
As if the youth of Hanzala sought refuge

كأن الغلام الحنظلي أجاره

1. As if the youth of Hanzala sought refuge
With a lice-infested Omani woman whose hair was unkempt

١. كَأَنَّ الغُلامَ الحَنظَلِيَّ أَجارَهُ
عُمانِيَّةٌ قَد عَمَّ مَفرِقَها القَملُ

2. You spent the night at your watch-post and then killed him
Wrongfully, thus did sorrow afflict you

٢. أَباتَ عَلى مِقراكَ ثُمَّ قَتَلتَهُ
عَلى غَيرِ ذَنبٍ ذاكَ جَدَّبكَ الثُكلُ

3. Is he anything more than his clothes and weapons?
You have no need to strip him naked or dismiss him

٣. فَهَل هُوَ إِلّا ثَوبُهُ وَسِلاحُهُ
وَما بِكُم عُريٌ إِلَيهِ وَلا عُزلُ

4. He called his people when his sanctity was violated
While in their absence the honor of the weak was as worthless as sand

٤. دَعا قَومَهُ لَمّا اِستُحِلَّ حَرامُهُ
وَمِن دونِهِم عَرضُ الأَعِقَّةِ فَالرَملُ

5. Had they heard their cry that would have terrified them
When the horses came, their eyes pools

٥. وَلَو سَمِعوا مِنهُم دُعاءً يَروعُهُم
إِذا لَأَتَتهُ الخَيلُ أَعيُنُها قُبلُ

6. Running steeds past the people and the spears
The lashes of the whips, the spearheads and the kicks

٦. شَواحِيَ يَمرِيهِنَّ بِالقَومِ وَالقَنا
فُروعُ السِياطِ وَالأَعِنَّةُ وَالرَكلُ

7. Then every doubter would have come to him, his weapon unsheathed
To help him on the day of tribulation, his sinewy forearm bared

٧. إِذاً لَأَتاهُ كُلُّ شاكٍ سِلاحُهُ
يُعانِشُ يَومَ البَأسِ ساعِدُهُ جَدلُ

8. Had he sought protection with his neighbor Salma or asked him for refuge
The winds of Banu Sa'd would have driven back the unlucky bird

٨. فَلَو كانَ سَلمى جارَهُ أَو أَجارَهُ
رِياحُ بنُ سَعدٍ رَدَّهُ طائِرٌ كَهلُ

9. You would have seen the seekers of favors crowding his door
Rushing to it as bees fly eagerly to honey

٩. تَرى طالِبي الحاجاتِ يَغشَونَ بابَهُ
سِراعاً كَما تَهوى إِلى أُدَمى النَحلُ