1. Tears flowed from your eyes, a home turned desolate
By a torrent of grief washed away are its dwellers
١. مَرَى الدَّمعَ مِن عَينَيكَ دارٌ مُحِيلَةٌ
بِفَيضِ الحَشا تَسفِى عَلَيها دَبُورُها
2. Once a flock of doves were there, among them
No emir left that would part them when far he wandered
٢. عَهِدتُ بِها سِرباً أُمَيمَةُ فِيهِمُ
وَلَم يَدعُ بِالبَينِ المُشِتِّ أَمِيرُهَا
3. I stood and sent greetings but no response came
No words uttered, though looked for in puzzlement
٣. وَقَفتُ فَأَقرَأتُ السَّلامَ فَلَم تُبنِ
جَواباً وَلَم تُعرِب لِمَن يَستَحِيرُهَا
4. Make its intent an easily bound scroll that ties
Like a ship’s plank its pages and leaves in order
٤. فَحَمِّل نَوَاها عَنسَلاً شَمَّرِيَّةً
يُشَدُّ عَلَى مِثلِ السَّفِينَةِ كُورُها
5. When she grew arrogant I bound it fast
If she sniffed the stallion or showed her zeal
٥. شَدَدتُ عَلَيها الرَّحلَ لَمَّا تَكَبَّرَت
عَلَى الفَحلِ أَو أَبدَى اللِّقاحَ خُطُورُها
6. She feared the whip's blow, never ceasing to be
As if inside her were devils to startle her
٦. إذَا هِىَ خَافَت خَفقَةَ السَّوطِ لَم تَزَل
كَأَنَّ بِها لَمّاتِ جِنٍّ تُطِيرُهَا
7. My doves guard against powers rent asunder
The hounds of hatred prowl, evade their savagery
٧. أُمَيمُ احفِظى نَقضَ القُوَى إِن تَذَمَّرَت
كٍلابُ العِدَى دُونِى وَهرَّ عَقُورُهَا
8. No estrangement will breach a pact I have sealed
If those who would change it tire of savagery
٨. وَلَن يَنقُضَ الهِجرَانُ عَقداً عَقَدتُهُ
إِذا مَلَّ مِن نَقضِ القُوَى مَن يُغِيرُهَا
9. My doves will this world return us to one day
Or else, how can its former ways be hoped for?
٩. أُمَيمُ أَما الدُّنيا بِعائِدةٍ لَنا
كَما قَد مَضَى أَم كَيفَ يُرجَى كرُورُهَا