
They blamed me and said, "O Khawilid, do not graze!"

رفوني وقالوا يا خويلد لا ترع

1. They blamed me and said, "O Khawilid, do not graze!"
So I said and denied the faces, they are they

١. رَفَوني وَقالوا يا خُوَيلِدُ لا تُرَع
فَقُلتُ وَأَنكَرتُ الوُجوهَ هُمُ هُمُ

2. So I counted something and ad-Daris is as if
A blossom from the lote tree shaking it

٢. فَعَدَّيتُ شَيئاً وَالدَريسُ كَأَنَّما
يُزَعزِعُهُ وِردٌ مِنَ المومِ مُردِمُ

3. Remember where is the escape? And I am
With the belt that saves from death, protected

٣. تَذَكُّرَ ما أَينَ المَفَرُّ وَإِنَّني
بِغَرزِ الَّذي يُنجي مِنَ المَوتِ مُعصِمُ

4. By Allah, not a cloak or tribe of Ma'an
Is more beloved, and no brace of intertwined rope

٤. فَوَاللَهِ ما رَبداءَ أَو عِلجُ عانَةٍ
أَقَبُّ وَما إِن تَيسُ رَبلٍ مُصَمِّمُ

5. And ropes were set up for a purpose it achieves
So sufficiency missed it, bundled up

٥. وَبُثَّت حِبالٌ في مَرادٍ يَرودُهُ
فَأَخطَأَهُ مِنها كِفافٌ مُخَزَّمُ

6. It makes the poets fall when they stand next to him
Like the falling of the overflowing embellished bottle

٦. يَطيحُ إِذا الشَعراءَ صاتَت بِجَنبِهِ
كَما طاحَ قِدحُ المُستَفيضِ المُوَشَّمُ

7. As if pure whiteness behind his arm
His coat of mail and the hot iron armor

٧. كَأَنَّ المُلاءَ المَحضَ خَلفَ ذِراعِهِ
صُراحِيُّهُ وَالآخِنِيُّ المُتَحَّمُ

8. You see him having outrun the archers as if
In front of the dogs, listening, dignified

٨. تَراهُ وَقَد فاتَ الرُماةَ كَأَنَّهُ
أَمامَ الكِلابِ مُصغِيَ الخَدِّ أَصلَمُ

9. With one more generous than I when I warded off an enemy
And he missed me behind the slope with arrows

٩. بِأَجوَدَ مِنّي يَومَ كَفَّتُّ عادِياً
وَأَخطَأَني خَلفَ الثَنِيَّةِ أَسهُمُ

10. The vanguards with the strong, firm bonds and he incited me
At the battlefield, stretching out both arms, stirred

١٠. أُوائِلُ بِالشَدِّ الذَليقِ وَحَثَّني
لَدى المَتنِ مَشبوحُ الذِراعَينِ خَلجَمُ

11. Remembering Dahil among us and he is a deserter
From the people, accusing him of wrongdoing and culpability

١١. تَذَكَّرَ ذَحلاً عِندَنا وَهُوَ فاتِكٌ
مِنَ القَومِ يَعروهُ اِجتِراءٌ وَمَأثَمُ

12. I almost did, having left behind the companions of advantage
At Hajar al-Shaghra from the strain, I endure

١٢. فَكِدتُ وَقَد خَلَّفتُ أَصحابَ فائِدٍ
لَدى حَجَرِ الشَغرى مِنَ الشَدِّ أُكلَمُ

13. My daughter says when she saw me in the evening
“You are safe!” And yesterday you almost did not survive

١٣. تَقولُ اِبنَتي لَمّا رَأَتني عَشِيَّةً
سَلِمتَ وَما إِن كِدتَ بِالأَمسِ تَسلَمُ

14. And were it not for holding firm, my wife would have woken
To choose from her suitors and she is a widow

١٤. وَلَولا دِراكُ الشَدِّ قاظَت حَليلَتي
تَخَيَّرُ مِن خُطّابِها وَهِيَ أَيِّمُ

15. So she would sit or accept instead of me a successor
And an orphan almost on that day became bereft

١٥. فَتَقعُدُ أَو تَرضى مَكاني خَليفَةً
وَكادَ خِراشٌ يَومَ ذلِكَ يَيتَمُ