
I swear by God, I'll ne'er forget Zuhair

ولا الله لا أنسى زهيرا

1. I swear by God, I'll ne'er forget Zuhair
Though hosts of years and friends I've lost and missed

١. وَلا اللَهِ لا أَنسى زُهَيراً
وَلَو كَثُرَ المَرازي وَالفُقودُ

2. My soul refuses to forget that peer
When wintry blasts have made my skin resistant

٢. أَبى نِسيانَهُ فَقري إِلَيهِ
وَمَشهَدُهُ إِذا اِربَدَّ الجُلودُ

3. And when the penetrating spears draw near
Midst cutting edges keen and unrelenting

٣. وَذِمَّتُهُ إِذا قَحَمَت جُمادى
وَعاقَبَ نَوءَها خَصَرٌ شَديدُ

4. By God! No coat of mail shall save or cheer
When war brings perils great and unpreventing

٤. وَلا وَاللَهِ لا يُنجيكَ دِرعٌ
مُظاهَرَةٌ وَلا شَبحٌ وَشيدُ

5. Nor shall the freshest youth escape the bier
Amid those trackless wastes where death is haunting

٥. وَلا يَبقى عَلى الحَدَثانِ عِلجٌ
بِكُلِّ فَلاةِ ظاهِرَةٍ يَرودُ

6. Though pierced by lances, yet he showed no fear
But bravely galloped on, the bold, undaunted

٦. تَخَطّاهُ الحُتوفُ فَهوَ جَونٌ
كِنازُ اللَحمِ فائِلُهُ رَديدُ

7. Next day he marched where storms of death blew near
And fate assailed him with its weapons dreaded

٧. غَدا يَرتادُ في حَجَراتِ غَيثٍ
فَصادَفَ نَوءَهُ حَتفٌ مُجيدُ

8. Next day he marched upon the battlefield
Though foemen's shafts flew swift as lightnings threaded

٨. غَدا يَرتادُ بَينَ يَدَي قَنيصٍ
تُدافِعُهُ سَفَنَّجَةٌ عَنودُ

9. Stout camels trained that naught their speed could yield
Unless caparisoned and riders goaded

٩. جَمومٌ نَهدَةٌ ثَبتٌ شَظاها
إِذا رُكِبَت عَلى عَجَلٍ تَصيدُ

10. He curbed them, then upon the foe impelled
And turned him in retreat, by fear bested

١٠. فَأَلجَمَها فَأَرسَلَها عَلَيهِ
وَوَلّى وَهُوَ مُنتَفِدٌ بَعيدُ

11. As though between them when the war-clouds swelled
A deadly wind swept by, the soft sands shifting

١١. كَأَنَّ المَروَ بَينَهُما إِذا ما
أَصابَ الوَعثَ مُنتَقِفاً هَبيدُ

12. He followed till his thirst for vengeance quelled
He pierced him with his sword--its edge blood-dripping

١٢. فَأَدرَكَهُ فَأَشرَعَ في نَساهُ
سِناناً حَدُّهُ حَرِقٌ حَديدُ

13. He fell upon his brow. Thus fate dispelled
His years. Fleeting is each life's brief equipping.

١٣. فَخَرَّ عَلى الجَبينِ فَأَدرَكَتهُ
حُتوفُ الدَهرِ وَالحَينُ المُفيدُ