray,

٧. ما أَطاعَ اللَهَ قَومٌ تَوَلّوا
مَن سِواهُم بَل عَصَوهُ وَضَلّوا

8. And through them the darkness of misguidance was rent,
And to faith and religion they were guided.

٨. وَبِهِم شُقَّ دُجى الغَيِّ عَنهُم
وَعَلى الإيمانِ وَالدينِ دُلّوا

9. And through them every transgressor was poured upon
With mighty honor, while small and vile.

٩. وِبِهِم صُبَّت عَلى كُلِّ باغٍ
باذِخِ العِزِّ صَغارٌ وَذُلُّ

10. Their rights were usurped and they deemed permissible
What was not lawful from it by the unjust.

١٠. غَصَبوهُم حَقَّهُم وَاِستَحَلّوا
ظالِموهُم مِنهُ ما لا يَحِلُّ

11. And they followed regarding them what abhorrent sin enacted,
A criminal rebel opposed Allah.

١١. وَاِقتَدَوا فيهِم بِما سَنَّ رِجسٌ
بارَزَ اللَهَ زَنيمٌ عُتُلُّ

12. No intimate regarded fear of Allah concerning them
Or was restrained, but let loose the reins.

١٢. لَم يُراقِب خَشيَةَ اللَهِ فيهِم
آصِرٌ مِنهُ وَلَم يُرعَ إِلُّ

13. So they are scattered slain, blood spilled
Hazardously among them sought to be shed,

١٣. فَهُمُ شَتّى قَتيلٍ صَريعٍ
دَمُهُ فيهِم حِذاراً يُطَلُّ

14. And captives in fetters, upon them
Chains and shackles of iron causing wounds.

١٤. وَأَسيرٌ في طِمارٍ عَلَيهِ
مِن حَديدِ القَينِ كَبلٌ وَغُلُّ

15. And resident humble before an enemy,
Debased between them, disgraced and humiliated,

١٥. وَمُقيمٌ خاشِعٌ في عَدُوٍّ
مُستَضامٌ بَينَهُم مُستَذَلُّ

16. Not for a crime nor from dispute,
They mounted against them, so they slipped.

١٦. لا عَلى جُرمٍ وَلا عَن شِقاقٍ
رَكِبوا الدَحضَ إِلَيهِم فَزَلّوا

17. Other than that the kingdom turned to their unjust ones,
War booty and shade turned to them.

١٧. غَيرَ أَن فاءَ عَلى ظالِميهِم
بِهِمُ المُلكِ فَيءٌ وَظِلُّ

18. And they broke faith with the purified Prophet,
Their grandfather - an infringement that does not dwindle.

١٨. وَأَن أَوفوا بِالنَبِيِّ المُصَفّى
جِدِّهِم مَأَثُرَةً لا تَقِلُّ

19. And Allah built for them a house of glory,
The way of religion by it takes shade.

١٩. وَبِنى اللَهُ لَهُم بَيتَ مَجدٍ
فِطرَةُ الدينِ بِهِ تَستَظِلُّ

20. In beauty Allah blessed therein,
None attained what they were deprived of unjustly.

٢٠. في جميلٍ بارَكَ اللَهُ فيهِ
لَم يَنَل ما خُوَّلوهُ جِبِلُّ

21. Inheritors of stored knowledge, upon it
Every possessor of knowledge depends and yields.

٢١. وَاِرثوا مَخزونِ عِلمٍ عَلَيهِ
كُلُّ ذي عِلمٍ عِيالٌ وَكَلُّ

22. And over me is the one of lofty deeds, their father,
Noble, exalted, he lowering and raising.

٢٢. وَعَلَيَّ ذو المَعالي أَبوهُم
كَرُمَ السامي بِهِ وَالمُدِلُّ

23. He was taught the religion which whoever follows
Travels the paths of guidance, he does not stray.

٢٣. عُلِّمَ الدينَ الَّذي مَن تَلاهُ
سالِكٌ سُبلَ الهُدى لا يَضِلُّ

24. And the Commander of the Faithful, their hope
Their superiority arousing, and humbling.

٢٤. وَأَميرُ المُؤمِنينَ المُرَجّي
فَضلَهُ مُثريهِمُ وَالمُقِلُّ

25. Extending his palms among them in justice,
And patience - its wounds gushing forth.

٢٥. باسِطٌ كَفَّيهِ فيهِم بِعَدلٍ
وَصَبيرَ صَوبُهُ مُستَهَلُّ

26. From a heaven for them each day
A shower, droplets, and downpour.

٢٦. عَن سَماءٍ لَهُم كُلَّ يَومٍ
ديمَةٌ مِنهُ وَوَبلٌ وَطَلُّ

27. And Allah's flaming star in every adversity,
Allah's sword and sharp blade rising.

