
We have a friend obsessed with conflict

لنا صاحب مولع بالخلاف

1. We have a friend obsessed with conflict
Full of mistakes, scarce in rectitude

١. لَنا صاحِبٌ مولَعٌ بِالخِلافِ
كَثيرُ الخَطاءِ قَليلُ الصَوابِ

2. More stubborn than a lizard
And more repulsive when he walks than a crow

٢. أَشَدُّ لَجاجاً مِنَ الخُنفُساءِ
وَأَزهى إِذا ما مَشى مِن غُرابِ

3. When scholars are mentioned in his presence
Perhaps out of envy, he berates them

٣. إِذا ذَكَروا عِندَهُ عالِماً
رَبا حَسَداً أَو رَماهُ بِعابِ

4. Yet of knowledge, there is none in his palm
When knowledge is mentioned, naught but dust

٤. وَلَيسَ مِنَ العِلمِ في كَفِّهِ
إِذا ذُكِرَ العِلمُ غَيرُ التُرابِ

5. Misconceptions gathered by Shawkat
And others forged by Ibn Dabi

٥. أَضاليلُ جَمَّعُها شَوكَرٌ
وَأُخرى مُوَلَّدَةً لِاِبنِ دابِ