1. When by the guards of the cultivated field do pass, give thou salutation;
And if from seeking his steed's wonted range he swerve,
١. أَلِمَّا بِحَرسٍ ذِى الزُّرُوعِ فَسَلِّمَا
وَإن كانَ عن قَصدِ المَطِيِّ يَجورُ
2. Yet there are, by the guards of the cultivated field, fair women,
And in converse with them thy spirit revives.
٢. فَإنَّ بِحَرسٍ ذِى الزُّرُوعِ لِنِسوَةً
فُؤَدُكَ فى تَكليمِهنَّ يُحُورُ