1. My friends, visit Umaymah and bid her farewell
Let my eyes feast on her or tears of my heart flow
١. خَلِيلىَّ زُورا بِي أُمَيمَةَ فاجلُوَا
بِها بَصَرِى أو غَمرةً مِن فُؤَادِيا
2. For too long has she shunned me, I seek to please
Not people's contentment but my own wishes
٢. فَقَد طالَ هِجرَانِي أُمَيمَةَ أَبتَغِي
رِضَى النَّاسِ لا أَلقَى مِنَ النّاسِ راضِيَا