1. Patience fails him whose woes constrain him,
on the day of parting, and solace avails him naught.
١. لا الصّبرُ ناصرُهُ إن ضامه كمَدٌ
يومَ الرّحيل ولا السّلوانُ مُنجِدُه
2. No longer heeds he aught that might console him
when all eyes are sleeping what consoles them.
٢. فلم أطاع عذولاً ما يسهِّدُه
إذا غفا كلُ طرْفٍ ما يسهِّدُهُ
3. Has a gleam from my brother Kama beamed on me,
where love's ardour kindled in me now slackens?
٣. هل حلّ بالعَذْلِ لاحٍ من أخي كمَدٍ
ما ظلّ بالحبّ داعي الوجد يعقِدُه
4. But for pride and the lusts that it fosters,
His phantom that haunted me I had blamed.
٤. لولا الغُرورُ وما تجْني مطامِعُه
لذَمّ طيْفَ الكرى من باتَ يحمَدُه
5. Who sees not in things their essential nature
ere death, its sure goal, shall be his abode.
٥. وكلّ من لا يرى في الأمر مصدَرَهُ
قبل الوُرودِ أراهُ الحتْفَ مورِدُه
6. Like a wily foe our mighty lord deemed me,
letting me rest who against him was plotting.
٦. كحائنٍ ظنّ مولانا العزيز على
إمهالهُ مُهمِلاً من بات يرْصُدُه
7. Stedfast purpose no cowardice softens
when its aim is fixed and no weakness thwarts it.
٧. الصّادق العزمِ لا جبنٌ يريّثُه
إن رامَ أمراً ولا عجزٌ يفنّدُه
8. Daily his virtues reap a fresh guerdon
that dissipates all the wealth he dispenses.
٨. في كلّ يومٍ له حمدٌ يجمّعهُ
بما توخّاهُ من مالٍ يبدّدُه
9. Ceaseless bounty pours from him though complain
of it his intimates, and the abject envy it.
٩. جمُّ المواهبِ ما ينفكّ من سرَفٍ
لُجَينُه يشتكي منه وعسجَدُه
10. Floods of gifts like the rain he lavishes freely,
days whereof ne'er a trifler made mention.
١٠. غمْرُ الرِّداءِ وَهوبٌ ما حوته على ال
أيّام من طارفٍ أو تالدٍ يدُه
11. Grateful for gifts, as though it were he who gained them,
he gives thanks, as though it were he who received them.
١١. يعتدّ بالفضلِ للعافي ويشكرُه
كأنّ عافيهِ يحبوهُ ويرفِدُهُ
12. Sound in method and ordering, blest in their issue,
keen inthought, in perplexities skilful.
١٢. موفّقُ السّعي والتّدبيرُ منجِحُه
وثاقبُ الرّأي في الجُلّى مسدّدُه
13. Fine in counsel to all who attempt things,
biddable to them and a sure guide to them.
١٣. حسنُ الرّشادِ له فيما يحاولُه
من المقاصد هاديه ومُرشدُهُ
14. No shaft flies wide that his skill has directed,
when his mind's made up and his thought centred.
١٤. فما يَطيشُ له سهمٌ يفوّقُه
في كل ما يتحرّاهُ ويقصِدُه
15. When accounts tally, details flow smoothly,
and the ledger shines in the hand of its master.
١٥. إذا تماثلتِ الأحسابُ فاخرةً
أضاء في الحسَبِ الوضّاحِ محتِدُه
16. He bears two honours whose height claims all homage,
that no eye sees without a tear for its envy.
١٦. يُزْهى بجدّيْنِ أضحى سامياً بهما
فما ترى عينُه من ليس يحسُدُه
17. Ahmad, praise still shall increase what you merit
through your bounty, and bounty bring you fresh praise.
١٧. يا أحمدُ الحمدُ ما أصبحت تكسِبُه
بالفضلِ والفضلُ ما أصبحت توردُه
18. In the shade of your glory let your foes perish,
gnashing their teeth at the sight, and pine in despair!
١٨. ليَهْنِ مجدَك نُعمى ظلّ حاسدُها
يغيظُه ما رأى منها ويُكمدُه
19. To you is empire's train drawn, since God aided
none but yourself, none to compare, none to consort.
١٩. جاءتك تسحَبُ ذيلَ العزّ من ملِك
ما أيّد اللهُ إلا من يؤيّدُه
20. To you control of affairs leaned confiding
that trust is secure in one nobly descended.
٢٠. لم يلقَ غيرَك كُفؤاً يرتضيهِ لما
إليك أضحى من التّدبيرِ يُسندُهُ
21. Make your safeguard men's thanks, and preserve it,
note what report shall immortalize and bless you.
٢١. ألقى إليكَ زِمام الأمرِ معتقداً
أنّ الأمانةَ فيمن طاب مولدُه
22. By the rout of your foemen your prowess is proven,
after their wickedness failed and their might sank in night.
٢٢. فاجعَلْ عِياذَك شكرَ الناسِ تحرزُه
وانظرْ لنفسك من ذكرٍ تخلّدُه
23. They conspired to entrap you, but better betraying
was driven from them by happy emprise and right thought.
٢٣. وليَهْن جدَّك أعداءٌ ظفِرتَ بهم
وقد عراهم من الطّغيانِ أنكدُه
24. Each one of them all was by evil deserted,
when his plotting misled him and nothing achieved.
٢٤. نوَوْا لك المَكرَ غدراً فاستزلّ لهم
عن ذاك أيمنُ تدبيرٍ وأحمدُه
25. Naught did they threaten but swiftly you turned it,
reaping advantage where loss they conceived.
٢٥. من كلّ أخيبَ خانته مكايدُه
فيما نواهُ وأرداهُ تردّدُه
26. When their guile struck a spark, your good fortune
at once to dead ashes reduced it and quenched it.
٢٦. ما أبرموا الرّأيَ في سوء بغوْك به
إلا وعاد سحيلاً منك مُحصَدُه
٢٧. ولا ورى زندُ كيدٍ منهمُ أبداً
إلا وحدُّك بالإقبالِ يُصلِدُه