
My friends, I have lost sleep and slumber

خليلى إنى قد أرقت ونمتما

1. My friends, I have lost sleep and slumber
Are you two awake in Al-'Is at night?

١. خَليلىَّ إِنّى قَد أَرِقتُ ونِمتُما
فَهَل أَنتُما بالعِيسِ مُدَّلِجَانِ

2. They said: You slept then called us
While we are drowsy young men

٢. فقالا أَنِمتَ اللَّيلَ ثُمَّ دَعَوتَنَا
ونحنُ غُلاَما نَعسَةٍ حَدَثَانِ

3. So get up wherever you wish, we are where we desire
And if you want revelry with us, we are ready

٣. فَقُم حَيثُ تَهوى إِنَّنا حَيثُ نَشتهى
وإِن رُمتَ تَعرِيسابً بِنَا غَرِضانِ

4. My friends, I have recovered from lovesickness
And you two have healed from the evils of youth

٤. خَليلىَّ مِن أَهلِ اليَفاعِ شُفِيتُمَا
وعُوفِيتُماَ مِن سَيّىءِ الحَدَثانِ

5. Come on, may God bless you, take me
To Al-Qara'a then leave me

٥. أَلا فَاحمِلاَني باركَ اللهُ فيكما
إِلى حاضرِ القَرعَاءِ ثُمَّ دَعَاني

6. You both have descended on Al-Shaqqiqah
A just arbitrator between passion and chastity

٦. مُتَيِّمتايَ حَلَّتا بشَقِيقَةٍ
مَنصِّفَةٍ بَينَ اللِّوى وقِرَانِ

7. My friends, restrain the twisted tongues and know
That I have no effort left, so leave me

٧. خَليلىَّ كُفَّاالألسُنَ العُوجَ وَاعلما
مِنَ العِلمِ أَن لاَجُهدَ بي وَذَرَانى

8. I have deliberated the matters, know that
I am aware of myself and the youths for a while

٨. وإِنّى تَدَبَّرتُ الأُمُورَ وَاعلما
بِنَفسىَ والفٍِتيَانِ مُنذُ زَمَانِ

9. I do not blame a friend, nor do I find
A confidant and the one who chats equal

٩. فلم أُحفِ باللَّومِ الرَّفيقَ ولَم أَجِد
خَلِيَّا ولاَذَا البَثِّ يَستَوِيَانِ

10. God's servants, am I not living righteously
Until the two assemblages are gathered

١٠. أَحَقًّا عِبَادَ اللهِ أَن لَستُ مَاشِياً
بِمرحَابَ حتّى يُحشَرَ الثَّقَلاَنِ

