1. O Peace! Slanted peace! Tell us when you will fulfill your promise and speak the truth to us
And if you slight me, then for the sake of connection when you are stoned with doubts
١. أَلاَ يا سَلمَ عُوجِى تُخبِرِينَا
مَتَى تُمضِينَ وَعدَكِ وَاصدُقِينَا
2. I am trustworthy with your secret, lest I suffer from what you entrusted me, distressed
So there is none like me excused with wishes, nor quenched with a cup of the heedless
٢. وَإِن صَرَّمتِنِى فَلِمثلِ وَصلِى
إِذا رَجَّمتُ بِالغَيبِ الظُّنونَا
3. And none like me who agrees with a friend, if his affection were skills
Except my peace like a gazelle of the sand, except for its buttocks and what adorned the innocent
٣. أَمِيناً عِندَ سِرِّكِ أَن يُعَانَى
بِما استَودَعتِنى حَصِراً ضَنِينَا
4. And a branch raised in the meadows from it, and the beauty of supple and sturdy ankles
A horse of flank not nursed as an infant at its teats, and did not carry a fetus
٤. فَلا مِثلِى يُعَلَّلُ بِالأَمانِى
وَلا يُسقَى بِكأسِ المُترَفِينَا
5. And no strained honey in a glass is as delightful in taste to the drinkers
Than the saliva of Peace when the wine skins are tied by the revelers
٥. وَلاَ مِثلِى يُوَافِقُهُ خَلِيلٌ
إذا كانَت مَوَدَّتُهُ فُنُونَا
6. Without knowledge of it except yearning, privately gazing upon the wishers
Lo! O you arrogant with pride! Come! Lo! Let me tell you the certainty!
٦. فَسَلمَى مِثلُ شاء الرّملِ إِلاّ
ذَوَائِبَها وما حُلِىَ البُرِينَا
7. For if you are arrogant and do not believe your words an indication to the askers
And if you are arrogant without reason with which you refute the words of the nullifiers
٧. وَدِعصاً رابِياً فِى المِرطِ مِنها
وحُسنَ الدَّلِّ وَالكَعبَ الدَّفِينَا
8. Then Khath'am has signs of blessing, guides to guidance, a clear light
And of the signs of your Lord that you see us satisfied with the dwellings of the tribes
٨. حَصَانُ الجَنبِ لَم تُرضِع صَبِيَّا
بِثَديَيهَا وَلَم تَحمِل جَنِينَا
9. And if you see among us a poor man, guesting the wealth of other tribes
And that the neighbor sprouts in our midst, and we hasten to the dwellings for the arrivers
٩. وَمَا عَسَلٌ مُصَفّىً فِى زُجَاجٍ
بِرَاحٍ لَذَّةٍ لِلشَّاربِينَا
10. And we will not accompany a traveling group of a people, nor companions of prisons ever living
And they would mix with us, except we parted from them, preferring graciousness
١٠. بِاَطيَبَ مَوهِناً مِن رِيقِ سَلمَى
إِذا عَصَبَ الكَرَى بِالسَّامِرينَأ
11. And of the signs of your Lord decisive ones, what we studied and what we forgot
Caves from knights and dogs, and Amr who admits and complains to us
