
Our minister has no habit

وزيرنا ليس له عادة

1. Our minister has no habit
Of granting favors and kindness

١. وزيرُنا ليسَ له عادةٌ
ببذلِ إفضالٍ وإحسانِ

2. He has made arrogance his motto
So he does not fulfill any human's right

٢. قد جعلَ الكِبْرَ شعاراً له
فليس يقْضي حقّ إنسان

3. If the sultan were rid of his arrogance
He would not refuse publicly

٣. لو سلِمَ السّلطانُ من كِبْرِه
عليه ما ردّ بإعلانِ

4. As if he did not come from the lost
Inheritor of Solomon's kingdom

٤. كأنّه لا كان من تيهه
مورّثٌ ملكَ سليمانِ

5. His doors are always closed
Without any loyal friends or guests

٥. أبوابُه مغلَقةٌ دائباً
من دون وُفّادٍ وضِيفانِ