11. Nor am I heedless, spending the whole night
With fair ladies, their breasts intoxicating me

١١. ولاَ لاَهِياً يَوماً إِلَى اللَّيلِ كُلِّهِ
بِبيضٍ لَطيفاتِ الخُصُورِ رَوانى

12. They seduce us until our minds are led astray
And mix obvious desires with hidden ones

١٢. يُمَنّينَنا حتّى تَزِيغَ عُقُولُنَا
ويَخلِطنَ مَطلاً ظاهِراً بلَيانِ

13. The love of Umm Al-Ghamr is but my nature
May God protect me from it, then guide me

١٣. وما حُبُّ أُمِّ الغَمرِ إِلاّ سَجِيَّةٌ
عليها بَرانى اللهُ ثُمَّ طَوَانِى

14. Guide me away from loving her and my nature
Yes, the haughty scorn me

١٤. طَوَانِى عَلًَى حُبٍّ لها وسَجِيَّةٍ
أَجَل وأُنوفُ الكاشحينَ عَوَانِى

15. They prevent our passionate souls from desire
When our hearts are inclined towards them

١٥. نَذُودُ النُّفُوسَ الحائماتِ عَنِ الهوى
إِذا كان قَلبانا بِنَا يَرِدَانِ

16. They turn the lovers away from the water springs after
Seven or eight dry years have passed

١٦. ذِيادَ الصَّوَادِى عَن قِرى الماءِ بَعدَما
مضى والفَلا سَبعٌ لَها وثَمانِ

17. If only Umm Al-Ghamr would stay
At Tathleeth or at Al-Khatt in Oman

١٧. ولَو أَنَّ أُمَّ الغَمرِ اَمسَت مُقيمةً
بِتَثليثَ أَو بالخَطِّ خَطِّ عُمانِ

18. I wish that God would unite us
However He wills in this life, so we meet

١٨. تَمَنَيَّتُ اَنَّ اللهَ جامعُ بَينِنا
بما شَاءَ فى الدُّنيَا فَمُلتَقِيَانِ

19. And we would be a generous group, pure amongst us
Protecting it with good companionship

١٩. وكنّا كَرِيمَى مَعشَرٍ حُمَّ بينَنا
تَصَافٍ فَصُنّاهُ بِحُسنِ صِوَانِ

20. It will remain and not fade, be hidden and not seen
So they would not know about our matter clearly

٢٠. سَيَبقى ولا يَبلى ويَخفى ولا يُرى
فَما عَلِموا من أَمرِنَا بِبَيَانِ

21. Among the people there are two who owe me
Great debts - if they willed they would have finished me

٢١. مِنَ النَّاسِ إنسانانِ دَينى عليهما
مَلِيّانِ لَو شاءا لَقَد قَضَيَانِى

22. My friend, Umm 'Amr is one of them
As for the other, do not ask me

٢٢. خَليلىَّ أَمّا أُمُّ عَمروٍ فمنهما
وأَمّا عَنِ الأُخرَى فَلاَ تَسَلاَنِى

23. They are unjust, wronging me
With their beauty which has deceived me

٢٣. مَنُوعانِ ظلاّمانِ لا يُنصِفَانِنى
بِدَلَّيهما وَالحُسنِ قَد خَلَبانِى

24. The white skin and eyes, luxury has fed them
Bounty and life dwelling in neighborhoods

٢٤. مِنَ البيضِ نَجلاَ والعُيُونِ غَذَاهما
نَعيمٌ وعَيشٌ ضارِبٌ بِجِرَانِ

25. They remain until people think I
Have been finished, but no, by God, they did not finish me

٢٥. يَظَلاّنِ حَتّى يَحسِبَ النّاسُ أَنّنى
قُضِيتُ ولاَ واللهِ مَا قَضَيَانِى

26. Each day you obsess over her lands
With eyes that are love sick

٢٦. أَفِى كلِّ يَومٍ أَنتَ رَامٍ بلادَهَا
بِعَينَينِ إِنسَاناهما بالهَمَلاَنِ

27. When my eyes tear up, my friends say
Indeed, your eyes are love sick

٢٧. إِذا اغرَورقَت عَينَايَ قَالَ صَحابتى
لَقَد أُولِعَت عَينَاكَ بالهَمَلاَنِ

28. If my companions did not chide me for mentioning her
I would roam from dwelling to dwelling

٢٨. وإِن لَم يُنازِعنى رَفيقاىَ ذِكرَهَا
تَجَوَّيتُ مِن مِطوَىَّ واجتَوَيانى

29. I obeyed you until my clan hated me
And my chief shunned me from his gathering

٢٩. أَطَعتُكِ حَتى أَبغَضَتنى عَشِيرتي
وأَقصَى إِمَامِي مَجلسِى وجَفانِى

30. And I risked myself for you until you shot me
With hot arrows where you shot me

٣٠. ورامَيتُ فيكِ النَّفسَ حَتّى رَمَيتنِنى
مَعَ النّابلِ الحَرّانِ حَيثُ رَمَانى