١١. بِلا عِلمٍ بِهِ إِلاّ افتِياقا
خَلاءً مَنظَرَ المُتَأَمِّلِينَا
12. That Al-Hayy deserted them for a bit, their limit confusing the confused
Nights alive, grinding dogs with effort, yet they are not terminating
١٢. أَلاَ يا أَيُّها المُعتَدُّ فَخراً
هَلُمَّ أَلاَ أُخَبِّرُكَ اليَقينَا
13. And it was playing until we met, so it was stern and we were the players
And it deserted us, its knights and footmen, with the blowing wind, not pillowed
١٣. فَإِنَّكَ إِن فَخَرتَ وَلَم تُصَدِّق
حَدِيثَكَ آيةً لِلسَّائِلِينَا
14. While we remain above a trace, with the rapacious birds contending
As if on its cheek and plaited hair were from the comets poured a draught
١٤. وِإنَّكَ إِن فَخَرتَ بِغَيرِ شَيءٍ
تَرُدُّ بِهِ حَديثَ المُبطِلِينَا
15. As if the birds were stationed over them, an army of the blacks' gloom
While we hold back the steeds, they bolted with the youths of morn, forewarning
١٥. فَإِنَّ لِخَثعَمٍ آياتِ نُعمَى
أَماراتِ الهُدَى نوراً مُبينَا
16. From the confronting handle, theirs is Mars, to the two water-bearers water-pouring
So we reached the fog, and they had wished meeting us, desiring
١٦. وَمِن آياتِ رَبِّك أَن تَرَانَأ
بِمَسكَنَةِ القَبائِلِ مارَضِينَأ
17. They lead the looting, so our knights deserted them like the outstretched arms
We missed the steeds stumbling in their channels, frowning like the wheezing, newly bridled
١٧. وَإِنَّكَ إِن تَرَى منّا فَقيراً
يُضيفُ غِنىَّ قَومٍ آخَرِينا
18. Traversing `Amir until we took the people of As-Sudayf at dawn
At At-Tahina as if the eggs amongst it were stars of night or pores of floods
١٨. وَإِنَّ الجَارَ يَنبُتُ فى ثَرَانَا
ونُعجِلُ بالقِرَى لِلنَّازِلِينا
19. With the striking of Jimar's lightening, striking and stabbing, windows
From the impregnable castles, so we camped with them until we cut
١٩. وِإنّا لَن نُصاحِبَ رَكبَ قَومٍ
وَلاَ أَصحابَ سِجنٍ ما حَيِينَأ
20. Their tent ropes, which we had reached, a spring
Three months until the tribes of Hawazin altogether submitted
٢٠. فَيَختلِطُوا بِنا إِلاّ افتَرَقنَا
عَلَيهِم بِالسَّماحَةِ مُفضِلينَا
21. To the hiddenness of their abode, striking and looting, voracious, not doubling over
We left `Amir and the two sons of Shutayr, and Shaghala busy with the swords, confused
٢١. وَمِن آياتِ رَبِّكَ مُحكَماتٍ
مَواثِلَ مَادَرَسنَ وَما نَسِينَا
22. And we killed Hazzan the gambler, and left the son of Huzaah humbled
And al-`Abbas the brother of Ru'ayl whose hand we cut
٢٢. مَغَاوِرُ مِن فَوارِسَ مِن كِلابٍ
وَعَمرٍو يَعتَرِفنَ وَيَشتَكِينَا
23. With the white sword of Lahzam from it the sparks flew
