
The separation has made you forget them all,

إن الخليط نساك أجمعه

1. The separation has made you forget them all,
And the distance after parting has squared it.

١. إِنَّ الخَليطَ نَسّاكَ أَجمَعُهُ
وَنَسّاكَ بَعدَ البَينِ مَربَعُهُ

2. Your heart has become distressed at their separation,
Yearning, until your face almost cracks from it.

٢. وَأَجَنَّ قَلبُكَ مِن فِراقِهِمُ
شَوقاً فَكادَ الوَجهُ يَصدَعُهُ

3. Or whenever the beloved called an intention,
Their tear ducts were generous and their tears overflowed.

٣. أَو كُلَّما دَعَتِ الحَبيبَ نَوىً
جادَت مَسارِبَهُنَّ أَدمُعُهُ

4. So it was as if the oath of a sworn oath-taker,
The tears precede him and knock him down.

٤. فَكَأَنَّ سُنَّةُ مُحَلِّفٍ حَلَفا
فَالدَمعُ يَسبِقُهُ وَتَقرَعُهُ

5. And if I say it healed his blindness,
Love returned to the heart to check it.

٥. وَإِذا أَقولُ صَحَت عَمايَتُهُ
عادَ الهَوى لِلقَلبِ يَردَعُهُ

6. So I threw a glance at them,
And it came close, so I could water the hair of my breast.

٦. فَرَمَيتُ بِالعَينَينِ ظَعنَهُمُ
فَدَنا فَأَروى الشِعرَ رَعرَعُهُ

7. And the desert spread its garments,
As if to dress it and undress it.

٧. وَالبيدُ قَد نَشَرَت سَباسِبَها
آلاً تُسَربِلُهُ وَتَخلَعُهُ

8. And they are above the eyes in the morning,
Date palms that fear the cropper because of their bounty.

٨. وَكَأَنَّهُم فَوقَ العُيونِ ضَحىً
نَخلٌ يَهابُ البَسرَ مونِعُهُ

9. A north wind blew against it
And the branches bend it down and raise it up.

٩. هَبَّت لَهُ شَآمِيَةٌ
فَالآلُ يَخفَضُهُ وَيَرفَعُهُ

10. Above the ponds is a twittering as if of starlings
The leaning of the branches makes its humility sway.

١٠. فَوقَ الهَوادِجِ رَبرَبٌ كَنُسٌ
مَيلَ الفُروعِ يَميدُ خِروَعُهُ

11. Short rugged undershrubs cover
Sand dunes which their twisting makes them limp.

١١. هيفٌ خَراعِبُ يَأتَزِرنَ عَلى
رَملٍ تَميلُ بِهِنَّ أَكرُعُهُ

12. And when they smile, their cheeks uncover
Sweet cool water, as if the wind filtered it.

١٢. وَإِذا اِبتَسَمنَ جَلَونَ عَن بَرَدٍ
عَذبٍ كَأَنَّ الراحَ مَكرَعُهُ

13. In it is moisture, and in it is the cure for him
Of the sediment of heated passions that are filtered in it.

١٣. فيهِ جَوىً وَبِهِ الشِفاءُ لَهُ
مِن غُلَّةِ الحَرّانِ يَنقَعُهُ

14. And honey in the evening, and veils
That take on its colors have turned them orange.

١٤. وَعَسلاً بِالعَشِيِّ وَحادِراً
أَمسى بِلَونيّهِنَّ مَردُعهُ مُكرَّرُ

15. So they exuded cotton and ambergris,
And the perfume of fine musk elevates it.

١٥. فَأَرَجنَ مِن قَطَنٍ وَعَنبَرِهِ
وَذكِيُّ فَأَرِ المِسكِ يَسفَعُهُ

16. So, lands where they live were watered
By a rain whose musk scent carries it.

١٦. فَسَقى بِلاداً هُنَّ ساكِنُها
غَيثٌ رُكامُ المِسكِ يَرفَعُهُ

17. Kindness which the wind blows on its sides,
A rain whose abundance makes it overflow.

١٧. جَودٌ تَزَجّي الريحُ عارِضَهُ
غَيثٌ كَثيرُ النَجدِ يُطلِعُهُ

