
We came to Salma's house, so it cheered up the place,

نأت دار سلمى فشط المزار

1. We came to Salma's house, so it cheered up the place,
Yet my eyes don't enjoy pleasures anymore,

١. نَأَت دارُ سَلمى فَشَطَّ المَزارُ
فَعَينايَ ما تَطعَمانِ الكَرى

2. And her separation passed by like a night visitor,
So the raven confirmed that suspicion.

٢. وَمَرَّ بِفُرقَتِها بارِحٌ
فَصَدَّقَ ذاكَ غُرابُ النَوى

3. It became morning in Baghdan in a house,
With lofty ceilings reaching the sky.

٣. فَأَضحَت بِبَغدانَ في مَنزِلٍ
لَهُ شُرُفاتٌ دُوَينَ السَما

4. An army and guards are next to it,
With thick necks like lions hunting prey,

٤. وَجَيشٌ وَرابِطَةٌ عِندَهُ
غِلاظُ الرِقابِ كَأُسدِ الشَرى

5. In their hands are polished swords,
Smooth like the slipping twilight.

٥. بِأَيديهِمُ مُحدَثاتُ الصِقالِ
سُرَيجِيَّةٌ يَختَلِبنَ الطُلى

6. And beyond it is an evacuated town
Where owls respond to the echoes.

٦. وَمِن دونِها بَلَدٌ نازِحٌ
يُجيبُ بِهِ البومُ رَجعَ الصَدا

7. And a watering place with stagnant water,
Not fit to take cover next to after being blocked.

٧. وَمِن مَنهَلٍ آجِنٍ ماؤُهُ
سُدىً لا يُعاذُ بِهِ قَد طَمى

8. Wolves howl next to it at night,
And morning finds them in the ravines.

٨. يَبيتُ الذِئابُ تَعاوى بِهِ
وَيُصبِحنَ في مَهَواتِ المَلا

9. How many perils are near your house,
And how many cunning lions in the den!

٩. وَكَم دونَ بَيتِكَ مِن مَهمَهٍ
وَمِن أَسَدٍ جاحِرٍ في مَكى

10. And how many Abyssinians not responding when called,
Dark-skinned with bodily strength like a young, virile man!

١٠. وَمِن حَنَشٍ لا يُجيبُ الرُقا
ةَ أَسمَرَ ذي حُمَةٍ كَالرَشا

11. Deaf mutes, with long weapons,
Baring their teeth, with wide nostrils.

١١. أَصَمَّ صَموتٍ طَويلِ السُبا
تِ مُنهَرِتِ الشِدِقِ عاري القَرا

12. He has, when the air is still, a puffing breath
Flying on both his sides like burning coals.

١٢. لَهُ في اليَبيسِ نُفاثٌ يَطيرُ
عَلى جانِبَيهِ كَجَمرِ الغَضا

13. And two red eyes, their sockets
Peering out from a forehead like a meadow.

١٣. وَعَينانِ حُمرٌ مَآقيهِا
نَبِصّانِ في هامَةٍ كَالرَحا

14. When he yawns, he reveals to him
Jagged teeth, as the handmill's creaking sounds

١٤. إِذا ما تَثاءَبَ أَبدى لَهُ
مُذَرَّبَةً عُصُلاً كَالمُدى

15. When its parts come together and fold over each other.
If he were to bite polished swords, his fangs would stick in the steel.

