
They were hostile to us, no doubt about that,

عدونا عدوة لا شك فيها

1. They were hostile to us, no doubt about that,
Yet we left them as loved ones or enemies.

١. عَدَونا عَدوَةً لا شَكَّ فيها
وَخِلناهُم ذُؤَيبَةَ أَو حَبيبا

2. So we provoke the rebels with them and say,
"Healing the soul is to ignite wars."

٢. فَنُغرى الثائِرينَ بِهِم وَقُلنا
شِفاءُ النَفسِ أَن بَعَثوا الحُروبا

3. As if when they became hostile, I tucked
At the end of my mantle a taloned hawk.

٣. كَأَنّي إِذ عَدَوا ضَمَّنتُ بَزّي
مِنَ العِقبانِ خائِتَةً طَلوبا

4. The crime of an assailant in the head of a tall one
You see gathering bones for a cross.

٤. جَريمَةَ ناهِضٍ في رَأسِ نيقٍ
تَرى لِعِظامِ ما جَمَعَت صَليبا

5. It saw a prey bird on the ground so tucked
Into its beak feathers, gentle and fine.

٥. رَأَت قَنَصاً عَلى فَوتٍ فَضَمَّت
إِلى حَيزومِها ريشاً رَطيبا

6. It met it with a polished forehead
So it clashed between its eyes, pure white.

٦. فَلاقَتهُ بِبلقَعَةٍ بَرازٍ
فَصادَمَ بَينَ عَينَيها الجَبوبا

7. We prevented the enemy of the Bani Hannif
And the armored allies and sons of Sha’ob.

٧. مَنَعنا مِن عَدِيِّ بَني حُنَيفٍ
صِحابَ مُضَرِّسٍ وَاِبنَي شَعوبا

8. So they praised, “O Bani Shijaa, well done!”
And the right of the Sha’ob's sons is to reward.

٨. فَأَثنوا يا بَني شِجعٍ عَلَينا
وَحَقُّ اِبنَي شَعوبٍ أَن يُثيبا

9. In the morning, ask Sabra the Shijai about us
When we were separated, seeking asylum.

٩. فَسائِل سَبرَةَ الشِجعِيَّ عَنّا
غَداةَ تَخالُنا نَجواً جَنيبا

10. That the foremost ape had cast
The garment on him as he crept away.

١٠. بِأَنَّ السابِقَ القِردِيَّ أَلقى
عَلَيهِ الثَوبَ إِذ وَلّى دَبيبا

11. And if it were not for us, Suhaib would have exhausted him,
The sword of truth, vanquished, defeated.

١١. وَلَولا نَحنُ أَرهَقَهُ صُهَيبٌ
حُسامَ الحَدِّ مَذروبا خَشيبا

12. With it we leave the short one in his hands
Cowering, his evil shrinking, despised.

١٢. بِهِ نَدَعُ الكَمِيَّ عَلى يَدَيهِ
يَخِرُّ تَخالُهُ نَسراً قَشيبا

13. In the morning he called the Bani Shijaa and fled,
Biting his lip, not calling a respondent.

١٣. غَداةَ دَعا بَني شِجعٍ وَوَلّى
يَؤُمُّ الخَطمَ لا يَدعو مُجيبا

14. Perhaps you will benefit me one day, O Uro,
When I dwell under the graves.

١٤. لَعَلَّكَ نافِعي يا عُروَ يَوماً
إِذا جاوَرتُ مِن تَحتِ القُبورِ