31. The greatest loss from you has departed or travelled
So it was clear without wrongdoing or hatred

٣١. وأكبرُ فَقدٍ مِنكِ قَد رَاحَ أَو غَدَا
فَبَانَ بلا ذَنبٍ وَلاَ شَنآنِ

32. I bid him farewell then turned away as if
I was impenetrable, unaffected by the sorrows of youth

٣٢. فَوَدّعتُهُ ثُمَّ انصَرَفتُ كأنَّنى
سُدىً لم تُصِبنى لَوعَةُ الحَدَثَانِ

33. Perhaps the sin remains with him in his view
So you will be punished for it if the time is delayed

٣٣. لَعَلَّكِ أَن يَبقى لكِ الذَّنبُ عِندَهُ
فَتُجزَى بهِ إِن اُخِّرَ الأَجَلانِ

34. By the life of my father Ashma'a, estrangement heals
A foot I see that long separation has healed me

٣٤. لَعَمرُ أَبي أَشماءَ والنَّأىُ يشتفى
لَقِدماً أَرَى الهَجرَ الطَّوِيلَ شَفَانى

35. My friend, concealed love has cracked my enclosure
So how can I conceal love, can you tell me?

٣٥. خَليلىَّ مَكُنُونُ الهوى صَدَع الحَشا
فكيفَ بمَكنونِ الهوى تَرَيانِ

36. Love has made my body unlike any other body
Soft, though I speak with my tongue

٣٦. بَرَى الحبُّ جِسمى غَيرَ جُثمانِ أَعظُمي
بَلِينَ وإنّى ناطِقٌ بِلسانِى

37. Shall I guide the evening visitors
To a drinking place other than what they seek?

٣٧. أَلاَ هَل أدُلُّ الوارِدَينِ عَشِيَّةً
عَلَى مَشرَبٍ غَيرِ الّذِى يَرِدَانِ

38. To an easy, cooling drinking place
Drawn not where they draw

٣٨. عَلَى مَشرَبٍ سَهلِ الشَّرِيعَةِ بارِدٍ
هُوَ المُستَقَى لا حَيثُ يَستَقِيانِ

39. For the water they seek
I have owed religious debts for a long time

٣٩. فإنَّ عَلَى الماءِ الّذِى يَرِدَانِهِ
غَرِيماً لَوَانى الَّدَّينَ مُنذُ زُمَانِ

40. Smooth cheeked, twisted hairlock, good complexion
He has endless charms and wishes

٤٠. لَطِيفَ الحَشا عَبلَ الشَّوَى طَيِّبَ النَّثا
لهُ عِلَلٌ ما تَنقَضِى وَأَمانى

41. If I were scourged for it, I would be patient
If I were chained, I would not stop being devoted

٤١. لَوَ أنّى جُلِدتُ الحَدَّ فيهِ صَبَرتُهُ
وَقُيِّدتُ لم أَملَل مِنَ الرَّسَفانِ

42. So pass by and say we are seeking something
And return saying we are leaving

٤٢. فَمُرّا فَقُولاَ نحنُ نطلُبُ حاجةً
وعُودَ فَقُولاَ نحنُ مُنصَرِفَانِ

43. If there is reward in estrangement, then
The reward in estrangement has passed, O youths

٤٣. لَئِن كَانَ فى الهِجرانِ أَجرٌ لقَد مَضَى
لىَ الأجرُ فى الهِجرانِ يافَتَيَانِ

44. By God, I do not know which of the lovers
Is more patient with what is between us

٤٤. فَوَاللهِ مَا أَدرِى أكلُّ ذَوِى الهَوى
عَلَى ما بنا أم نحنُ مُتَلَيانِ

45. We are well known, it is agreed upon us
To meet those we do not desire to win

٤٥. وَإِنّا لمشهورانِ مُؤتَمَرٌ بنا
بُلقيانِ مَن لا نَشتَهِى ظَفِرَانِ

46. We are of different tribes, yet we
Have not lived to meet for that

٤٦. وَإِنّا لَمِن حَيَّينِ شَتَّى وَإِنَّنا
عَلَى ذَاكَ ما عِشنَا لَمُلتَقِيانِ