١٥. كَأَنَّ حَفيفَ الرَحى جَرسُهُ
إِذا اِصطَكَّ أَثناؤُهُ وَاِنطَوى

16. It's as if his claws are detached and scattered,
Single ones and pairs.

١٦. وَلَو عَضَّ حَفَي صَفاةٍ إِذاً
لَأَنشَبَ أَنيابَهُ في الصَفا

17. And the moaning of my crescent darling Qumriyya has hurt me,
At dusk, missing the morn.

١٧. كَأَنَّ مَزاحِفَهُ أَنسُعٌ
خُرِزنَ فُرادى وَمِنها ثُنا

18. She's a palm frond who began lamenting at dawn
Over a loved one gone in the thickets.

١٨. وَقَد شاقَني نَوحُ قُمرِيَّةٍ
طَروبِ العَشِيِّ هَتوفِ الضُحى

19. She sang a special melody for him
That provokes dormant passion.

١٩. مِنَ الوُرقِ نَوّاحَةٍ باكَرَت
عَسيبَ أَشاءٍ بِذاتِ الغَصا

20. She's adorned as if dressed up
With the dress of a mourner when she calls the deceased.

٢٠. فَغَنَّت عَلَيهِ بِلَحنٍ لَها
يُهيِّجُ لِلصَبِّ ما قَد مَضى

21. I've never seen a mourner cry like her.
She weeps but her tears can't be seen.

٢١. مُطَوَّقَةٌ كَسِيَت زينَةً
بِدَعوَةِ نوحٍ لَها إِذ دَعا

22. She led a baby camel astray, wandering with him
While the ropes of loss clung to him.

٢٢. فَلَم أَرَ باكِيَةً مِثلَها
تُبكي وَدَمعَتُها لا تُرى

23. When despair of him was evident, she cried over him,
Though what will crying bring back?

٢٣. أَضَلَّت فُرَيخاً فَطافَت لَهُ
وَقَد عَلِقَتهُ حِبالُ الرَدى

24. A fierce, relentless eagle had hunted him,
With fluttering wings, swiftly seeking prey.

٢٤. فَلَما بَدا اليَأسُ مِنهُ بَكَت
عَلَيهِ وَماذا يَرُدُّ البُكا

25. With claws of iron, feathers bare,
A harmful breed, bluish in color.

٢٥. وَقَد صادَهُ ضَرِمٌ مُلحَمٌ
خَفوقُ الجَناحِ حَثيثُ النَجا

26. You'd see predators and birds frightened of him
When he shows aggression.

٢٦. حَديدُ المَخالِبِ عاري الوَظي
فِ ضارٍ مِنَ الزُرقِ فيهِ قَنا

27. He spent the night sweetly on an observation post
On a towering, steep cliff.

٢٧. تَرى الوَحشَ وَالطَيرَ مِن خَوفِهِ
جَواحِرَ مِنهُ إِذا ما اِغتَدى

28. When dawn broke for him
And dew rolled off his shoulders,

٢٨. فَباتَ عَذوباً عَلى مَرقَبٍ
بِشاهِقَةٍ صَعبَةِ المُرتَقى

29. He scratched dry blood on his beak
From the meat of the wildcats.

٢٩. فَلَمّا أَضاءَ لَهُ صُبحَهُ
وَنَكَّبَ عَن مَنكِبَيهِ النَدى

30. Then he ascended into the air and turned around,
Flying rapidly when he swooped down.

٣٠. وَحَتَّ بِمِخَلَبِهِ قارِناً
عَلى خَطمِهِ مِن دِماءِ القَطا

31. He saw a flock of wildcats approaching
A watering place the floods didn't erase.

٣١. فَصَعَدَ في الجَوِّ ثُمَّ اِستَدارَ
فَطارَ حَشيشاً إِذا ما اِنصَمى

32. They had come early to drink
From leftover rainwater in the lowlands.

٣٢. فَأَبصَرَ سِربَ قَطاً قارِبٍ
جَبى مَنهَلٍ لَم تَمِحه الدِلا

33. They took turns going first and didn't watch out
For what was behind or what was delayed.

٣٣. غَدَونَ بِأَسقِيَةٍ يَرتَوينَ
لِزُغبٍ مُطَرَّحَةٍ بِالفَلا