And in Anas is resistance and another fled from Umm Hamat, her affairs distracted
٢٣. بِأَنَّ الحَىَّ خَثعَمَ غادَرَتهُم
كَلِيلاً حَدُّهُم مُتَضَعضِعِينا
24. And they were patient with the channel and steeds until they climbed it honorably, excusing
While we strike with every anger guiding the white and the ringed fortress
٢٤. لَيالِيَ عامرٌ تَلحَى كِلاباً
عَلَى جَهدٍ وَلَيسُوا مُؤتَلِينَا
25. With the whip of Ukhtrub striking, we left Shanu'ah thereafter submissive
And the knights of Thaqif came to give victory then
٢٥. وكانَ مُلاعِباً حَتَّى التقَينَا
فَجَدَّ بِهِ وَكُنَّا اللاّعِبِينَا
26. When they faced us, they surrendered them and fled to a side from it quickly
And we orphaned Rabi'ah from his father, and with ash-Shadakh we cried the eyes
٢٦. وَغادرَنا فَوارِسَهُ وَرِعلاً
بِفَيفِ الرِّيحِ غَيرَ مُوَسَّدِينَا
27. And we killed Sarah of Bani Jihash, and burdened their women with children
And the two Akhnas together we struck with the white of every bone quaking
٢٧. وَنَحنُ التّارِكُونَ عَلَى سَلِيلٍ
مَعَ الطَّيرِ الخَوامِعَ يَعتَرِينَا
28. So we left them as meat over which the returning eagles circle and meet
And we pursued the channel regarding the two sons of Dukhan, and they had presented themselves peaceably to us
٢٨. كأَنَّ بِخَدِّهِ وَالجِيدِ مَنهُ
مِن الجِريالِ مَحلُوباً رَقِينَا
29. And regarding their extremities until we returned with it bloodied, rolling
So the day of Al-Qarn, a thousand of Qays had positioned themselves, thirty
٢٩. كأنَّ الطَّيرَ عاكِفَةً عَلَيهِم
جُنُودٌ مِن سَوادِ الأَعجَمِينَا
30. They held out, then departed regretting
And the people counted their killed, and they were over what we counted, multiplying
٣٠. وَنَحنُ الوازِعُونَ الخَيلَ تَردَى
بِفِتيانِ الصَّباحِ المُعلِمِينَا
31. And of them is Khalid whose hands fell, and Hamat of Jabir when we were active
And Abraha the son of Sabbah whose companions we gathered, the tyrannizing
٣١. مِنَ السَّندِ المُقَابِلِ ذَا مُرَيخٍ
إِلَى السّاقَينِ ساقَى ذِى قِضِينَا
32. And of their killed were Qatan and Ghanyy in shackles contorting
And we saved tribes who used to be compelled, taking from them brown and grey camels
٣٢. فَأَدرَكنَا الضِّبابَ وَقَد تَمَنَّوا
لِقاءَ الجَمعِ مِنّا مُشتَهِينَا
33. And we hastened to `Amr of Bani Zubayd, so Najah the fugitive saved him
And we led his mother until we paired her to two ranks from Juhyan hating
٣٣. يَسُوقُونَ النِّهابَ فَغَادَرَتهُم
فَوَارِسُنا كَشَختِ العَاضِدِينَا
34. To the necks, then they disputed her, dragging her fetus
And the day of Al-Qa' we came from Saffan, Bakil and Hashid assembling
