
By my father, whom I saw bending,

بأبي من رأيته يتثنى

1. By my father, whom I saw bending,
So pliant is he, binding and loosing,

١. بأبي من رأيته يتثنى
فهو من لينه يحل ويعقد

2. They envied his beauty and said,
"He limps," though the beautiful are ever envied.

٢. حسدوه على الجمال فقالوا
أعرج والمليح مازال يحسد

3. He's a bough, and beauty's in the bending bough,
Not in the upright, unresponsive tree.

٣. هو غصنٌ والحسن في الغصن النا
عم ما كان مائلاً يتأود