34. They were reminded of a sweeping flood
Encircling its banks with thickets.

٣٤. يُبادِرنَ وِرداً فَلَم يَرعَوينَ
عَلى ما تَخَلَّفَ أَو ما وَنى

35. With it was a group of wildcats coming
And another leaving after being sated.

٣٥. تَذَكَّرنَ ذا عَرمَضٍ طامِياً
يَجولُ عَلى حافَتَيهِ الغُثا

36. They filled a waterskin that wasn't tied up
With strings though its straps were attached.

٣٦. بِهِ رُفقَةٌ مِن قَطا وارِدٍ
وَأُخرى صَوادِرُ عَنهُ رِوا

37. So he snatched away one of the plump ones
And tore its snout and tendons.

٣٧. فَمَلَّأنَ أَسقِيَةً لَم تُشَدَّ
بِخَرزٍ وَقَد شُدَّ مِنها العُرى

38. He flew away and left its pieces behind
For the east and west winds to scatter.

٣٨. فَأَقعَصَ مِنهُنَّ كُدرِيَّةً
وَمَزَّقَ حَيزومَها وَالحَشا

39. You'd hear the flutter of his wings when
He swooped down from the sky like sudden lightning.

٣٩. فَطارَ وَغادَرَ أَشلاءَها
تَطيرُ الجَنوبُ بِها وَالصَبا

40. So they fled, exerting great effort to escape,
Groups plunged into the depths of the burrows.

٤٠. يَخَلنَ حَفيفَ جَناحَيهِ إِذ
تَدَلّى مِنَ الجَوِّ بِرقاً بَدا

41. He trapped them and quenched his thirst with them,
Slaughtering them like cascading water.

٤١. فَوَلَّينَ مُجتَهِداتِ النَجا
جَوافِلَ في طامِساتِ الصُوى

42. They spent the night mewing,
Red-groined, yellow-sided.

٤٢. فَاِبنَ عِطاشاً فَسَقَّينَهُنَّ
مُجاجاتِهِنَّ كَماءِ السَلا

43. That's how he was aggressive in the morning:
With a jerboa, like an owner gratified with hospitality.

٤٣. فَبِتنَ يُراطِنَّ رُقشَ الظُهو
رِ حُمرَ الحَواصِلِ صُفرَ اللُهى

44. It had long forelegs, hunched back,
With curved incisors, bare upper teeth.

٤٤. فَذاكَ وَقَد إِغتَدي في الصَباحِ
بِأَجرَدَ كَالسَيِّدِ عَبلِ الشَوى

45. It has a broad temple and firm pillars
That don't complain of bending.

٤٥. طَويلِ الذِراعَينِ ضامي الكُعو
بِ نابي الحَماتَينِ عاري النَسا

46. And a dangling ear, burrowed,
With a wide cheek and hollow interior.

٤٦. لَهُ كَفَلٌ أَيِّدٌ مُشرِفٌ
وَأَعمِدَةٌ لا تَشَكّى الوَجى

47. And extended whiskers leading to a wide nose,
A capacious crotch, and long steps.

٤٧. وَأُذنٌ مُوَلَّلَةٌ حَشرَةٌ
وَشِدقٌ رُحابٌ وَجَوفٌ هَوا

48. It has nineteen burrows near each other
After its dwelling widened through burrowing.

٤٨. وَلَحيانِ مُدّا إِلى مَنخَرٍ
رَحيبٍ وَفَرجٌ طُوالُ الخُطى

49. And seven dens, seven nests,
Five reservoirs, five watering places.

٤٩. لَهُ تِسعَةٌ طُلنَ مِن بَعدِ أَن
قَصُرنَ لَهُ بِسعَةٌ في الشَوى

50. Nine thickets, seven orchards,
A herd's drinking place, and a resting place.

٥٠. وَسَبعٌ عَرينَ وَسَبعٌ كُسينَ
وَخَمسٌ ظِماءٌ وَخَمسٌ رِوا

51. Seven are near, seven are far from it,
No defect in it can be seen.

٥١. وَتِسعٌ غِلاظٌ وَسَبعٌ رِقاقٌ
وَصَهوَةُ عَيرٍ وَمَتنٌ خَظا

52. Wide in its eight, solid in its eight,