٣٤. فَقُدنا الخَيلَ تَعثُرُ فى قَناها
عَوَابِسَ كَالسَّعالِى قَد وجِينَا
35. And we came in the vanguard of Tahoon for it ringing that deafens the hearers
As if the neighing of our camel-loads upon them were the neighing of fire igniting the thickets
٣٥. تَخَطَّى عامراً حَتَّى أَصَبنَا
بِهِ أَهلَ السّديفِ مُبصَبِّحِينَا
36. Their zeal for the white castles poured, and we follow them until they withdraw
With polished swords the jinn wetted, with their hands refining the steel
٣٦. بِطاحِنةٍ كأَنَّ البِيضَ فيها
نُجُومُ اللَّيلِ أَو نقب البِلينَا
37. And from he who transgressed the Law, when he trespassed, we tore the crown of the transgressors
So we clothed his body in coarse wool, from the Indian twisted for years
٣٧. بِبُرقَةِ جامرٍ ضَرباً وطَعناً
نَوَافِذَ مِن حُصُونِ الدَّارِعِينَا
38. And the tribes learnt of us in Ma'add and Yemen the curing of the unjust
That we are the aggressors when angry, and we are the preferrers when content
٣٨. فَعَسكَرنا بِهِم حَتَّى قَطَعنا
عَدامِلَ قَد وَرَدناها مَعينَا
39. That we do not die, even if we are overcome, upon the high-ground, except advancing
And that we are truthful when we boast, extravagant above the boast of the boasters
٣٩. ثَلاثَةَ أَشهُرٍ حَتّى استَجَبنا
شُعُوباً مِن هَوازِنَ أَجمَعِينَا
40. With a legacy the truth clarifies from it, and invalidates the lies of the embellishers
It encompassed what is between the coast of the extremity of Qays, to the edges except the circling
٤٠. بِسُرَّةِ دَارِهِم ضَرباً وَنَهباً
جَوَانِحَ ما ثَأرنَ وَلا ثُنِينَا
41. For it are brigades, if we assaulted with their zeal all the multitudes together and even the jinn unwillingly deserted them for the first bout against them quaking
The Age of Idolatry until the Messenger of God established among us, honest and trustworthy
٤١. تَرَكنا عامِراً وابنَى شُتَيرٍ
وَشَغلَى بِالسُّيُوفِ مُرَعبَلِينا
42. So when the religion of Truth became mighty among us, we turned its sharpness to the disbelievers
And we killed the kings of Rome until we lived where they lived
٤٢. وَهَزّانَ المقامر قَد قَتلَنا
وَغادَرنا ابنَ هُوذَةَ مُستَكِينَا
43. And we sent its brigades so it ransacked the strongholds of polytheism and the polytheists
٤٣. وعبّاساً أخا رعلٍ قَطَعنا
بِأَبيَضَ لَهذَمٍ مِنهُ الوَتِينَا
٤٤. وَفِى أَنَسٍ معانِدَةٌ وَأُخرَى
فَرَت عَن أُمَّ هامَتِهِ الشُّؤُونَا
٤٥. وَقَد صَبَرُوا القَنا والخَيلَ حَتَّى
عَلَوناها كِرَاماً مُعذِرِينَا
٤٦. وَنَحنُ الضَّارِبُونَ بِكُلِّ عَضبٍ
يَقُدُّ الَبيضَ وَالحَلَقَ الحَصِينَا
٤٧. بِشَطَّى أَخرُبٍ ضَرباً تَرَكنا
شَنُوءَةَ بَعدَهُ مُتَخَشِّعِينَا
