1. They see death below me, if they see me,
And a swarm of flies forms rows on his fangs.
١. يَرَونَ المَوتَ دوني إِن رَأَوني
وَصِلَّ صَفاً لِنابَيهِ ذُبابُ
2. Among the forbidden ones in the cave of Tuwd
Is that which the unclean may not approach.
٢. مِنَ المُتَحَرِّماتِ بِكَهفِ طَودٍ
حَرامٍ ما يُرامُ لَهُ جَنابُ
3. The lynx refused to tread its sanctuary,
Nor do the wolves range freely in it.
٣. أَبى الحاوونَ أَن يَطَئو حِماهُ
وَلا تَسري بِعَقوَتِهِ الذِئابُ
4. As though the blood of a prince is on its villages,
And its crevices are smeared with tar.
٤. كَأَنَّ دَماً أُميرَ عَلى قَراهُ
وَقَطراناً أُميرَ بِهِ كُبابُ
5. Whenever it makes loud cries, it displays
A tongue, below which death has built.
٥. إِذا ما اِستَجرَسَ الأَصواتَ أَبدى
لِساناً دونَهُ المَوتُ العُبابُ
6. Its days it spends in sleep and slumber,
And its outings are at dawn and dusk.
٦. يَظَلُّ نَهارَهُ نَوماً سُباتاً
وَنَزوَتُهُ طُمورٌ وَاِنسِيابُ
7. When the night clothes it in its darkness,
It creeps blindly, the cliffs scream at it.
٧. إِذا ما اللَيلُ أَلبَسَهُ دُجاهُ
سَرى أَصمى تَصيحُ لَهُ الشِعابُ
8. As though a locust hovered over it,
And the seeds scattered from it.
٨. كَأَنَّ جَرادَةً تَشَرَت عَلَيهِ
جَناحاً فَاِرتَدى مِنها الحُبابُ
9. Whenever it glances at someone,
For him there is no returning to life.
٩. مَتى ما يَرمِ عَن عَينَيهِ شَخصاً
فَلَيسَ إِلى الحَياةِ لَهُ إِيابُ