
I obeyed the Americans by cutting off my rope

أطعت الآمريك بقطع حبلى

1. I obeyed the Americans by cutting off my rope
Show them with their loved ones the same

١. أَطَعتِ الآمِرِيكِ بِقَطعِ حَبلِى
مُرِيهِم فِى أَحِبَّتِهِم بِذَاكِ

2. If they obey you, then obey them
And if they disobey you, disobey those who disobeyed you

٢. فَإن هُم طاوعُوكِ فطَاوِعِيهِم
وَإِن عَاصَوكِ فاعصِى مَن عَصَاكِ

3. By the dancing girls in every valley
And those who prayed at Naʿmān al-Arāk

٣. أَمَا وَالرَّاقِصاتِ بِكُلِّ فَجٍّ
وَمَن صَلَّى بِنَعمانِ الأراكِ

4. Indeed I have harbored love for you in my heart
And I have not harbored any love other than yours

٤. لَقَد أَضمَرتُ حُبَّكِ فِى فُؤَادِى
وَما أَضمَرتُ حُبّاً مِن سِواكِ