
I guess, though I don't know, that I'm saying

أظن ولا أدري وإني لقائل

1. I guess, though I don't know, that I'm saying
Perhaps the curly-haired boy will recite

١. أَظُنُّ وَلا أَدري وَإِنّي لَقائِلٌ
لَعَلَّ الغُلامَ الحَنظَلِيَّ سَيُنشَدُ

2. When an opponent comes dressed like warriors
Wearing long robes and girded with belts

٢. إِذا جاءَ خَصمٌ كَالحِفافِ لَبوسُهُم
سَوابِغُ أَبدانٍ وَرَيطٌ مُعَضَّدُ

3. You dispute a people whose response you don't meet
Yet the hand has taken from your moustache's tip

٣. تُخاصِمُ قَوماً لا تَلَقّى جَوابَهُم
وَقَد أَخَذَت مِن أَنفِ لِحيَتِكَ اليَدُ