
I was sleepless with grief that assaulted me after slumber

أرقت لهم ضافني بعد هجعة

1. I was sleepless with grief that assaulted me after slumber
Over Khalid, so my eyes are ever tearful.

١. أَرِقتُ لِهَمٍّ ضافَني بَعدَ هَجعَةٍ
عَلى خالِدٍ فَالعَينُ دائِمَةُ السَجمِ

2. Whenever my eyes remember him, weeping drowns them,
And they overflow with blood from their sadness.

٢. إِذا ذَكَرَتهُ العَينُ أَغرَقَها البُكى
وَتَشَرَقَ مِن تَهمالِها العَينُ بِالدَمِّ

3. So they passed the night watching the stars, sickened eyes,
For what had exalted them and accustomed them to sorrow and illness.

٣. فَباتَت تُراعي النَجمَ عَينٌ مَريضَةٌ
لِما عالَها وَاِعتادَها الحُزنُ بِالسُقمِ

4. And after fortune had cast me down with a casting down
That made my body stray and my bones tremble,

٤. وَما بَعدَ أَن قَد هَدَّني الدَهرُ هَدَّةً
تَضالَ لَها جِسمي وَرَقَّ لَها عَظمي

5. And after my bones were penetrated by disease,
A malady settled on my body,

٥. وَما قَد أَصابَ العَظمَ مِنّي مُخامِرٌ
مِنَ الداءِ داءٌ مُستَكِنٌّ عَلى كَلمِ

6. And it became clear from me, because of the grief that had smitten me,
That I was wan of face, laden with cares,

٦. وَأَن قَد بَدا مِنّي لِما قَد أَصابَني
مِنَ الحُزنِ أَنّي ساهِمُ الوَجهِ ذو هَمِّ

7. Intensely sorrowful, revealing pallor, as if I were
A brother to demons whom madness possesses in body,

٧. شَديدُ الأَسى بادي الشُحوبِ كَأَنَّني
أَخو جِنَّةٍ يَعتادَهُ الخَبلُ في الجِسمِ

8. For lack of a man in whose neighborhood no neighbor would settle
And who was not complained of for estrangement and injustice.

٨. بِفَقدِ اِمرىءٍ لا يَجتَوي الجارُ قُربَهُ
وَلَم يَكُ يُشكى بِالقَطيعَةِ وَالظُلمِ

9. He would requite the ignorant with forbearance and reproof
And was never abusive to a neighbor, however faulty.

٩. يَعودُ عَلى ذي الجَهلِ بِالحِلمِ وَالنُهى
وَلَم يَكُ فَحّاشاً عَلى الجارِ ذا عَذمِ

10. He was not harsh, severing kinship,
But kept kinship joined, merciful and compassionate.

١٠. وَلَم يَكُ فَظّاً قاطِعاً لِقَرابَةٍ
وَلكِن وُصولاً لِلقَرابَةِ ذا رُحمِ

11. When you reproached others, you forgave
With superior virtue and knowledge.

١١. وَكُنتَ إِذا ساجَرتَ مِنهُم مُساجِراً
صَفَحتَ بِفَضلٍ في المُروءِ وَالعِلمِ

12. When you said something, you did it,
Closing men's mouths, resolute and decisive.

١٢. وَكُنتَ إِذا ما قُلتَ شَيئاً فَعَلتَهُ
وَفُتَّ بِذاكَ الناسَ مُجتَمِعَ الحَزمِ

13. If you have met your death and its changes,
You lived praised for your character and forbearance,

١٣. فَإِن تَكُ غالَتكَ المَنايا وَصَرفُها
فَقَد عِشتَ مَحمودَ الخَلائِقِ وَالحِلمِ

14. Noble in your splendid deeds, beloved
For your copious generosity, faultless.

١٤. كَريمَ سَجِيّاتِ الأُمورِ مُحَبَّباً
كَثيرَ فُضولِ الكَفِّ لَيسَ بِذي وَصمِ

15. You enjoyed the scent of the sword flash like a mid-morning breeze,
Far from corruption and sour temperament.

١٥. أَشَمَّ كَنَصلِ السَيفِ يَرتاحُ لِلنَّدى
بَعيداً مِنَ الآفاتِ وَالخُلُقِ الوَخمِ

16. You gathered such deeds that some of them suffice
For great forbearance, kindness, and bounty.

١٦. جَمَعتَ أَموراً يُنفِذُ المَرَّ بَعضُها
مِنَ الحِلمِ وَالمَعروفِ وَالحَسَبِ الضَخمِ

17. Death came to you while your youth still flourished,
For death has no regard for guarding the soul.

١٧. أَتَتهُ المَنايا وَهوَ غَضٌّ شَبابُهُ
وَما لِلمَنايا عَن حِمى النَفسِ مِن عَزمِ

18. Every man one day surely travels to death,
By a decree, when the promised time has come, decisively executed.

١٨. وَكُلُّ اِمرىءٍ يَوماً إِلى المَوتِ صائِرُ
قَضاءً إِذا ما حانَ يُؤخَذُ بِالكَظمِ

19. No living being has delayed his day
Beyond those who went before to the grave.

١٩. وَما أَحَدٌ حَيٌّ تَأَخَّرَ يَومُهُ
بِأَخلَدَ مِمَّن صارَ قَبلُ إِلى الرَجمِ

20. There will come to those who remain a day like the one
That came to those who passed away under the compulsion of Fate.

٢٠. سَيَأتي عَلى الباقينَ يَومٌ كَما أَتى
عَلى مَن مَضى حَتمٌ عَلَيهِ مِنَ الحَتمِ

21. I will not forget him, though long his absence,
For after him, life no longer has any taste for me.

٢١. فَلَستُ بِناسيهِ وَإِن طالَ عَهدُهُ
وَما بَعدَهُ لِلعَيشِ عِندي مِن طَعمِ