18. And it insisted on covering the dunes, and its downpour
With an echo of moaning stripped them bare.

١٨. وَأَلَحَّ يَكسو الأُكمَ وابِلُهُ
بِصَدى مِنَ الأَعباءِ يُقلِعُهُ

19. Dry of udders its teats,
Billowing with gum that its workmanship perfected.

١٩. جافٍ عَنِ الدَفَّينِ مَرفَقُهُ
غَوجُ اللَبانِ أُمِرَّ مَصنَعُهُ

20. And it is as if above its back there is bristling
That has fulfilled over the two ears its place.

٢٠. وَكَأَنَّ فَوقَ مُتونِهِ رَخَماً
أَوفى عَلى الأُذُنَينِ مَوضِعُهُ

21. For it that vessel is mightiest,
And the wefts have germinated on it with tapping.

٢١. لِكَ المَصعُ أَعظَمُهُ
وَنَما عَلَيهِ النَيُّ يَقرَعُهُ

22. Spacious of ankles as if it has a little bridge
Where the shanks met in its purebred stoutness.

٢٢. رَحبُ الفُروجِ كَأَنَّ قَنطَرَةً
حَيثُ التَقى في الصُلبِ أَضلُعُهُ

23. Of its secret the ample side is a sixth
Or a blessed one whose length is squared.

٢٣. مِن سِرِّ أَرحَبَ جانِبٌ سَدِسٌ
أَو بارِكٌ قَد مُدَّ مَضبَعُهُ

24. The brittle palm branch, its fruits
Rattle to accompany the singing and tremolo.

٢٤. شَظى المَروُ مَنسَمَهُ
صَكّاً يُغَنّي الشَدوَ وَعوَعُهُ

25. So it is as if after weariness, when
The camel saddle had dried and its flap loosened.

٢٥. فَكَأَنَّهُ بَعدَ الكَلالِ وَقَد
جَفَّ الثَميلُ وَماجَ أَنسُعُهُ

26. Two saddlebags, decorated, deviated
From the riders, its skin coat links knitted together.

٢٦. حَنَّت لَهُ نُصُعٌ مُجَلَّلَةٌ
حادٍ عَنِ الرُكبانِ مَدرَعُهُ

27. Of beasts a lonely hyena, sly
Who has misshapen cheeks and twisted hands.

٢٧. مِن وَحشِ حَومَلَ مُفرَدٌ لَهِقٌ
أَحوى الفَرا وَالخَدُّ أَسفَعُهُ

28. A fox, gray of mane, snub-nosed,
Resembling the wild ass, oldest of its herd.

٢٨. سَلِبٌ قَشيبُ الرَوقِ أَسحَمُهُ
وَمُشَبَّهٌ بِالقارِ أَكرَعُهُ

29. It spent the day coming and going restlessly
Eyes roaming misled by its squareness.

٢٩. ظَلَّ النَهارَ يَرودُ مُؤتَنِفاً
أَفغى يَقودُ العَينَ مَربَعُهُ

30. Until when the time was up, it saw
Lightning that turned its brightness toward it.

٣٠. حَتّى إِذا أَفِدَ الزَمانُ رَأى
بَرقاً أَحالَ عَلَيهِ لُمَّعُهُ

31. So it made its way to a lotus tree bent with fruit
That had been twisting and bending it.

٣١. فَنَمى إِلى سَدِرٍ بِمَربَكَةٍ
قَد كانَ يَلويهِ وَيَصنَعُهُ

32. In a dense thicket whose sides
Are a copse in which it can take refuge and be protected.

٣٢. في غَرقَدٍ هُدبٍ جَوانِبُهُ
نَجَفٍ يَلوذُ بِهِ وَيَمنَعُهُ

33. Until when it laid down its elbows
For its night’s rest, and its lying down obeyed it.

٣٣. حَتّى إِذا أَلقى أَكارِعَهُ
لِمَبيتِهِ فَأَطاعَ مَضجَعُهُ

34. The north wind destroyed its structure over it
So the shelter over its eyes was stripped bare.

٣٤. هَدَمَ الشَمالُ عَلَيهِ بُنيَتَهُ
فَاِبتُزَّ عَن عَينَيهِ مَهجَعُهُ

35. It had to use the sediment of the night for kohl,
And the water mounted it and pushed it away.

٣٥. فَاِحتَمَّ يَكحَلُ عَينَهِ سَهَدٌ
وَالماءُ يَركَبُهُ وَيَدفَعُهُ