٢٧. وَشِهابُ اللَهِ في كُلِّ خَطبِ
وَحُسامُ اللَهِ وَالنَقعُ يَعلو

28. Wherever the lions meet in the shadows of death,
Every hero flees routed and retreats.

٢٨. حَيثُ يَلقى في ظِلالِ المَنايا
كُلَّ لَيثٍ باسِلٍ وَهوَ فَلُّ

29. A body preyed on by circling birds,
And predators - in it a way made smooth.

٢٩. جَسَدٌ يَعفوهُ طَيرٌ عَكوفٌ
وَضَوارٍ شُرَّعٌ فيهِ زُلُّ

30. Treasure in it after some time
For the crippled beasts, tender meat.

٣٠. مَكنَزٌ فيهِ مِن بَعدِ حَولٍ
لِلضِباعِ العُرجِ لَحمٌ مُصِلُّ

31. A hero who overwhelmed in his ease
The lances and swords, a stream and forest.

٣١. بَطَلٌ أَغلَبُ في راحَتَيهِ
لِلقَنا وَالبيضِ نَهلٌ وَعَلُّ

32. The heroes disdain from him the son of death,
Who does not tire of war until they tire.

٣٢. يَكرَهُ الأَبطالُ مِنهُ اِبنَ مَوتٍ
لا يَمَلُّ الحَربَ حَتّى يَمَلّوا

33. The Yemeni weapon praises its sharpness
In the fray, and the Meccan its fineMake.

٣٣. يَحمَدُ العَضبُ اليَماني شَظاهُ
في الوَغى وَالسَمهَرِيُّ المِتَلُّ

34. As if the blade called out from it
The sparks of the hot iron flipping.

٣٤. فَكَأَنَّ النَقعَ يَنشامُ عَنهُ
ضَيغَمٌ جَهمُ المُحَيّا رِفَلُّ

35. He began harboring hatred and showing
Hatred which its roots do not cease.

٣٥. قَد غَدا يُضمِرُ بُغضاً وَيُبدي
بِغضَةً أَضغانُها لا تُسَلُّ

36. He consulted the wicked regarding Allah through it,
Large-fanged, awake, constant.

٣٦. شاوَرَ النَكراءَ في اللَهِ مِنهُ
شائِكُ الأَنيابِ يَقظانُ صِلُّ

37. Neither charms can stop it, nor one
Who touched the edge of it from it blunted.

٣٧. لا الرُقى تَردَعُ مِنهُ وَلا مَن
مَسَّ حَدَّ النابِ مِنهُ يُبَلُّ

38. An abode from the time of Luqman, Aad,
Below it peaks of grief amassed.

٣٨. مَوطِنٌ مِن عَهدِ لُقمانَ عادٍ
دونَهُ مِن قُلَلِ الحَزنِ تَلُّ

39. Inaccessible, neither humankind nor Jinn
Draw near it, but wear out and languish.

٣٩. مُتَحامٍ لا يُؤَدّي إِلَيهِ
نُبُسَ الإِنسِ وَالا الجِنِّ حَلُّ

40. Like dry seasoned wood, unless ignited
It melts the person or wearies.

٤٠. كَيبيسِ الجَزلِ إِلّا فَحيحاً
يُصهَرُ المَرءُ بِهِ أَو يُمَلُّ

41. If the high tips of spears passed through it
The blades do not penetrate it and blunt.

٤١. لَو مَضَت عالِيَةُ الرُمحِ فيهِ
ما تَغَشّى اللَيطَ مِنهُ يُمَلُّ

42. Or if the arms of thousands reached toward it
They retreated from its breath weakened and paralyzed.

٤٢. أَو نَمَت أَذرُعُ أَلفٍ إِلَيهِ
رَجَعَت عَن نَفثِهِ وَهيَ شُلُّ

43. Whenever he extended the probe and it probed,
It found the flesh of the goat from it severed.

٤٣. كُلَّما مَدَّ المَطا وَتَمَطّى
فَحَصى المَعزاءِ مِنهُ يُصِلُّ

44. Return to praising those who over them
Is the shade of Allah - so shade!

٤٤. عُد إِلى مَدحِ الَّذينَ عَلَيهِم
مِن يَمينِ اللَهِ ظِلٌّ فَظِلُّ

45. The best of those whose essence was spoiled
With them eternally - from it the deepest shade.

٤٥. خَيرِ مَن خَبَّت بِهِم ذاتُ لَوثٍ
دامِياً لِلجَهدِ مِنها الأَظَلُّ

46. Among scattered sand dunes like phantoms
Under dishevelment, who ate and languished.

٤٦. في مَهارى ذُبَّلٍ كَالسَعالى
تَحتَ شُعثٍ قَد أَكَلوا وَكَلّوا

47. Supporters of the Kaaba from every expanse
Whenever a person turned away, they inspired awe.

٤٧. عامِدي الكَعبَةَ مِن كُلِّ فَجٍّ
كُلَّما أَعرَضَ شَخصٌ أَهَلّو