1. You asked about a singing slave girl whose trailing gowns
The winds had swept along in long trains,
ูก. ุฃูุณูุฃูุชู ู
ูุบููู ุฏูู
ููุฉู ููุทููููุงู
ุฌูุฑููุช ุจูุง ุนูุตููู ุงูุฑูููุงุญู ุฐููููุง
2. Breakers surging up over a smooth expanse of sand
With the swell of seas and a towering wave.
ูข. ููุทูุนุงู ุชูู
ููุฌู ุนูููู ุงูู
ูุชุงูู ุจุญุงุตูุจู
ููุฌู ุงูุญูุจูุงุจู ููุนุงุตููุงู ู
3. She paid me thanks with a graceful inclination
After my heart had nearly swooned from fear.
ูฃ. ููุซูููู ุนูููู ุตูุจุงุจุฉู ุนูุฑููุงูููุง
ูู ุจูุนุฏู ู
ุง ููู
ูู ุงูููุคูุงุฏู ุฐููููุง
4. I saw damsels around her like shy gazelles,
Prance in silk raiment of varied hues.
ูค. ูููููุฏ ุฑูุฃูุชู ุจููุง ุฃูููุงููุณู ูุงูุฏููู
ููุฑููููู ูู ุณูุฑููู ุงูุญุฑูุฑ ููุถูููุง
5. Then they turned away without saying, by my life,
Anything but โfarewellโ and words of kindness,
ูฅ. ุซูู
ูู ุงูุชูุญูููู ููููู
ููููููู ููู ุจูุง
ุฃูุฎููููู ุฅููุงู ุฌูุงุฆุฒุงู ููุฌูู
6. The conversation flowed on smoothly like the passing round of a drinking bowl
With glittering facets in ever-changing hands,
ูฆ. ุธูููู ุงูุญูุฏููุซู ูู
ุง ุชูุณูุงูู ุฑููููุฉู
ุตูุฑูุงู ู
ูุดูุนุดูุนุถุฉู ุงูุฒููุฌูุงุฌู ุดูู
7. A sun others shunned, whose coldness left all hearts frozen,
My own heart melting without loss of life,
ูง. ุดูู
ูุณุงู ููุฏูุนูู ุฐูููู ุงูุฌููุงุฏูุฉู ููููููู
ุฐูุฑููู ุงูููุคุงุฏู ูู
ุง ููุฏูููู ููุชููุง
8. And seeing the killing of Muslims as lawful to them,
Seeking no blood-price or weregild.
ูจ. ูููุฑูููู ููุชูู ุงูู
ููู ุจูุง ุฏูู
ุญููุงูู ููููููู ููู
ูุง ุทูููุจูุถ ุฐูุญูููุง
9. Umaymah strayed bewildered, toying with her,
An intriguing riddle, an obscure conundrum.
ูฉ. ุทูุฑูููุช ุฃูู
ูุฉู ูุงุฆู
ุงู ููุนูุจูุช ุจูู
ููููุตู ุชูุญูุณูููู ุณูุจุณูุจุงู ู
10. So I was wakeful on her account though I had not been
Wakeful or inclined to long vigils before.
ูกู . ููุฃุฑููุชู ูููุณููุงุฑูู ุฅููููู ููููู
ุฃูุฑููุงู ููููู
ุฃููู ูููููู
ู ุฑูุญููุง
11. How did you find your way to me when desire's remoteness
Allowed no means for the eager to meet?
ูกูก. ุฃูููู ุงูุชูุฏููุชู ููููู
ููุฏูุน ููุฃูู ุงูููููู
ูุงููุงุดุญููู ุฅููู ุงููููููุงุกู ุณูุจูููุง
12. A fair one whose necklace of bliss hath conferred on her youth,
A neckring of pearl you would think was silver mixed with gold.
ูกูข. ุจููุถูุงุกู ูููููุฏููุง ุงููููุนูู
ู ุดูุจูุงุจูููุง
ุฑููุฏุงู ุชูุฑูู ููู ุฎููููููุง ุชูุจุชููุง
13. As if the morning air from Khuzam's valley had mingled
With the fragrance of a meadow filled with basil.
ูกูฃ. ููุฃูููู ุฑูููุง ู
ูู ุฎูุฒุงู
ูู ุฎุงูุทุช
ุฑููุญูุงูู ุฑููุถู ูุฑูุงุฑุฉู ู
14. Whenever the south wind brought us a scent from Umaymah
It was as if musk were mingled with cooling camphor.
ูกูค. ุฑูููุง ุฃูู
ูุฉู ูููููู
ุง ุฃููุฏู ููุง
ู ุงูุฑูููุงุญู ู
ููู ุงูุฌููุจู ุฃูุตูููุง
15. With lips whose delicious wetness was like that of a cup
Where the pure liquid is tempered with chilled wine.
ูกูฅ. ุนูู ุจุงุฑุฏู ุนูุฐุจู ุงููููุซุงุชู ุฑูุถุงุจููู
ูุงูุนูุฐุจู ุฎุงูุทู ุจุงุฑุฏุงู ู