36. It provided it and spent the night in its disaster
Slippery from the darkness, its gathering weak.

٣٦. يُسدي بِهِ وَيَبيتُ لَيلَتَهُ
خَضِلاً مِنَ التَهتانِ أَزمُعُهُ

37. And a thump of snakes startles and terrifies it,
A hiss that it can hear.

٣٧. وَيُثيرُ رَونَقَهُ وَيُفزِعُهُ
وَقعٌ مِنَ الثُعبانِ يَسمَعُهُ

38. And it continues to ride on its snout vigilantly
For a bit in its night and pursues it.

٣٨. وَيَظَلُّ يَركَبُ أَنفَهُ عَرَصاً
بِمبيتِهِ طَوراً وَيَتبَعُهُ

39. And it awoke from the bad omen and its luck
Dissipated the darkness of the night it could peel back.

٣٩. وَأَفاقَ بَعدَ النَحسِ طائِرُهُ
وَجَلا ظَلامَ اللَيلِ يَقشَعُهُ

40. So it went in the morning, concealing
A beast at the back of the absent one it could hear.

٤٠. فَغَدا كَنَصلِ السَيفِ مُضطَمِراً
وَحشاً بِظَهرِ الغَيبِ يَسمَعُهُ

41. So it was as if a lark with wings
Was chirping where the riders were raising their voices.

٤١. فَكَأَنَّ سُندُسَةً لَها كَنَفٌ
جيبَت بِحَيثُ الرَوقُ يَرفَعُهُ

42. And there was for it in the wilderness a piece of meat
Like the chief’s, whose head was hairless.

٤٢. فَغَدا لَهُ مِن سِنبِسٍ لَحمٌ
كَالسيدِ صَعلُ الرَأسِ أَصمَعُهُ

43. Wearing a bow and quiver,
And arrows in a container that rattles as it moves.

٤٣. مُتَقَلِّداً قَوساً وَأَرشِيَةً
وَالنَبلُ في قَرنٍ يُقَعقِعُهُ

44. With it were hunting hounds, for it
Those it sometimes resisted and pursued.

٤٤. مَعَهُ ضَوارٍ مِن سَلوقَ لَهُ
طَوراً تُعانِدُهُ وَتَتبَعُهُ

45. Their company, so when they went forth together
And the stouthearted one bred for war raced ahead,

٤٥. أَشلاؤُها فَإِذا سَبَقنَ مَعاً
وَعَدا وَقورُ القَلبِ أَصمَعُهُ

46. Beneath glory and above its halt,
Trying to avoid fate, though it was intent to meet it.

٤٦. دونَ المُجِدِّ وَفَوقَ مَهزِلُهُ
مُستَغرِزٌ لِلكَرِّ مُزمِعُهُ

47. So the swooping ones, desiring it, caught up with it
The angry, secondary feathers subduing it.

٤٧. فَلَحِقنَهُ هُبّى وَقَد طَمِعَت
غَضبانُ ثاني الجيدِ أَخضَعُهُ

48. It inclines its forelegs away from a herd,
A truth-teller whose quick spear-thrust hurried it.

٤٨. يَنحو لَها الرَوقَينِ عَن سَرَبٍ
صَدقٌ بِجَلحِ الطَعنِ مُسرِعُهُ

49. So you see it has greedy hopes and mounts it
And man is reddest where his hopes lie.

٤٩. فَتَرى لَها طَمَعاً فَتَركَبُهُ
وَالمَرءُ أَحمَرُ حَيثُ مَطمَعُهُ

50. So it had talons among which were
Spurts of blood from the belly that gushed from it.

٥٠. فَلَهُ بَراثِنُ بَينَها وَبِها
نَضحٌ مِنَ الأَجوافِ تَدسَعُهُ

51. And the burdened one saw that its luck had
Departed ominously and it met a loss that lopped it off.

٥١. وَرَأى المُكَلَّفُ طَيرَهُ بَرَحَت
نَحساً وَلاقى المَوتَ أَجدَعُهُ

52. And it was widowed with blood before it, as
The overtaking fulfilled its destiny and time of death.

٥٢. وَتَرَمَّلَت بِدَمٍ قَداماهُ وَقَد
أَوفى اللِحاقُ وَحانَ مَصرَعُهُ

53. And it went on a chest as if on it