٤٨. وَأَقبَلَتِ الفَوَارِسُ مِن ثَقِيفٍ
لِنَصرٍ عِندَ ذَلِكَ مُجلِبِينَا
٤٩. فَلمَّا واجَهُونا أَسلَمُوهُم
وَهَابُوا جانِباً مِنها زَبُونَا
٥٠. وأَيتَمنَا رَبِيعَةَ مِن أَبيهِ
وَبِالشَّدّاخِ بَكَينَا العُيُونَا
٥١. وَقَتَّلنَا سَرَاةَ بَنِى جِحَاشِ
وَأَثكَلنَا نِسَاءَهُمُ البَنِينَا
٥٢. وَهَامَ الأَخنَسَينِ مَعاً ضَرَبنَا
بِبِيضِ كُلِّ عَظمٍ يَختَلِينَا
٥٣. فَغَادَرناهُمُ لَحماً عَلَيهِ
عَوَائِدُ يَختَلِفنَ ويَلتَقِينَا
٥٤. وَأَتبَعنَا القَنَا فِى ابنَى دُخَانٍ
وقَد عَرَضُوا لَنَا مُستَلئِمِينَا
٥٥. وَفِى أَشيَاعِهِم حَتَّى انثَنَينَا
بِعَالِيهِنَّ مَخضُوباً دَهِينَا
٥٦. فَيَومَ القَرنِ نَصَّت أَلفَ قَيسٍ
ثَلاثُونَا فأَجلَوا نَادِمِيناَ
٥٧. وَعَدَّ النَّاسُ قَتلاَهُم وَكانُوا
عَلَى مَا عُدَّ مِنَّا مُضعِفِينَا
٥٨. وَمِنهُم خَالِدٌ طاحَت يَدَاهُ
وَهَامَةُ جَابِرٍ لَمّا انتُضِينَا
٥٩. وَأَبرَهَةُ بنُ صَبّاحٍ فَجَعنَا
بِهِ أَصحَابَهُ المُتَجَبِّرِينَا
٦٠. وَمِن قَتَلاهُمُ قَطَنٌ وَمِنهُم
غَنِىٌّ فِى كُماةٍ مُقعَصِينَا
٦١. وأَنقَذنا قَبائلَ كان يجَبِى
يُحابِرُ مِنهُمُ حُمراً وَجُونَا
٦٢. وَأَسرَعنا لَعَمرِو بَنِى زُبَيدٍ
فأَحرَزَهُ نَجاءُ الهارِبِينا
٦٣. وَقُدنا أُمَّهُ حَتَّى قَرَنّا
بِها صَفَّينِ مِن حِزَقٍ حَوِينَا
٦٤. إِلَى الأَعناقِ ثُمَّ تَنازَعاهَا
بِرجلَيها يَجُرَّانِ الجَنِينَا
٦٥. وَيَومَ القاعِ مِن سَفّانَ جاءَت
بَكِيلُ وحاشِدٌ مُتَأَلِّبِينَا
٦٦. وَجِئنا فِى مُقَدَّمَةٍ طَحُونٍ
لها زَجَلٌ يُصِمُّ السّامِعِينَأ
٦٧. كأَنَّ هَرِيرَ حَملَتِنا عَلَيهِم
هَرِيرُ النّارِ أَشعَلَت العَرِينَا
٦٨. تَطَايَحُ هامُهُم بالبِيضِ شَتَّى
وُنتبِعُهُنَّ حَتَّى يَنثَنِينَا
٦٩. بِأَسيافٍ سَقَتهَا الجِنُّ مَلساً
بأَيدِيها وَأَخلَصَتِ المُتُونَا
٧٠. وَعَن ذِى مهدَمِ لَمَّا تَعَدَّى
مَزَقنا تاجَ مُلكِ المُعتَدِينا
٧١. فأَشعَرنا حَشاهُ زَعبِيّاً
مِنَ الهِندىِّ مَطرُوراً سَننِينَا
٧٢. وَقَد علِمَ القَبائِلُ مِن مَعَدٍّ
وَذِى يَمَنٍ شِفاءِ الجائِرِينَا
٧٣. بِأَنّا المُعتَدُونَ إِذا غَضِبنا
وأنّا المُفضِلُونَ إِذا رَضِينَا
٧٤. وأَنّا لا نَمُوتُ وَلَوغُشِينَا
عَلَى العِلاّتِ إِلاّ مُقبِلِينَا
٧٥. وَأَنَّا صادِقُونَ إِذا فَخَرنَا
بَذَخنا فَوقَ بَذخِ البَاذِخِينا
٧٦. بِمَأَثَرَةٍ يُبِينَ الصِّدقُ عَنها
وَيُبطِلُ بِدعَةَ المُتَأَشِّبِينَا
٧٧. حَمَت ما بَينَ حَرَّةِ فَرعِ قَيسٍ
إِلَى الأًفراطِ إِلاّ الصّائِفِينَا
٧٨. لَها مِنها كَتائِبُ لَو رَمَينَا
بِطَمحَتِها جُمُوعَ العَالَمِينا
٧٩. معاً وَالجِنَّ طَوعاً غادَرَتهُم
لأَوَّلِ وَقعَةٍ مِنهُم طَحِينَا
٨٠. زَمانَ الشِّركِ حَتَّى قامَ فِينَا
رَسُولُ اللهِ مَرضِيّا أَمِينَا
٨١. فَلمّا عَزَّ دِينُ الحَقِّ فِينَا
صَرَفنا حَدَّها لِلكافِرينَا
٨٢. وَقَتَّلنا مُلُوكَ الرُّومِ حَتَّى
سَكَنّا حَيثُ كانُوا يَسكُنُونَا
٨٣. وَقَدَّمنا كَتائِبَها فَجَاسَت
مَواخِيرَ الفُجُورِ المُشركينَا