
Zainab approached, the riders halting

طرقتك زينب والركاب مناخة

1. Zainab approached, the riders halting
Between the soft sands and the dripping dew.

١. طَرَقَتكَ زَينَبُ وَالرِّكابُ مُناخَةٌ
بَينَ المَخارمِ وَالنَّدَى يَتَصَبّبُ

2. By the valley of standards, here once more,
After the bustards took flight and the locust swarmed.

٢. بِثَنِيَّةِ العَلَمَينِ وَهناً بَعدَ مَا
خَفَقَ السِّماكُ وَعَأرضَتهُ العَقرَبُ

3. Greetings and honor to your imagination,
Greetings and honor, a warm welcome!

٣. وَتَحِيَّةٌ وكَرَامةٌ لِخَيالِها
وَمَعَ التَّحيَّةِ وَالكَرَامَةِ مَرحَبُ

4. How did you find your way, who guided you to us
When our burdens are few and our hopes unsure?

٤. أنِّى اهتَدَيتِ وَمَن هَداكِ ودُونَنا
حَمَلٌ فَقُلَّةُ عالِجٍ فالمَرقَبُ

5. You claimed your people deterred you from me
Yet my people are kinder and more desirous.

٥. وَزَعَمتِ أَهلَكِ يَمنَعُونَكِ رَغبَةً
عَنّى فَقَومِى بى أَضَنُّ وأَرغَبُ

6. Have I no kin, that you shun me,
They will flock to me, I who am sought?

٦. أَوَ لَيسَ لِى قُرَبَاءُ إِن أَقصَيتِنى
حَدَبُوا عَلَىَّ وَعِندِىَ المُستَعتَبُ

7. If you draw near, modestly I'll approach,
If you distance, what's behind me is wider.

٧. فَلَئِن دَنَوتِ لأََدنُوَنَّ بِعِفَّةٍ
وَلَئِن نأَيتِ لَمَا وَرَائى أَرحَبُ

8. Your affection refuses to let me fall short,
A mind I live by and reflect I perturb.

٨. يَأبَى وَجَدِّكِ أَن أَكونَ مُقَصِّراً
عَقلٌ أَعِيشُ بِهِ وَرَأيٌ قُلَّبُ