Was a jinn wandering on it and scattering it apart.

٥٣. وَمَضى عَلى صَدرٍ كَأَنَّ بِهِ
جِنّاً يَطيفُ بِهِ وَيَنسَعُهُ

54. Like a bright star, humbled,
Lowering a barrier like the sparks of fire brandished from it.

٥٤. كَالكَوكَبِ الدُرِّيُّ مُسَّدِلاً
سَدّاً كَحِسِّ النارِ مَقمَعُهُ

55. And it tossed off its shoulders, and with them
Were flakes of pebbles flying and shooting from it.

٥٥. وَاِرفَضَّ عَن أَظلافِهِ وَبِها
فِلَقُ الحَصى وَيَطيرُ يَرمُعُهُ

56. Facing the direction of north for it
Was hobbling on its two forelegs, knocking it.

٥٦. مُستَقبِلاً وَجهَ الشَمالِ لَهُ
زَجَلٌ عَلى رَوقَيهِ يَقرَعُهُ

57. And it was as if its shanks strained
That its four not touch the ground.

٥٧. وَكَأَنَّما جَهَدَت أَلِيَّتُهُ
أَلّا تَمَسَّ الأَرضَ أَربَعُهُ

58. Woe to its mother, heavily laden with its packsaddle
And blameworthy, when its panic intensified!

٥٨. وَيلَ أُمِّهِ حَمِشاً بِصَعدَتِهِ
وَمُوائِلاً إِذ جَدَّ مَفزَعُهُ

59. And cursed is one who steps aside with smooth rocks
On an ignoramus, the twists of which wound it!

٥٩. وَمُلَعَّنٍ يَنأى بِسافِيَةٍ
غُفُلِ الصُوى حَدبٍ مُجَعجَعُهُ

60. A plateau whose waters wild cats roam around
Whose dens are its resting places.

٦٠. سُدمٌ مَناهِلَهُ تَهيمُ بِهِ
سِربُ القَطا الجَونِيِّ مَوقِعُهُ

61. They scattered in the areas of its watering hole
A mix of lark, which gathered.

٦١. نَفَرَت عَلى أَرجاءِ مَنهَلِهِ
خُلُطاً مِنَ الوُرّادِ يَجمَعُهُ

62. And the night had let down its locks
And morning is veiled, though it has two paths.

٦٢. وَاللَيلُ قَد أَلقى بَوانِيَهُ
وَالصُبحُ ذو طُرُقَينِ مَقنَعُهُ

63. So I uncovered one wearing strips of cloth
Dripping on its purity their loose ends.

٦٣. فَكَشَفتُ عَن ذي جَمَّةٍ عُصُباً
تَنزو عَلى بَرَّيهِ ضَفدَعُهُ

64. Then it bent its two knees and leaned
Supporting itself by the rocks to deceive it.

٦٤. فَثَنى لَهُ الرُكبَينِ ثُمَّ حَنا
فَاِستَدَّ بِالعَلباءِ أَخدَعُهُ

65. And it was as if its jugs had clashed
Against the boulder - this water he gulps and drinks.

٦٥. وَكَأَنَّما اِرتَجَسَت مَلاغِمُهُ
بِالصَخرِ هَذا الماءَ يَجرَعُهُ

66. So it inclined toward the jowl, so the thick hair
Inclined, and it almost cut it off.

٦٦. فَنَحا إِلى الحَيزومِ فَنَحا
الضَفيرُ وَكادَ يَقطَعُهُ

67. And I stayed its swaying, as it imagined
Buckets by which to pour it and forbid it.

٦٧. فَحَمَيتُ مُقلَتَهُ وَقَد وَهَمَت
دَولاً يَصَبُّ بِهِ وَيُمنَعُهُ

68. And it had in the wilderness some confusion
Distressed, angry, destructive in its desolation.

٦٨. وَغَدا لَهُ بِالبيدِ خَطرَفَةٌ
مُتَرَغِّماً غَضبانَ أَقدَعُهُ

69. Covering its claws, repeated
Is that which flutters over it, its flapping.

٦٩. تَكسو مَشافِرَهُ مُكَرَّرَةٌ
هَذا يَطيرُ عَلَيهِ خُرفُعُهُ

70. And some that are recalcitrant, stubborn, blessed
Perplexed, howling wherever its opening is.

٧٠. وَعُدولَةٍ عُنُدٍ مُبَرَّكَةٍ
حَيرانَ يَعوي حَيثُ مَشرَعُهُ