
No Bedouin woman thrown by the turns of fate

وما وجد أعرابية قذفت بها

1. No Bedouin woman thrown by the turns of fate
Far from the place she never thought she'd be

١. وَما وَجدُ أَعرابِيّةٍ قَذَفَت بِها
صُرُوفُ النَّوى مِن حَيثُ لَم تَكُ ظَنَّت

2. Longed for the tents of her people, or a tent
In Nejd, but was denied what she longed for.

٢. تَمَنّت أَحالِيبَ الرِّعاءِ وخَيمةً
بِنَجدٍ فَلَم يُقدَر لَها ما تَمَنَّتِ

3. When she recalls pure water, its taste,
And the chilled pebbles from deep cisterns, she moans

٣. إِذا ذَكَرَت ماءَ العِضاهِ وطِيبَهُ
وَبَردَ الحَصَى مِن بَطنِ خَبتٍ أَرَنَّتِ

4. With greater torment than mine, though my soul
Roasts within me for what it has moaned for.

٤. بِأَعظَمَ منِّى لَوعَةً غَيرَ أَنَّنِى
أجَمجِمُ أَحشائِى على ما أَجّنَّتِ

5. The winds that once carried a traveler between us
Have slackened and slept.

٥. وَكانَت رِياحٌ تَحملُ الحاجَ بَينَنَا
فَقَد بَخشلَت تِلكَ الرِّياحُ وَضَنَّتِ