Tight hoof, tight torso.

٥٢. وَسَبعٌ قَرُبنَ وَسَبعٌ بَعُد
نَ مِنهُ فَما فيهِ عَيبٌ يُرى

53. And it has five birds: two ravens
Above the wildcats belonging to it.

٥٣. عَريضُ الثَماني حَديدُ الثَماني
شَديدُ الصِفاقِ شَديدُ المَطا

54. A griffin eagle and its chick appeared.
When it runs, it's as if its shoulder

٥٤. وَفيهِ مِنَ الطَيرِ خَمسٌ فَمَن
رَأى فَرَساً مِثلَهُ يُقتَنى

55. Has a wing flipping it in the air.
We picked for it from the best of finds

٥٥. غُرابانِ فَوقَ قَطاةٍ لَهُ
وَنَسرٌ وَيَعسوبُهُ قَد بَدا

56. Five slaves - bodies like piled mounds.
One accompanies it continuously,

٥٦. كَأَنَّ بِمَنكِبِهِ إِن جَرى
جَناحاً يُقَلِّبُهُ في الهَوا

57. We water it from milk whenever it desires,
And we prefer to provide it provisions, not family,

٥٧. مَصَرنا لَهُ مِن خَيارِ اللِقا
حِ خَمساً مَجاليجَ كَومَ الذُرى

58. And he follows it during every journey.
So it lived comfortably until it wanted

٥٨. يُغادي بِعُضٍّ لَهُ دائِباً
وَنَسقيهِ مِن حَلَبٍ ما اِشتَهى

59. For us to take it in closer.
We drove it insistently into the thickets -

٥٩. وَيُؤثَرُ بِالزادِ دونَ العِيالِ
وَفي كُلِّ سَيرٍ بِهِ يُقتَفى

60. Large bellied, flawless constitution.
They kick up the dust with whips

٦٠. فَقاظَ صَنيعاً فَلَمّا شَتا
أَخَذناهُ بِالقُربِ حَتّى اِنطوى

61. And ignite the shrubs with canes.
They fled like lightning in their escape,

٦١. فَهِجنا بِهِ عانَةً في الغُطاطِ
خِماصَ البُطونِ صِحاحَ العُجى

62. Groups breaking through the impenetrable mountains.
The slave kept after it

٦٢. يُثِرنَ الغُبارَ بِمَلثومَةٍ
وَيوقِدنَ بِالمَروِ نارَ الحَبا

63. Appearing and disappearing.
It felled five - some crushed,

٦٣. فَوَلَّينَ كَالبَرقِ في نَفرِهِنَّ
جَوافِلَ يَكسِرنَ صُمَّ الصَفا

64. Others with bleeding kidneys.
Two had their forearms shattered

٦٤. فَصَوَّبَهُ العَبدُ في إِثرِها
فَطَوراً يَغيبُ وَطَوراً يُرى

65. And a third was covered in blood.
We were happy with the game for our families

٦٥. فَجَدَّلَ خَمساً فَمِن مُقعَصٍ
وَشاصٍ كُراعاهُ دامي الكُلى

66. After darkness had blanketed the land.
We stayed dividing its parts -

٦٦. وَثِنتانِ خُضخِضَ قُصبُهُما
وَثالِثَةٌ شُحِّطَت بِالدِما

67. Each neighbor eats what he is content with.
And we walked with it like erect spear shafts,

٦٧. فَرُحنا بِصَيدٍ إِلى أَهلِنا
وَقَد جَلَّلَ الأَرضَ ثَوبُ الدُجى

68. Not bending from any weight.
The women spent the night feeding on it

٦٨. وَبِتنا نُقَسِّمُ أَعضاءَهُ
لِجارٍ وَيَأكُلُهُ مَن عَفا

69. And eating the roasted game.
They had tied it up and cast spells on it,

٦٩. وَرُحنا بِهِ مِثلَ وَقفِ العَرو
سِ أَهيَفَ لا يَتَشَكّى الوَجى

70. Blowing incantations into amulets.

٧٠. وَباتَ النِساءُ يَغَدّينَهُ
وَيَأكُلنَ مِن صَيدِهِ المُشتَوى

٧١. وَقَد قَيَّدوهُ وَغَلّوا لَهُ
تَمايِمَ يُنفَثُ فيها الرُقى